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Last active December 21, 2017 21:09
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Philosophers use of modifiers
license: mit

Bar chart of the percentage of modifiers (adverbs and adjectives) in the major works of some selected Philosophers. The texts are taken from Project Gutenbergs<a href=> Philosophy-Page. As most of the texts are translations, it is pretty clear, that the worth of this exercise is limited. But it is still neat that my hypothesis of Nietzsche using the most modifiers seems to show.

forked from parnelandr's block: Reusable Horizontal Bar Chart

Philosophers use of modifiers (adjectives and adverbs)
Source: Maximilian Noichl
Metadata Notes:Philosophers use
Philosopher Percentage in selected oeuvre
Plato 5.3443561151
Aristotle 6.4093806922
Kant 7.4490549355
Russel 6.9229031272
Hume 6.2810492151
Berkely 6.2088989255
Descartes 5.748049564
Nietzsche 7.9100242174
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//line wrap function adapted from "Wrapping Long Labels" - mike bostock
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//while the data is being loaded it turns the strings into a number
function type(d) {
d[yName] = +d[yName];
return d;
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