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function Get-TargetedWinEvent {
Searches Windows logs for events related to specific Event IDs or EventData.Data values
Searches Windows logs for events related to specific Event IDs or EventData.Data values
Supports searching offline/exported evt/evtx files as well as online machines
EventData.Data property value to search for
Windows Event ID to search for
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Remote computer to search logs on
Defaults to $env:COMPUTERNAME
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential used to connect to remote computers if default credentials won't work
Switch to search offline/exported logs either locally or remotely
Path to offline/exported log files
Defaults to "$env:SystemRoot\System32\winevt\Logs"
Number of days to go back in the search for offline/exported logs
Switch to flatten the EventData.Data values and append them as properties to the parent object
Get-TargetedWinEvent -SearchTerm
Finds local events related to
'host1','host2' | Get-TargetedWinEvent -SearchTerm -EventId 4624
Finds successful logon events for from both hosts via the pipeline
Get-TargetedWinEvent -EventId 4624 -SearchTerm -Offline -Path \\server\share\LogArchive
Finds successful logon events for in all archived log files under \\server\share\LogArchive
Author: @oregon-national-guard/systems-administration
Version: 1.0
param (
$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
) #param
begin {
Write-Debug -Message 'start of private function definitions'
function FlattenWinEvent {
param (
) #param
process {
$EventLogRecord | ForEach-Object {
$EventXml = [xml]$_.ToXml()
$XmlData = $null
if ($XmlData = @($EventXml.Event.EventData.Data)) {
for ($i=0; $i -lt $XmlData.Count; $i++) {
$SplatArgs = @{
InputObject = $_
MemberType = "NoteProperty"
Name = "$($XmlData[$i].name)"
Value = "$($XmlData[$i].'#text')"
Force = $true
Passthru = $true
$_ = Add-Member @SplatArgs
} #for
} #if
} #ForEach EventLogRecord
} #process
} #function FlattenWinEvent
Write-Debug -Message 'end of private function definitions'
Write-Debug -Message 'start detecting which parameters were bound at runtime'
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EventId')) {
$Id = $true
} elseif (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EventId'))) {
$Id = $false
} #if
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SearchTerm')) {
$Search = $true
} elseif (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SearchTerm'))) {
$Search = $false
} #if
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
$Computer = $true
} elseif (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ComputerName'))) {
$Computer = $false
} #if
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) {
$Creds = $true
} elseif (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential'))) {
$Creds = $false
} #if
Write-Debug -Message 'end detecting which parameters were bound at runtime'
Write-Debug -Message 'start setting default parameter values'
if (-not $Computer) {
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} #if
if (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Days'))) {
$Days = 1
} #if
if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Offline') -and (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')))) {
Write-Debug -Message 'No $Path supplied. Using "$env:SystemRoot\System32\winevt\Logs"'
$Path = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\winevt\Logs"
} #if
Write-Debug -Message 'end setting default parameter values'
} #begin
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Online') {
Write-Verbose -Message 'Running in "Online" mode'
Write-Debug -Message 'start building "Here-Strings" for query XML'
if ($Id -and $Search) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing'] and (EventID=$EventId)]]
*[EventData[Data and (Data='$SearchTerm')]]
} elseif ($Id -and (-not $Search)) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing'] and (EventID=$EventId)]]
} elseif ((-not $Id) -and $Search) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
*[EventData[Data and (Data='$SearchTerm')]]
} elseif ((-not $Id) -and (-not $Search)) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
} #if ($Id -and $Search)
Write-Debug -Message 'end building "Here-Strings" for query XML'
$QueryXml = [xml]$QueryString
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
$EachComputer = $_
if (-not $Computer) {
$SplatArgs = @{
FilterXml = $QueryXml
ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
if (-not $Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs
} elseif ($Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs | FlattenWinEvent
} #if
} elseif ($Computer -and (-not $Creds)) {
$SplatArgs = @{
ComputerName = $EachComputer
FilterXml = $QueryXml
ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
if (-not $Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs
} elseif ($Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs | FlattenWinEvent
} #if
} elseif ($Computer -and $Creds) {
$SplatArgs = @{
ComputerName = $EachComputer
FilterXml = $QueryXml
Credential = $Credential
ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
if (-not $Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs
} elseif ($Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs | FlattenWinEvent
} #if
} #if
} #ForEach ComputerName
} elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Offline') {
Write-Verbose -Message 'Running in "Offline" mode'
$Path | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "looking for evt or evtx files in $_"
$EachPath = $_ | Get-Item
if (-not $EachPath.PSIsContainer) {
$LogFiles = $EachPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -match '\.(evt|evtx)$' }
} elseif ($EachPath.PSIsContainer) {
$LogFiles = $EachPath | Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match '\.(evt|evtx)$' -and
$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Days)
} #if
$LogFiles | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "now processing $($_.Name)"
Write-Debug -Message 'start building "Here-Strings" for query XML'
if ($Id -and $Search) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
<Select Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
*[EventData[Data and (Data='$SearchTerm')]]
} elseif ($Id -and (-not $Search)) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
<Select Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
} elseif ((-not $Id) -and $Search) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
<Select Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
*[EventData[Data and (Data='$SearchTerm')]]
} elseif ((-not $Id) -and (-not $Search)) {
$QueryString = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
<Select Path="file://$($_.FullName)">
} #if ($Id -and $Search)
Write-Debug -Message 'end building "Here-Strings" for query XML'
$QueryXml = [xml]$QueryString
$SplatArgs = @{
FilterXml = $QueryXml
Oldest = $true
ErrorAction = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
if (-not $Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs
} elseif ($Flatten) {
Get-WinEvent @SplatArgs | FlattenWinEvent
} #if
} #ForEach LogFile
} #ForEach Path
} #if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Online')
} #process
end {} #end
} #function Get-TargetedWinEvent
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