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Created December 12, 2014 12:58
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  • Save MSourceCoded/4464c4b4297c05158538 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MSourceCoded/4464c4b4297c05158538 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update all the things
echo off
set workDirs=Beheaded "Quantum Anomalies" SourceCodedCore Palettes MessingAbout
echo ..Working Dirs:
for /D %%i in (%workDirs%) do (
echo .... %%i
for /D %%i in (%workDirs%) do (
echo ..Begin Dir %%i
cd %%i
echo ....Moving Libs
move libs libsOld
echo ....Building Workspace
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
echo ....Refreshing IDEA
gradlew idea
echo ....Restoring Libs
move libsOld libs
echo ..End Dir %%i
cd ../
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