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Last active April 4, 2021 15:16
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Run emulator, install APK, and launch Android app with gradle tasks
//Launch emulator in background, using configured AVD name
task emulate() {
def device = null
//Check for command-line parameter for device, which overrides any configuration
if (project.hasProperty('emulator.device'))
device ='emulator.device')
//If no passed device name, fetch the name from the ` file`
Properties properties = new Properties()
device = properties.getProperty('emulator.device')
//Initialize process to null to allow access during task execution
ProcessBuilder process = null
//If no device name configured, print warning message
if (device == null)
println "To use the gradle emulator tasks, please define a value for 'emulator.device' in file '' (generally something like 'Nexus_5X_API_27')"
//Otherwise, set up the background process in configuration step
process = new ProcessBuilder()
.command(android.getSdkDirectory().toString() + '/emulator/emulator', '-avd', "$device")
doLast {
//Fail if no device is configured
assert device != null : "You cannot use gradle emulator tasks until a value for 'emulator.device' is provided in '' or via the command line"
//When task is run, start the process and wait for 5 seconds before exiting
//This allows the emulator to start before attempting to install the APK
ext.process = process.start()
sleep(5 * 1000)
//Alias installDebug to install for easy usage
task install(dependsOn: ['emulate', 'installDebug'])
//Start the app on the emulated device, ensuring the emulator is running and the app is installed
task run(type: Exec, dependsOn: 'install') {
commandLine android.getAdbExe().toString(), 'shell', 'monkey', '-p', android.defaultConfig.applicationId, '1'
task logcat(type: Exec) {
commandLine android.getAdbExe().toString(), 'logcat'
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