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Last active December 31, 2017 19:00
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  • Save MNoichl/2c30fbf420756562e926f27f25773066 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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DB-Index for Phi-Sample
license: mit
id W DW
2.0 6.094098448068141 15.60462332764012
3.0 5.025815402832417 15.23494344194712
4.0 5.263199487005986 15.1056213251487
5.0 4.891657492989145 14.982829414717433
6.0 4.709492354136956 14.905587842458099
7.0 5.143533078325832 14.693552112932617
8.0 4.8764989589400045 14.66691663114093
9.0 4.8333751618645096 14.516567432196636
10.0 4.603408631388721 14.440741525661632
11.0 4.462243132206957 14.337444987117259
12.0 4.436149903184536 14.361224075743785
13.0 4.626023700329075 14.163712514620748
cluster c1 c2
2.0 6.094098448068141 15.60462332764012
3.0 5.025815402832417 15.23494344194712
4.0 5.263199487005986 15.1056213251487
5.0 4.891657492989145 14.982829414717433
6.0 4.709492354136956 14.905587842458099
7.0 5.143533078325832 14.693552112932617
8.0 4.8764989589400045 14.66691663114093
9.0 4.8333751618645096 14.516567432196636
10.0 4.603408631388721 14.440741525661632
11.0 4.462243132206957 14.337444987117259
12.0 4.436149903184536 14.361224075743785
13.0 4.626023700329075 14.163712514620748
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