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Last active January 2, 2018 04:36
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DB-Indexes for selected paper-clusters
license: mit


The 500 most cited or all accessible papers from the following journals where downloaded, and there citation records accessed:

analytical journals:

  • Mind
  • Analysis
  • Philosophical Quarterly
  • Ethics

continental journals:

  • Continental Philosophy Review
  • Journal of Speculative Philosophy
  • Constellations
  • Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology

The citation data was stripped to the cited authors. The resulting documents where tokenized - divided into single words. Then it was determined for every paper if it contained any of the found names.

Paper Nr. Heidegger Ryle ...
1 1 0 ...
2 1 0 ...
3 0 1 ...

These resulting examples where clustered with a K-means-Algorithm. The Davies-Bouldin-Indexes for this Clustering are shown above. A low index indicates good clustering, which means that the clusters have high internal consistency and are very different to each other So we can say that the hypothesis of two clusters (eg. analytic and continental philosophy) seems not particulary merited (DB = 8.6), expecially when compared to 7 clusters, which yields a DB of 6.92.

forked from MNoichl's block: DB-Indexes for selected paper-clusters

k DB W
2.0 8.615821506268905 9.689455603922553
3.0 8.372683745091003 9.613802707240781
4.0 8.060323505815674 9.560900214038929
5.0 7.554504049059224 9.493703031235166
6.0 7.2756812254733925 9.447811112043595
7.0 6.923465652878521 9.405677164477725
8.0 7.334561607266986 9.373500004392408
9.0 6.940523517981654 9.351522900176995
10.0 7.010046258819619 9.290545797722556
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