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Created May 29, 2021 04:41
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Giving an idea on what it takes to iterate over a Coq term in Ltac2
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Import Ltac2.Constr.Unsafe.
Require Ltac2.List.
Ltac2 rec message_indent (lvl:int) (m:message) :=
match Int.equal lvl 0 with
| true => m
| false => concat (of_string " ") (message_indent (Int.sub lvl 1) m)
Ltac2 rec print_constr_array (a:constr array) (i:int) (len:int):=
let l := Array.length a in
match Int.equal l i with
| true => ()
| false =>
let v := Array.get a i in
print_kind (kind v) len;
print_constr_array a (Int.add i 1) (Int.add len 1)
with print_kind (k:kind) (len:int) :=
match k with
| Rel int => print (of_string "Rel")
| Var ident => print (of_string "Var")
| Meta meta => print (of_string "Meta")
| Evar evar arr_constr => print (of_string "Evar")
| Sort sort => print (of_string "Sort")
| Cast constr cast constr => print (of_string "Cast")
| Prod binder constr => print (of_string "Prod")
| Lambda binder constr => print (of_string "Lambda")
| LetIn binder constr_a constr_b => print (of_string "LetIn")
| App constr_func constr_arr_args => (
print (message_indent len (of_string "App"));
print_kind (kind constr_func) (Int.add 2 len);
print_constr_array constr_arr_args 0 (Int.add 2 len)
| Constant constant instance =>
print (message_indent len (of_string "Constant"))
| Ind inductive instance => print (of_string "Ind")
| Constructor constructor instance =>
print (message_indent len (of_string "Constructor"))
| Case case_a constr_a case_b constr_b constr_arr => print (of_string "Case")
| Fix int_arr int binder constr_arr => print (of_string "Fix")
| CoFix int binder constr_arr => print (of_string "CoFix")
| Proj projection constr => print (of_string "Proj")
| Uint63 uint63 => print (of_string "Uint63")
| Float float => print (of_string "Float")
| Array instance constr_arr constr_a constr_b => print (of_string "Array")
Ltac2 print_term info term :=
print (concat (of_string info) (of_constr (term)));
print_kind (kind term) 0.
Ltac2 Eval (print_term "A function" constr:((fun x : nat => x+x) 3)).
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