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* Name: Jay Seong *
* Description: Randomly generates a perfect maze using depth-first search algorithm *
* Date: 02/11/2010 *
* Data Structures: Double array of structs for cells, stack for back-tracking *
* Others: fstream is used to save maze into a file *
* *
* NOTE: Transcribed from a YouTube video by *
* Stephen Pendley to distribute for public use. All credit for this version of the code *
* and it's original goes to Jay Seong. *
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stack>
#include <fstream>
//#include "stdafx.h" //
using namespace std;
* Must be an odd number for *
* maze traversal reasons *
#define SIZE 11
struct Cell
bool visited;
bool top_wall;
bool bot_wall;
bool left_wall;
bool right_wall;
char display;
void Initialize(Cell Level[][SIZE]);
void ClearScreen();
void Redraw(Cell Level[][SIZE]);
void GenerateMaze(Cell Level[][SIZE], int &posX, int &posY, int &goalX, int &goalY);
void SaveMaze(Cell Level[][SIZE]);
int main() {
Cell Level[SIZE][SIZE];
int posX = 0;
int posY = 0;
int goalX = 0;
int goalY = 0;
bool game_over = false;
while(!game_over) {
GenerateMaze(Level, posX, posY, goalX, goalY);
char input;
cout << "Create a new Maze? (Y)/(N): ";
cin >> input;
if((input != 'n') && (input != 'N') && (input != 'y') && (input != 'Y'))
cout << "Invalid option" << endl;
else if((input == 'n') || (input == 'N')) {
game_over = true;
cout << "Good bye!" << endl;
return 0;
void Initialize(Cell Level[][SIZE]) {
for(int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<SIZE; j++) {
Level[i][j].display = '*';
Level[i][j].visited = false;
Level[i][j].top_wall = true;
Level[i][j].bot_wall = true;
Level[i][j].left_wall = true;
Level[i][j].right_wall = true;
for(int i=1; i<SIZE-1; i++) {
for(int j=1; j<SIZE-1; j++) {
// Border Cells have fewer accessible walls
Level[1][j].top_wall = false;
Level[SIZE-2][j].bot_wall = false;
Level[i][1].left_wall = false;
Level[i][SIZE-2].right_wall = false;
void ClearScreen()
COORD Position;
hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
Position.X = 0;
Position.Y = 0;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, Position);
void Redraw(Cell Level[][SIZE]) {
for(int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
cout << endl;
for(int j=0; j< SIZE; j++)
cout << " " << Level[i][j].display;
void GenerateMaze(Cell Level[][SIZE], int &posX, int &posY, int &goalX, int &goalY) {
srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // Pick random start cell
int random = 0;
int randomX = ((2*rand())+1)%(SIZE-1); // Generate a random odd number between 1 and SIZE
int randomY = ((2*rand())+1)%(SIZE-1); // Generate a random odd number between 1 and SIZE
posX = randomX; // Save player's initial X position
posY = randomY; // Save player's initial Y position
int visitedCells = 1;
int totalCells = ((SIZE-1)/2)*((SIZE-1)/2);
int percent = 0;
stack<int> back_trackX, back_trackY; // Stack is used to trace the reverse path
Level[randomY][randomX].display = 'S'; // Set S as the start cell
Level[randomY][randomX].visited = true; // Set start cell as visited;
while(visitedCells < totalCells)
if(((Level[randomY-2][randomX].visited == false)
&& (Level[randomY][randomX].top_wall == true
&& Level[randomY-2][randomX].bot_wall == true)) ||
((Level[randomY+2][randomX].visited == false)
&& (Level[randomY][randomX].bot_wall == true
&& Level[randomY+2][randomX].top_wall == true)) ||
((Level[randomY][randomX-2].visited == false)
&& (Level[randomY][randomX].left_wall == true
&& Level[randomY][randomX-2].right_wall == true)) ||
((Level[randomY][randomX+2].visited == false)
&& (Level[randomY][randomX].right_wall == true
&& Level[randomY][randomX+2].left_wall == true)))
random = (rand() % 4) + 1; // Pick a random wall 1-4 to knock down
// GO UP
if((random == 1) && (randomY > 1)) {
if(Level[randomY-2][randomX].visited == false) { // If not visited
Level[randomY-1][randomX].display = ' '; // Delete display
Level[randomY-1][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].top_wall = false; // Knock down wall
back_trackX.push(randomX); // Push X for back track
back_trackY.push(randomY); // Push Y for back track
randomY -= 2; // Move to next cell
Level[randomY][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell moved to as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].display = ' '; // Update path
Level[randomY][randomX].bot_wall = false; // Knock down wall
visitedCells++; // Increase visitedCells counter
else if((random == 2) && (randomY < SIZE-2)) {
if(Level[randomY+2][randomX].visited == false) { // If not visited
Level[randomY+1][randomX].display = ' '; // Delete display
Level[randomY+1][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].bot_wall = false; // Knock down wall
back_trackX.push(randomX); // Push X for back track
back_trackY.push(randomY); // Push Y for back track
randomY += 2; // Move to next cell
Level[randomY][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell moved to as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].display = ' '; // Update path
Level[randomY][randomX].top_wall = false; // Knock down wall
visitedCells++; // Increase visitedCells counter
else if((random == 3) && (randomX > 1)) {
if(Level[randomY][randomX-2].visited == false) { // If not visited
Level[randomY][randomX-1].display = ' '; // Delete display
Level[randomY][randomX-1].visited = true; // Mark cell as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].left_wall = false; // Knock down wall
back_trackX.push(randomX); // Push X for back track
back_trackY.push(randomY); // Push Y for back track
randomX -= 2; // Move to next cell
Level[randomY][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell moved to as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].display = ' '; // Update path
Level[randomY][randomX].right_wall = false; // Knock down wall
visitedCells++; // Increase visitedCells counter
else if((random == 4) && (randomX < SIZE-2)) {
if(Level[randomY][randomX+2].visited == false) { // If not visited
Level[randomY][randomX+1].display = ' '; // Delete display
Level[randomY][randomX+1].visited = true; // Mark cell as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].right_wall = false; // Knock down wall
back_trackX.push(randomX); // Push X for back track
back_trackY.push(randomY); // Push Y for back track
randomX += 2; // Move to next cell
Level[randomY][randomX].visited = true; // Mark cell moved to as visited
Level[randomY][randomX].display = ' '; // Update path
Level[randomY][randomX].left_wall = false; // Knock down wall
visitedCells++; // Increase visitedCells counter
percent = (visitedCells*100/totalCells*100)/100; // Progress in percentage
cout << endl << " Generating a Random Maze... " << percent << "%" << endl;
else {
randomX =;
randomY =;
goalX = randomX;
goalY = randomY;
Level[goalY][goalX].display = 'E';
cout << endl << "\a\t Complete!" << endl;
void SaveMaze(Cell Level[][SIZE]) {
ofstream output;
char file[20];
char input;
cout << endl << "Save Maze? (Y)/(N): ";
cin >> input;
if ((input == 'y') || (input == 'Y')) {
cout << endl << "Save as: ";
cin >> file;;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
output << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
output << Level[i][j].display << " ";
cout << "Maze has been saved to" << "\"" << file << "\"" << endl;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>
std::mt19937 mt(time(NULL));
int randomize(int min, int max)
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist_int(min, max);
return dist_int(mt);
int randomize(int max)
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist_int(0, max);
return dist_int(mt);
class Dungeon {
explicit Dungeon(int, int);
const std::vector<char>& operator[] (int y) const;
std::vector<char>& operator[] (int y);
void generate();
void setMin(int,int);
void setMax(int,int);
void setChars(char,char,char);
void setMinRoomNum(int);
//User-defined types
enum class dir_t {s_e, s_w, n_e, n_w};
struct Room {
int start_x, start_y;
int end_x, end_y;
dir_t dir;
Room(int x, int y, int xx, int yy, const dir_t &d)
: start_x{x}, start_y{y}, end_x{xx}, end_y{yy}, dir{d} {};
bool genRoom();
bool check(const dir_t &, int, int);
void genPassages();
void genVestibule(const dir_t &, int);
const int D_HEIGHT_, D_WIDTH_;
std::vector<Room> room_vec_;
int r_min_height_, r_min_width_;
int r_max_height_, r_max_width_;
char wall_, floor_, nothing_;
int x_pos_, y_pos_;
int counter_;
int min_room_num_;
//char** dungeon_;
std::vector<std::vector<char>> dungeon_;
bool is_executed_;
void Dungeon::setMin(int height, int width)
if (height < 3 || height > D_HEIGHT_
|| width < 3 || width > D_WIDTH_)
perror("Wrong setMin() parameters. It has to be more than 2 and less than or equal to D_HEIGHT_/D_WIDTH_");
Dungeon::r_min_height_ = height;
Dungeon::r_min_width_ = width;
void Dungeon::setMax(int height, int width)
if (height < r_min_height_ || height > D_HEIGHT_
|| width < r_min_width_ || width > D_WIDTH_)
perror("Wrong setMax() parameters. It should be more than r_min_height_/r_min_width_ and less than or equal to D_HEIGHT_/D_WIDTH_");
Dungeon::r_max_height_ = height;
Dungeon::r_max_width_ = width;
void Dungeon::setChars(char wall, char floor, char nothing)
Dungeon::wall_ = wall;
Dungeon::floor_ = floor;
Dungeon::nothing_ = nothing;
// for (int y = 0; y < D_HEIGHT_; y++) {
// for (int x = 0; x < D_WIDTH_; x++) {
for (auto& y : dungeon_) {
for (auto& x : y) {
x = nothing_;
void Dungeon::setMinRoomNum(int num)
if (num < 0)
perror("Wrong setMinRoomNum() parameter. It has to be more than or equal to 0");
Dungeon::min_room_num_ = num;
Dungeon::Dungeon(int height, int width) : D_HEIGHT_{height}, D_WIDTH_{width}, dungeon_(D_HEIGHT_, std::vector<char>(D_WIDTH_))
//Make the "canvas"
// dungeon_ = new char*[D_HEIGHT_];
// for (int i = 0; i < D_HEIGHT_; i++)
// dungeon_[i] = new char[D_WIDTH_];
//Set the default parameters
setMax(D_HEIGHT_/4, D_WIDTH_/7);
//Starting point of the first room
y_pos_ = randomize(D_HEIGHT_);
x_pos_ = randomize(D_WIDTH_);
//This is needed for genRoom() (recursive calls)
counter_ = 1;
is_executed_ = false;
// //De-Allocate memory
//// for (int i = 0; i < D_HEIGHT_; ++i)
//// delete [] dungeon_[i];
//// delete [] dungeon_;
void Dungeon::generate()
//Draw the "dungeon" on a "canvas"
//char Dungeon::operator[](int y)
// return dungeon_[y];
const std::vector<char>& Dungeon::operator[] (int y) const { return; }
std::vector<char>& Dungeon::operator[] (int y) { return; }
bool Dungeon::genRoom()
//Room width and height
int width = randomize(r_min_width_, r_max_width_);
int height = randomize(r_min_height_, r_max_height_);
//s_e - south east; s_w - south west; n_e - north east; n_w - north west;
dir_t s_e = dir_t::s_e; dir_t n_e = dir_t::n_e;
dir_t s_w = dir_t::s_w; dir_t n_w = dir_t::n_w;
//Store possible directions in %dir_vec vector
std::vector<dir_t> dir_vec;
if (check(s_e, width, height)) {
if (check(s_w, width, height)) {
if (check(n_e, width, height)) {
if (check(n_w, width, height)) {
//Do a little trick if there is no possible directions and less than %min_room_num rooms
//!!! It is not guaranteed that the number of rooms will be equal to %min_room_num
if (dir_vec.empty() && room_vec_.size() < min_room_num_) {
if (room_vec_.size() - counter_ > 0) {
x_pos_ = room_vec_[room_vec_.size() - counter_].end_x;
y_pos_ = room_vec_[room_vec_.size() - counter_].end_y;
while (!genRoom());
while (!genRoom());
} else if (!is_executed_ && room_vec_.size() - counter_ == 0) {
x_pos_ = room_vec_[0].start_x;
y_pos_ = room_vec_[0].start_y;
is_executed_ = true; //This condition should be executed only ONCE
//Break if no possible directions
if (dir_vec.empty()) return true;
//Make room in randomly selected direction
dir_t rnd_dir = dir_vec[randomize(dir_vec.size() - 1)];
switch (rnd_dir) {
case dir_t::s_e:{
for (int y = y_pos_; y < y_pos_ + height; y++) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x < x_pos_ + width; x++) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ + (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ + (width-1)) {
dungeon_[y][x] = wall_;
} else {
dungeon_[y][x] = floor_;
//Keep track of all rooms
// Room r {x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ + (width-1), y_pos_ + (height-1), s_e};
room_vec_.emplace_back(x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ + (width-1), y_pos_ + (height-1), s_e);
//Set y&&x position to the opposite corner
y_pos_ += (height - 1);
x_pos_ += (width - 1);
case dir_t::s_w: {
for (int y = y_pos_; y < y_pos_ + height; y++) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x > x_pos_ - width; x--) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ + (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ - (width-1)) {
dungeon_[y][x] = wall_;
} else {
dungeon_[y][x] = floor_;
//Room r {x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ - (width-1), y_pos_ + (height-1), s_w};
room_vec_.emplace_back(x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ - (width-1), y_pos_ + (height-1), s_w);
y_pos_ += (height - 1);
x_pos_ -= (width - 1);
case dir_t::n_e: {
for (int y = y_pos_; y > y_pos_ - height; y--) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x < x_pos_ + width; x++) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ - (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ + (width-1)) {
dungeon_[y][x] = wall_;
} else {
dungeon_[y][x] = floor_;
//Room r {x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ + (width-1), y_pos_ - (height-1), n_e};
room_vec_.emplace_back(x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ + (width-1), y_pos_ - (height-1), n_e);
y_pos_ -= (height - 1);
x_pos_ += (width - 1);
case dir_t::n_w: {
for (int y = y_pos_; y > y_pos_ - height; y--) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x > x_pos_ - width; x--) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ - (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ - (width-1)) {
dungeon_[y][x] = wall_;
} else {
dungeon_[y][x] = floor_;
//Room r {x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ - (width-1), y_pos_ - (height-1), n_w};
room_vec_.emplace_back(x_pos_, y_pos_, x_pos_ - (width-1), y_pos_ - (height-1), n_w);
y_pos_ -= (height - 1);
x_pos_ -= (width - 1);
//Signal that there is still possible directions left
return false;
bool Dungeon::check(const dir_t& dir, int width, int height)
//Check if it's possible to make room in the direction(%dir) that was passed
switch(dir) {
case dir_t::s_e:
if (y_pos_ + height <= D_HEIGHT_ && x_pos_ + width <= D_WIDTH_) {
for (int y = y_pos_; y < y_pos_ + height; y++) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x < x_pos_ + width; x++) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ + (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ + (width-1)) continue; //Ignore wall_ collision
if (dungeon_[y][x] != nothing_) return false;
} else return false;
return true;
case dir_t::s_w:
if (y_pos_ + height <= D_HEIGHT_ && x_pos_ - width >= 0) {
for (int y = y_pos_; y < y_pos_ + height; y++) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x > x_pos_ - width; x--) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ + (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ - (width-1)) continue;
if (dungeon_[y][x] != nothing_) return false;
} else return false;
return true;
case dir_t::n_e:
if (y_pos_ - height >= 0 && x_pos_ + width <= D_WIDTH_) {
for (int y = y_pos_; y > y_pos_ - height; y--) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x < x_pos_ + width; x++) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ - (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ + (width-1)) continue;
if (dungeon_[y][x] != nothing_) return false;
} else return false;
return true;
case dir_t::n_w:
if (y_pos_ - height >= 0 && x_pos_ - width >= 0) {
for (int y = y_pos_; y > y_pos_ - height; y--) {
for (int x = x_pos_; x > x_pos_ - width; x--) {
if (y == y_pos_ || y == y_pos_ - (height-1)
|| x == x_pos_ || x == x_pos_ - (width-1)) continue;
if (dungeon_[y][x] != nothing_) return false;
} else return false;
return true;
//Something went wrong if program reached this
perror("Something wrong in check() function");
void Dungeon::genPassages()
//Make passage between rooms
for (int i = 1; i < room_vec_.size(); ++i) {
for (int n = 1; n <= i; ++n) {
if (room_vec_[i-n].end_y == room_vec_[i].start_y
&& room_vec_[i-n].end_x == room_vec_[i].start_x) {
switch (room_vec_[i-n].dir) {
case dir_t::s_e :
if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_e) { //Because nested switches look ugly
genVestibule(dir_t::s_e, i);
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_w) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_e) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
case dir_t::s_w :
if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_e) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_w) {
genVestibule(dir_t::s_w, i);
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_w) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
case dir_t::n_e :
if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_e) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_e) {
genVestibule(dir_t::n_e, i);
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_w) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
case dir_t::n_w :
if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::s_w) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_e) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
} else if (room_vec_[i].dir == dir_t::n_w) {
genVestibule(dir_t::n_w, i);
void Dungeon::genVestibule(const dir_t& dir, int i)
//This belongs to genPassages()
//Have put this in separate method for the sake of clarity
switch (dir) {
case dir_t::s_w :
case dir_t::n_e :
//Draw the wall_s if this vestibule is not collapsing with other rooms
if (dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] == nothing_) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 2][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 2][room_vec_[i].start_x + 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 2] = wall_;
if (dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] == nothing_) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 2][room_vec_[i].start_x - 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 2][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
case dir_t::s_e :
case dir_t::n_w :
if (dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] == nothing_) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 2][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 2][room_vec_[i].start_x - 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y + 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
if (dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] == nothing_) {
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 2][room_vec_[i].start_x + 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 2][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 2] = wall_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y - 1][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x - 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x + 1] = floor_;
dungeon_[room_vec_[i].start_y][room_vec_[i].start_x] = floor_;
int main()
//Set the file stream
// std::ofstream out("Output/dungeon.txt");
// if({
// perror("dungeon.txt");
// return 1;
// }
//Generate dungeon
const int Height = 25;
const int Width = 79;
Dungeon dungeon(Height, Width);
dungeon.setMax(Height/5, Width/9);
dungeon.setChars('#','.',' ');
//Print dungeon to stream
for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++){
std::cout << dungeon[y][x];
std::cout << "\n";
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