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// Xcode 11b1
struct Clamped<Value: Comparable> {
private var storage: Value
private var clamp: (Value) -> Value
init(min: Value, max: Value, initialValue: Value) {
let clampingFunction = { ($0...$0).clamped(to: min...max).lowerBound } = clampingFunction(initialValue)
self.clamp = clampingFunction
var value: Value {
get { storage }
set { = clamp(newValue)
extension Clamped where Value: FixedWidthInteger {
init(min: Value, initialValue: Value) {
self.init(min: min, max: Value.max, initialValue: initialValue)
init(max: Value, initialValue: Value) {
self.init(min: Value.min, max: max, initialValue: initialValue)
struct Example: CustomStringConvertible {
/// Soon possible after beta1:
// @Clamped(min: 0)
// var positive: Int = 0
/// In the meantime:
@Clamped(min: 0, initialValue: 0)
var positive: Int
@Clamped(min: 10, max: 20, initialValue: 0)
var tenToTwenty: Int
@Clamped(min: -1.0, max: +1.0, initialValue: 0)
var adjustment: Double
var description: String {
positive: \(positive)
tenToTwenty: \(tenToTwenty)
adjustment: \(adjustment)
var ex = Example()
ex.positive = -4
ex.tenToTwenty = 15
ex.adjustment = 0.5
ex.positive = +7
ex.tenToTwenty = 25
ex.adjustment = -2.5
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