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Created July 19, 2009 09:44
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Cakephp Queue Twitter example
class queueTwitterscrapeTask extends Shell {
* @var array
public $uses = array(
* @var QueuedTask
public $QueuedTask;
public function add() {
$this->out('Define a Searchterm to keep updated (every 30 minutes)');
$this->out('use "*global*" to update global timeline every 60 seconds.');
$term = $this->in('Tag/term to keep updated:');
if (!empty($term)) {
if ($this->QueuedTask->createJob('twitterscrape', array(
'search' => $term
))) {
$this->out('Searchterm update Queued');
} else {
$this->err('Could not create Twitterscrape Job.');
public function run($data) {
if (array_key_exists('search', $data) && !empty($data['search'])) {
$search = $data['search'];
$this->Twitter = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('twitter');
switch ($search) {
$nextUpdate = '+30 Minutes';
case '*global*':
$nextUpdate = '+5 Minutes';
//check if there is already a task for this term.
$findConf = array(
'conditions' => array(
'fetched' => null,
'data LIKE' => '%' . $search . '%'
$alreadyPresent = $this->QueuedTask->find('count', $findConf);
if ($alreadyPresent == false) {
if ($this->QueuedTask->createJob('twitterscrape', array(
'search' => $search
), $nextUpdate)) {
$this->out('Searchterm update Queued');
} else {
$this->err('Could not create Twitterscrape Job.');
} else {
$this->err('There seems to be another job queued for this term, job not requeued.');
return true;
} else {
$this->out('No Search term found, Cancelling');
// return true so the task does NOT get requeued.
return true;
private function getGlobal($search) {
$search_results = $this->Twitter->status_public_timeline();
$count = 0;
foreach ($search_results['Statuses']['Status'] as $rawtweet) {
$tweet['Tweet']['id'] = $rawtweet['id'];
$tweet['Tweet']['twitter_username'] = $rawtweet['User']['screen_name'];
$tweet['Tweet']['tweet_content'] = $rawtweet['text'];
$tweet['Tweet']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($rawtweet['created_at']));
$tweet['Tweet']['updated'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($rawtweet['created_at']));
$tweet = $this->Tweet->create($tweet);
if (!$this->Tweet->exists()) {
$this->out('Grabbed ' . $count . ' tweets from public Timeline');
private function getSearchResults($search) {
$search_results = $this->Twitter->search(urlencode($search), 'all', 100);
$count = 0;
foreach ($search_results['Feed']['Entry'] as $rawtweet) {
$idarr = explode(':', $rawtweet['id']);
// format to our needs
$i = explode(' ', $rawtweet['Author']['name']);
$tweet['Tweet']['id'] = $idarr[2];
$tweet['Tweet']['twitter_username'] = $i[0];
$tweet['Tweet']['tweet_content'] = $rawtweet['title'];
$tweet['Tweet']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($rawtweet['published']));
$tweet['Tweet']['updated'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($rawtweet['updated']));
// and save
$tweet = $this->Tweet->create($tweet);
if (!$this->Tweet->exists()) {
$this->out('Found ' . $count . ' New tweets for ' . $search);
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