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Outlines a 2D Sprite Sheet to take into account each frame and not consider pixels outside of the current frame. Original -
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 line_color : source_color = vec4(1.0);
uniform float line_thickness : hint_range(0, 10) = 1.0;
uniform vec2 sheet_size = vec2(1, 1);
const vec2 OFFSETS[8] = {
vec2(-1, -1), vec2(-1, 0), vec2(-1, 1), vec2(0, -1), vec2(0, 1),
vec2(1, -1), vec2(1, 0), vec2(1, 1)
void fragment() {
vec2 size = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * line_thickness;
float outline = 0.0;
// Each Frames size based on the Rows and Columns
vec2 frame_size = vec2(1.0 / sheet_size.x, 1.0 / sheet_size.y);
// Upper left UV corner of the current frame
vec2 frame_uv = floor(UV / frame_size) * frame_size;
for (int i = 0; i < OFFSETS.length(); i++) {
vec2 offset = OFFSETS[i] * size;
vec2 sample_uv = mix(UV, UV + offset, step(frame_uv, UV + offset));
outline += texture(TEXTURE, sample_uv).a;
outline = min(outline, 1.0);
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
COLOR = mix(color, line_color, outline - color.a);
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