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Last active March 29, 2024 19:14
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LDTK to Tiled workadventure helper

Required conventions

  • Each entity requires a globally unique id for matching between the formats
  • the .tmj file MUST have the level name as a filename
  • The exported tmx format MUST be converted to tmj using tiled
  • Tile Properties are set by adding json data to a tile in your tileset
  • Make sure to change tilesets to 32px

Teleport/exit areas

Since ldtk has no properties on its layer there is a workaround by defining a teleport_areas.json instead which looks like this:

    "areas": [
            "layer_name": "element_teleport_layer",
            "exitUrl": "/level_element.tmj"
import fs from "node:fs";
import path from "node:path";
const files = await fs.promises.opendir(".");
const ldtk_file = process.argv[2]
const teleport_areas_raw = await fs.promises.readFile("./teleport_areas.json", { encoding: "utf-8" })
const teleport_areas = JSON.parse(teleport_areas_raw)
for await (const file of files) {
if (file.isFile() &&".tmj")) {
const tiled_file = path.join(file.path,
const level_name =".tmj", "").replace(/^[0-9]{4}/, "")
const tiled_clean_file = path.join(file.path, `${level_name}.tmj`)
// Parse the map
const ldtk_map_raw = await fs.promises.readFile(ldtk_file, { encoding: "utf-8" })
const ldtk_map = JSON.parse(ldtk_map_raw);
const tiled_map_raw = await fs.promises.readFile(tiled_file, { encoding: "utf-8" })
const tiled_map = JSON.parse(tiled_map_raw);
const ldtk_layer = ldtk_map.levels.find((x: any) => x.identifier === level_name)
for (const layer of tiled_map.layers) {
if (layer.type == "objectgroup") {
for (const object of layer.objects) {
if (!object.ldtk_fixed) {
// Yes this really has to be backwards ^^
const entity_id = any) => === "entity_id").value
// Find the same entity over in the ldtk mapfile
const entities = ldtk_layer.layerInstances.find((x: any) => x.__type === "Entities")
for (const entity of entities.entityInstances) {
if (entity.fieldInstances.find((y: any) => y.__identifier === "entity_id").__value === entity_id) {
object.width = entity.width
object.height = entity.height
object.ldtk_fixed = true
if (layer.type == "tilelayer" && !layer.ldtk_fixed) {
const teleport_area = teleport_areas.areas.find((x: any) => x.layer_name ===
if (teleport_area) {
if (! { = []
"name": "exitUrl",
"type": "string",
"value": teleport_area.exitUrl
layer.ldtk_fixed = true
// Write the file back
await fs.promises.writeFile(tiled_clean_file, JSON.stringify(tiled_map), { encoding: "utf-8" })
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