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Created March 23, 2018 02:28
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Scatterplot basic
license: mit
id cluster x y
1.0 cluster_0 -1.9079458769869453 -2.075060780587529
2.0 cluster_0 -0.5841304990049297 -0.6007408163785174
3.0 cluster_6 -0.2790426197660639 0.03734857396908692
4.0 cluster_2 -0.7609497859141965 0.4067527003258465
5.0 cluster_6 -0.06616626436110884 -0.044042032906473
6.0 cluster_6 -0.8359586128417164 -0.8216766113546754
7.0 cluster_2 -0.5462504253078485 0.2448547383618138
8.0 cluster_6 -0.5095647824945387 -0.3156211347448184
9.0 cluster_6 -0.8175068014319339 -0.8518448290374879
10.0 cluster_0 -0.7664379794172259 -0.7558956981667694
11.0 cluster_6 -0.8445095871133399 -1.0230553931568493
12.0 cluster_6 -0.37789164213440246 -0.3612960989989086
13.0 cluster_0 -0.6984714814705432 -0.7354254817289264
14.0 cluster_6 -0.4449261219640731 -0.5020929001106372
15.0 cluster_0 -0.7841893687579691 -0.6970819886406676
16.0 cluster_6 -0.18836500369782078 -0.1577132393351561
17.0 cluster_6 -0.17481916062213088 -0.19179208904054612
18.0 cluster_6 -0.08094329475146993 -0.024253766678287707
19.0 cluster_0 -0.32114650976140485 -0.2839219902096705
20.0 cluster_0 -0.6234699653972764 -0.4177943902929359
21.0 cluster_0 -1.0475561709862051 -0.8747414781611541
22.0 cluster_6 -0.22819452201086285 -0.261104059533509
23.0 cluster_2 -0.5671985306956926 0.1900985058006701
24.0 cluster_6 -0.18044000517324146 -0.154472970092794
25.0 cluster_2 -0.9793219681258069 0.060053411682036144
26.0 cluster_2 -0.5761414966818806 -0.0140000697423254
27.0 cluster_6 -0.44376923121921186 -0.22921391060961283
28.0 cluster_0 -0.01393919309306619 0.03258123521118737
29.0 cluster_0 -0.02834988629065053 0.04525650653253732
30.0 cluster_0 -0.7439472029925007 -0.6741408620014182
31.0 cluster_3 -0.09876139333982867 0.34969337258583827
32.0 cluster_4 0.32848755501413207 -0.7657142471942869
33.0 cluster_6 -0.2549884130399796 -0.24932603894115823
34.0 cluster_6 -0.12281603757325138 -0.126861781804842
35.0 cluster_6 -0.09402130544463502 -0.09638359476761114
36.0 cluster_2 0.03550979028825464 0.08307378495238324
37.0 cluster_2 -0.1521456903024924 0.04741164302905074
38.0 cluster_0 -1.8250393996705796 -2.1298546391369113
39.0 cluster_6 -0.4130756075348035 -0.5894909894504379
40.0 cluster_3 -0.39439339827655384 0.9835078187569389
41.0 cluster_2 -0.07305032681387677 0.06187869197010179
42.0 cluster_6 -0.48974216532665693 -0.2905264324998928
43.0 cluster_6 -0.48819945637198037 -0.5563508985949368
44.0 cluster_6 -0.489451951053194 -0.5161040723523015
45.0 cluster_6 -0.3865843767213269 -0.42270895141821996
46.0 cluster_6 -0.5203325950038856 -0.6501744770098856
47.0 cluster_6 -0.4634760958739974 -0.5190511608669546
48.0 cluster_0 -0.6476800654306508 -0.49551459536369136
49.0 cluster_4 0.3158666062001201 -0.47988907218157134
50.0 cluster_0 -0.5294753922908229 -0.522767688500297
51.0 cluster_0 -0.8010326888449203 -0.7094224060090127
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