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Created April 8, 2019 12:20
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class: center middle

Prompts in the interview process

class: center middle

What to expect when you're expecting (a technical interview)

There are technical things...

  • algorithms, e.g. impelement mergesort

  • concept questions, e.g. what is closure

  • code analysis, e.g. what does this code print

  • project code spelunking, e.g. tell me about this function you wrote for your project

  • coding challenge, e.g. build an app that allows users to create and share quizzes

  • logic / reasoning puzzles, e.g. how many golf balls fit in a bus

  • architecture, e.g. design battleship

...there are non-technical things:

  • culuture fit questions, e.g. what drew you to us in particular

  • experiences questions, e.g. tell me about a time when...

  • scenarios, e.g. your PM meets with your team of eight to lay out a new feature you'll be buiding, and she tells you the deadline is in one month, but to you it sounds like it'll take a minimum of 2 months

Good technique across the board (a)

  • have fun! bring curiosty, enthusiasm, and joy

  • treat interviewer as collaborator/friend — remember they want to hire you

  • be candid, don't b.s.

  • focus on what you do know, not what you don't

Good technique across the board (b)

  • ask for silent thinking time if you need it

  • engage your interviewer as much as possible (as little unplanned silence as possible)

  • "breadth first" approach: break problems up into sub problems and solve each of those—e.g. you implement mergesort by doing:

  function mergeSort (arr) {
    const halves = splitInHalf(arr);
    const sortedLeft = mergeSort(halves[0]);
    const sortedRight = mergeSort(halves[1]);
    return mergeInOrder(sortedLeft, sortedRight);

Things will go wrong

  • remember how many times something went wrong learning / building something at Fullstack, remember you evolved past it

  • commiserate ~> re-hash ~> learn ~> adapt (what doesn't kill you makes you stronger)

  • reach to others (including your peers and me)

class: center middle

A Bestiary of Common Prompts


  • often involve a whiteboard


  • focus on talking through it

Why do interviewers do this?

  • they're trying to see how you think
  • how you approach problems
  • what's in your neural database
  • a sort-of simlulated pair-programming / teamwork environment
  • what you're like without your fancy tools

Concept questions

  • domain knowledge (trivia)

  • focus on what you do know

  • use examples

  • use metaphors

Why do interviewers do this?

  • probe the depth of your understanding
  • can indicate passion for the technology
  • communication skills

Code analysis

  • debug, analyze, refactor some code they give you

  • reasoning >> truth

Why do interviewers do this?

  • your job will involve looking at code you didn't write
  • probe the depth of your understanding
  • what your reasoning looks like

Project code spelunking

  • questions about code you've written

  • if they ask you about things you didn't do

  • be honest

  • if you can elaborate / explain what's happening, do

  • offer another spot that you worked on

Why do interviewers do this?

  • validate your contribution
  • tangible sense of you as a programmer
  • try to get a sense of project planning / management

Coding challenge

  • usually given mid-interview

  • done by yourself asynchronously over the course of day(s)

  • try to stand out

  • don't solve all sorts of problems they don't ask for

  • tests!

  • insides >> outsides

  • time management can be tough

Why do interviewers do this?

  • free work
  • work ethic / initiative / meeting deadlines
  • a lot like spelunking, but more standardized

Logic / reasoning puzzles

  • solve this riddle

  • sometimes there'll be a "right" answer, other times not

  • if you get this, rejoice, because you can explore the problem

Why do interviewers do this?

  • somebody can stand out without "domain" knowledge
  • looking for how "bright" is this person
  • how does this person think about problems
  • probing for reasoning abilities
  • maybe they're a bit too into themselves


  • high-level planning, often involves zero coding

  • may involve mentioning tools / libraries

  • ask a lot of questions, interviewers will mean different things when they say something like "design battleship"

  • think about Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)

  • think about UX flows

  • think about needs and the tools that solve those needs

Why do interviewers do this?

  • less "mechanical" more "abstract" top-level thinking
  • how data flows in an application
  • there's a difference between a "programmer" and an "software engineer"
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