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Created May 10, 2023 17:47
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Generate typings for selectors
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
function main(p: number): string {
function create(prefix: string, join = ", "): string {
return Array(p)
.map((_, i) => `${prefix}${i + 1}`)
function create2(): string {
return Array(p)
.map((_, i) => `ParametricSelector<S${i + 1}, P${i + 1}, R${i + 1}>`)
.join(", ");
function create3(): string {
return Array(p)
.map((_, i) => `res${i + 1}: R${i + 1}`)
.join(", ");
const S = create("S");
const P = create("P");
const R = create("R");
const selectors = create2();
const combiner = create3();
return `
// ${p} selectors
export function createSelector<${S}, ${P}, ${R}, T>(
selectors: [${selectors}],
combiner: (${combiner}) => T
): OutputParametricSelector<${create("S", " & ")}, ${create("P", " & ")}, T, (${combiner}) => T>;`;
const fileData = [
`/* eslint-disable */
import {ParametricSelector, OutputParametricSelector} from "reselect";
declare module "reselect" {`,
for (let i = 14; i <= 21; i++) {
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "reselect.d.ts"), fileData.join("\n"));
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