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Created November 16, 2016 11:52
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import Foundation
import UIKit
import Nimble
func scroll(_ axis: UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> ScrollMatcher {
return ScrollMatcher(axis: axis)
struct ScrollMatcher: Matcher {
typealias ValueType = UIScrollView
let axis: UILayoutConstraintAxis
private func composeFailureMessage(_ message: FailureMessage, negated: Bool) {
message.expected = "Expected scrollView"
let negation = negated ? "not" : ""
let direction = axis == .vertical ? "vertically" : "horizontally" = "to \(negation) scroll \(direction)"
message.postfixMessage = ""
message.actualValue = nil
private func canScroll(_ actualExpression: Expression<UIScrollView>) throws -> Bool {
guard let scrollView = try actualExpression.evaluate() else {
return false
if axis == .vertical {
return scrollView.contentSize.height > scrollView.bounds.height
} else {
return scrollView.contentSize.width > scrollView.bounds.width
func matches(_ actualExpression: Expression<UIScrollView>,
failureMessage: FailureMessage) throws -> Bool {
composeFailureMessage(failureMessage, negated: false)
return try canScroll(actualExpression)
func doesNotMatch(_ actualExpression: Expression<UIScrollView>,
failureMessage: FailureMessage) throws -> Bool {
composeFailureMessage(failureMessage, negated: true)
return try !canScroll(actualExpression)
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