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Created December 23, 2015 02:04
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Using dynamically generated subclasses.
class MetaMixinBase(object):
# This will be overwritten by the type-creator
_base = 'test'
def propagate_add(self, other, kw):
Empty for now but later this might contain the propagation of meta in addition.
return None
def _propagate_possible(self, other):
Verify if the two metas are allowed to be combined.
if self._base != other._base:
raise TypeError('Cannot propagate {0} with {1}'.format(self._base.__name__, other._base.__name__))
class MetaMixinCustom(MetaMixinBase):
def propagate_add(self, other, kw):
Create a copy of the meta and then replace the new ones.
ret = self._base(self)
ret[kw] = self[kw] + other[kw]
return ret
class NDDataOnlyMeta(object):
Just very simulation of NDData with only data and meta just to verify it's working.
def __init__(self, data, meta=None): = data
# Since we always have a dict I can skip the None-cases later on. :-)
if meta is None:
# Create a dynamically generated meta subclass
meta = type('WithMixin',
(MetaMixinCustom, meta.__class__),
{'_base': meta.__class__})(meta)
# Save it
self.meta = meta
def add(self, other, kw):
return self.__class__(, meta=self.meta.propagate_add(other.meta, kw))
# Showcase
from collections import OrderedDict
meta1 = {'a': 1, 'd': 2}
meta2 = OrderedDict({'c': 3, 'd': 4})
meta3 = {'c': 3, 'd': 4}
# Same type of meta: Should work
nd1 = NDDataOnlyMeta(5, meta=meta1)
nd2 = NDDataOnlyMeta(10, meta=meta3)
nd3 = nd1.add(nd2, 'd')
# Different types of meta: Shouldn't work
nd1 = NDDataOnlyMeta(5, meta=meta1)
nd2 = NDDataOnlyMeta(10, meta=meta2)
nd3 = nd1.add(nd2, 'd')
except TypeError:
print("Should't work")
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