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Created December 12, 2018 16:06
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// Write a function that takes in a string made up of brackets
// ("(", "[", "{") and other optional characters. The function should
// return a boolean representing whether or not the string is balanced
// in regards to brackets. A string is said to be balanced if it has as many
// opening brackets of a given type as it has closing brackets of that type
// and if no bracket is unmatched. Note that a closing bracket cannot
// match a corresponding opening bracket that comes after it. Similarly,
// brackets cannot overlap each other as in '[(])'
// HINT 1
// If you iterate through the input string one character at a time, there are
// two scenarios in which the string will be unbalanced: either you run into a
// closing bracket with no prior matching opening bracket or you get to the
// end of the string with some opening brackets that haven't been matched.
// Can you use an auxiliary data structure to keep track of all the brackets
// and efficiently check if you run into an unbalanced scenario at every iteration
// Hint2
// Consider using a stack to store opening brackets as you traverse the string.
// The last-in-first-out property of the stack should allow you to match
// any closing brackets that you run into against the most recent opening
// bracket, if one exists, in which case you can simply pop it out of the stack. How can you check that there are no
// unmatched opening braces
// once you've finished traversing the string?
// O(n) time and O(n) space where n is the length of the input array.
const balancedBrackets = string => {
const openingBrackets = '([{';
const closingBrackets = ')]}';
const matchingBrackets = {
')': '(',
'}': '{',
']': '[',
const stack = [];
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if (openingBrackets.includes(string[i])) {
} else if (closingBrackets.includes(string[i])) {
if (stack.length === 0) {
return false;
if (stack[stack.length - 1] === matchingBrackets[string[i]]) {
} else {
return false;
return stack.length === 0;
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