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Forked from jontelang/Tweak.xm
Created December 4, 2023 20:33
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#include <math.h>
%hook SBAwayController
@interface UIApplication ()
- (id)_accessibilityRunningApplications;
@interface SBStatusBarDataManager
+ (id)sharedDataManager;
- (void)enableTime:(BOOL)arg1;
@interface SBApplicationController
- (id)applicationsWithBundleIdentifier:(id)arg1;
- (id)applicationWithDisplayIdentifier:(id)arg1;
- (id)allApplications;
@interface SBUIController
- (void)createFakeSpringBoardStatusBar;
@interface SBApplication
@property(readonly, nonatomic) int pid;
@property(copy) NSString *displayIdentifier;
- (void)notifyResignActiveForReason:(int)arg1;
- (void)deactivate;
- (id)displayName;
- (BOOL)isRunning;
- (void)resumeToQuit;
- (void)suspend;
- (void)kill;
@interface SBAwayController <UIGestureRecognizerDelegate>
- (void)hideMediaControls;
- (void)_dismissShowcase;
- (void)activate;
- (void)deactivate;
@interface SBAwayView : UIView
- (void)updateInterface;
@interface SBAwayDateView : UIView
@interface TPLCDTextView : UIView
static TPLCDTextView* labelClock = Nil;
static TPLCDTextView *labelDate = Nil;
static UILabel* panelLabel = Nil;
static double totalSeconds;
static double totalLAPseconds;
static double lastTime;
static NSTimer* timer = Nil;
static int fontSize = 67;
static NSString* statusText = @"";
static BOOL replacesClock = FALSE;
static BOOL hasPanel = FALSE;
static BOOL isPaused = FALSE;
static BOOL isEnabled = TRUE;
static BOOL stopwatchIsRunning = FALSE;
static BOOL force = 1;
static int (*BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription)(NSString *displayIdentifier, int reason, int something, int something2);
void *bk = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BackBoardServices.framework/BackBoardServices", RTLD_LAZY);
// Round like the
// 1.299999 = 1.2
elapsedSeconds = elapsedSeconds * 10.0;
elapsedSeconds = (int)elapsedSeconds;
elapsedSeconds = elapsedSeconds / 10.0;
NSUInteger h = (int)elapsedSeconds / 3600;
NSUInteger m = ((int)elapsedSeconds / 60) % 60;
NSUInteger s = (int)elapsedSeconds % 60;
double ms = elapsedSeconds - (double)((int)elapsedSeconds);
double sandms = s+ms;
NSString *formattedTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02u:%04.1f", m, sandms];
if(h > 0)
formattedTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02u:%@",h,formattedTime];
return formattedTime;
// Maybe here should be something better to MAKE SURE the labels and shit gets gone.
// Maybe an "reset all" methid that gets called on more places
//if( !timer ) return;
BOOL active = MSHookIvar<BOOL>(self, "_isActive");
if( active )
SBAwayView* sbav = MSHookIvar<SBAwayView *>(self, "_awayView");
SBAwayDateView* sbadv = MSHookIvar<SBAwayDateView *>(sbav, "_dateHeaderView");
labelClock = MSHookIvar<TPLCDTextView *>(sbadv, "_timeLabel");
labelDate = MSHookIvar<TPLCDTextView *>(sbadv, "_dateAndTetheringLabel");
if( replacesClock && ![statusText isEqual:@""] )
[labelDate setText:statusText];
//NSLog(@"BEFORE totalSeconds: %f lastTime: %f", totalSeconds, lastTime);
totalSeconds += 0.1;
lastTime += 0.1; // Just for later saving
//NSLog(@"AFTER totalSeconds: %f lastTime: %f", totalSeconds, lastTime);
if( replacesClock && hasPanel )
// Move setfont to startThatTimer @TODO
[labelClock setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]];
[labelClock setText:[self getTime:totalSeconds]];
NSDateFormatter *DateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[DateFormatter setDateFormat:@"hh:mm"];
NSString *currentTime = [DateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
[panelLabel setText:currentTime];
else if( replacesClock )
// Move setfont to startThatTimer @TODO
[labelClock setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]];
[labelClock setText:[self getTime:totalSeconds]];
else if( hasPanel )
[panelLabel setText:[self getTime:totalSeconds]];
//NSLog(@"Invalidating timer");
[timer invalidate];
timer = Nil;
panelLabel = Nil;
labelClock = Nil;
labelDate = Nil;
//[self saveStopWatch];
//NSLog(@" Panellabel = NIL");
- (void)toggleOn:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : toggleOn (tapped) : BEGIN -----");
//[timer invalidate];
//timer = Nil;
NSMutableDictionary *clockPrefs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/"];
if( clockPrefs )
BOOL isRunning = [[clockPrefs valueForKey:@"TIMERRUNNING"] boolValue];
[timer invalidate];
timer = Nil;
[clockPrefs removeObjectForKey:@"STARTTIME"];
statusText = @"Stopped";
isPaused = TRUE;
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"STARTTIME"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:!isRunning] forKey:@"TIMERRUNNING"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:totalSeconds-totalLAPseconds] forKey:@"OFFSET"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:totalSeconds-totalLAPseconds] forKey:@"LASTTIME"];
[clockPrefs writeToFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/" atomically:YES];
if( !isRunning )
[self actuallyStartThatTimer];
//SBApplicationController* s = [%c(SBApplicationController) sharedInstanceIfExists];
//SBApplication *a = [s applicationWithDisplayIdentifier:@""];
//if( [a isRunning] )
BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription = (int (*)(NSString*, int, int, int))dlsym(bk, "BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription");
BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(@"", 1, 0, 0);
int pid = [a pid];
//NSLog(@"pid: %i", pid);
NSString *cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"kill %i",pid];
const char *command = [cmd UTF8String];
int result = system(command);
if( replacesClock )
[labelDate setText:statusText];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : toggleOn (tapped) : END -----");
if( !timer )
stopwatchIsRunning = TRUE;
force = 0;
[self _dismissShowcase];
statusText = @"Stopwatch";
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1
force = 1;
-(void)turnOff:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : TURN OFF (tapped) : BEGIN -----");
[timer invalidate];
timer = Nil;
[panelLabel removeFromSuperview];
panelLabel = Nil;
NSMutableDictionary *clockPrefs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/"];
if( clockPrefs )
[clockPrefs removeObjectForKey:@"STARTTIME"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:FALSE] forKey:@"TIMERRUNNING"];
[clockPrefs removeObjectForKey:@"LAPS"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0] forKey:@"OFFSET"];
[clockPrefs setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0] forKey:@"LASTTIME"];
[clockPrefs writeToFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/" atomically:YES];
BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription = (int (*)(NSString*, int, int, int))dlsym(bk, "BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription");
BKSTerminateApplicationForReasonAndReportWithDescription(@"", 1, 0, 0);
totalSeconds = 0;
lastTime = 0;
totalLAPseconds = 0;
SBAwayView* sbav = MSHookIvar<SBAwayView *>(self, "_awayView");
SBAwayDateView* sbadv = MSHookIvar<SBAwayDateView *>(sbav, "_dateHeaderView");
//[self startThatTimer];
//[self didAnimateLockKeypadOut];
//isEnabled = FALSE;//justto get through the check.
//[self updateInterfaceIfNecessary];
//[sbav updateInterface];
if(![self shouldShowLockStatusBarTime])
//NSLog(@"self shouldShowLockStatusBarTime should be 0 and make force 1");
force = 0;
[self _dismissShowcase];
[sbadv updateClock];
//[sbadv update];
force = 1;
if( hasPanel )
[panelLabel removeFromSuperview];
panelLabel = Nil;
// [self hideMediaControls];
// [self deactivate];
//[self activate];
///NSString *MSHookIvar<NSString*>(s,"")
//SBStatusBarDataManager *s = [%c(sharedDataManager) sharedDataManager];
//[s enableTime:FALSE];
//[self setNeedsLayout];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : TURN OFF (tapped) : END -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : startThatTimer : BEGIN -----");
// Delete the timer.
if( timer )
if( [timer isValid] )
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : startThatTimer : END 1 -----");
//[timer invalidate];
//timer = Nil;
// Reset
lastTime = 0;
totalSeconds = 0;
totalLAPseconds = 0;
replacesClock = FALSE;
hasPanel = FALSE;
//isEnabled = FALSE;
statusText = @"";
// Grab things
SBAwayView* sbav = MSHookIvar<SBAwayView *>(self, "_awayView");
//NSLog(@"sbav nil");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : startThatTimer : END 2 -----");
SBAwayDateView* sbadv = MSHookIvar<SBAwayDateView *>(sbav, "_dateHeaderView");
//labelClock = Nil;
panelLabel = Nil;
//NSLog(@"sbadv nil");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : startThatTimer : END 3 -----");
labelClock = MSHookIvar<TPLCDTextView *>(sbadv, "_timeLabel");
labelDate = MSHookIvar<TPLCDTextView *>(sbadv, "_dateAndTetheringLabel");
// If there is a preference-file
NSDictionary *prefsfile = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.jontelang.stoppur.plist"];
if( prefsfile )
replacesClock = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"replacesClock"] boolValue];
hasPanel = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"hasPanel"] boolValue];
isEnabled = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"isEnabled"] boolValue];
if( isEnabled && (hasPanel || replacesClock) )
NSDictionary *clockPrefs = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/"];
if( clockPrefs )
stopwatchIsRunning = [[clockPrefs valueForKey:@"TIMERRUNNING"] boolValue];
NSDate *startTime = [clockPrefs valueForKey:@"STARTTIME"];
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [startTime timeIntervalSinceNow];
lastTime = [[clockPrefs valueForKey:@"LASTTIME"] doubleValue];
totalSeconds = -(double)timeInterval + lastTime;
BOOL showsTotalTime = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"showsTotalTime"] boolValue];
if( showsTotalTime )
//NSLog(@"Shows total time (add laps if any)");
NSArray *laps = [clockPrefs valueForKey:@"LAPS"];
if( laps )
for (uint i = 0; i < [laps count]; i++)
totalLAPseconds += [[laps objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue];
//lastTime = totalSeconds;// + (lastTime-(int)lastTime); // Orkar inte..
totalSeconds += totalLAPseconds;
//NSLog(@" ");
//NSLog(@"loaded totalSeconds: %f", totalSeconds);
//NSLog(@"loaded lastTime: %f", lastTime);
//NSLog(@" ");
isPaused = (lastTime > 0) && (stopwatchIsRunning == FALSE);
// If it "is Paused" we set the labels anyway.
NSString *setPanelTextToThis = @"00:00:00.0";
if( replacesClock && hasPanel && isPaused )
[labelClock setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]];
[labelClock setText:[self getTime:totalSeconds]];
NSDateFormatter *DateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[DateFormatter setDateFormat:@"hh:mm"];
NSString *currentTime = [DateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
setPanelTextToThis = currentTime;
else if( replacesClock && isPaused )
//NSLog(@"Only replacesClock");
[labelClock setText:[self getTime:totalSeconds]];
else if( hasPanel && isPaused )
//NSLog(@"Only hasPanel");
setPanelTextToThis = [self getTime:totalSeconds];
//NSLog(@" CREATE PANEL ??? ");
//NSLog(@"( %i || %i ) && %i", hasPanel, isPaused, !panelLabel);
if( (hasPanel || isPaused) && !panelLabel )
//NSLog(@"Creating panel");
int x = 50; // Defaults
int y = 97;
int fontSizePanel = 20;
int panel_x = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"panel_x"] intValue];
if( panel_x ) x = panel_x;
int panel_y = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"panel_y"] intValue];
if( panel_y ) y = panel_y;
int panel_font_size = [[prefsfile valueForKey:@"panel_font_size"] intValue];
if( panel_font_size ) fontSizePanel = panel_font_size;
if( panelLabel )
//NSLog(@"Remove old panel");
[panelLabel removeFromSuperview];
panelLabel = Nil;
//NSLog(@"setPanelTextToThis: %@", setPanelTextToThis);
CGSize size = [setPanelTextToThis sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSizePanel]];
if( [setPanelTextToThis isEqual:@"00:00:00.0"] ){setPanelTextToThis=@"";}
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0,0,size.width*1.5,size.height);
panelLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
panelLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
panelLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
panelLabel.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor];
panelLabel.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0, 1.0);
panelLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
panelLabel.layer.borderWidth = 0;
[panelLabel setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSizePanel]];
[panelLabel setCenter:CGPointMake(x,y)];
panelLabel.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
[panelLabel setText:setPanelTextToThis];
//[panelLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",size]];
[sbav addSubview:panelLabel];
/// this should not have its own section
//if( replacesClock )
//NSLog(@"Adding gesture recogniser to labelclock");
labelClock.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(toggleOn:)];
[labelClock addGestureRecognizer:singleTap];
[singleTap release];
UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPress = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(turnOff:)];
[labelClock addGestureRecognizer:longPress];
[longPress release];
//else if( hasPanel )
//NSLog(@"Adding gesture recogniser to panelLabel");
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap2 = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(toggleOn:)];
[panelLabel addGestureRecognizer:singleTap2];
[singleTap2 release];
UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPress2 = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(turnOff:)];
[panelLabel addGestureRecognizer:longPress2];
[longPress2 release];
if( stopwatchIsRunning )
//NSLog(@"force = %i (!0 == fire timer)", force);
if( force != 0 )
//NSLog(@"Fire the timer");
[self actuallyStartThatTimer];
//force = 1;
//[self _dismissShowcase];
//force = 0;
else if( isPaused )
statusText = @"Stopped";
if( replacesClock && ![statusText isEqual:@""] )
[labelDate setText:statusText];
//isEnabled = FALSE;
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : startThatTimer : END 4 -----");
- (void)_sendToDeviceLockOwnerDeviceUnlockSucceeded
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : _sendToDeviceLockOwnerDeviceUnlockSucceeded : BEGIN -----");
[panelLabel removeFromSuperview];
panelLabel = Nil;
////NSLog(@"panelLabel: %@", panelLabel);
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : _sendToDeviceLockOwnerDeviceUnlockSucceeded : END -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : attemptUnlock : BEGIN -----");
[self startThatTimer];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : attemptUnlock : END -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : didAnimateLockKeypadIn : BEGIN -----");
if( [self isLockedAndUndimmed] )
[self startThatTimer];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:.25];
[panelLabel setAlpha:0];
[UIView commitAnimations];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : didAnimateLockKeypadIn : END -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : didAnimateLockKeypadOut : BEGIN -----");
if( [self isLockedAndUndimmed] )
[self startThatTimer];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:.25];
[panelLabel setAlpha:1];
[UIView commitAnimations];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : didAnimateLockKeypadOut : END -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : isShowingMediaControls : BEGIN -----");
if( [self isLockedAndUndimmed] == FALSE )
//NSLog(@"isLockedAndUndimmed == FALSE");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : isShowingMediaControls : END 1 -----");
return %orig;
BOOL isShowing = %orig;
//NSLog(@"orig/isShowing: %i", isShowing);
if( isEnabled )
////NSLog(@"panelLabel: %@",panelLabel);
if( panelLabel )
//NSLog(@"Setting panelLabel.hidden to = %i", isShowing);
panelLabel.hidden = isShowing;
////NSLog(@"labelClock: %@",labelClock);
if( labelClock )
//NSLog(@"Setting labelClock.hidden to %i", isShowing);
labelClock.hidden = isShowing;
////NSLog(@"labelDate: %@",labelClock);
if( labelDate )
//NSLog(@"Setting labelDate.hidden to %i", isShowing);
labelDate.hidden = isShowing;
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : isShowingMediaControls : END 2 -----");
return isShowing;
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : shouldShowLockStatusBarTime : BEGIN -----");
BOOL original = %orig;
if( [self isLockedAndUndimmed] )
[self startThatTimer];
if( isEnabled )
//NSLog(@"%i && %i && (%i || %i) || %i", !hasPanel, isEnabled, isPaused, stopwatchIsRunning, original);
BOOL actual = (!hasPanel && isEnabled && (isPaused || stopwatchIsRunning)) || original == TRUE;
//NSLog(@"Original: %i", original);
//NSLog(@"Actual: %i", actual);
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : shouldShowLockStatusBarTime : END 1 -----");
return actual;
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : shouldShowLockStatusBarTime : END 2 -----");
return %orig;
//- (void)_dismissShowcase
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : _dismissShowcase : BEGIN -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayController : _dismissShowcase : END -----");
%hook SBAwayDateView
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : update : BEGIN -----");
//if( isEnabled && (stopwatchIsRunning || isPaused) )
// //NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : update : END 1 -----");
// return;
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : update : END 2 -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : updateClock : BEGIN -----");
//NSLog(@"%i && (%i || %i)", isEnabled, stopwatchIsRunning, isPaused);
if( isEnabled && (stopwatchIsRunning || isPaused) )
labelClock = MSHookIvar<TPLCDTextView *>(self, "_timeLabel");
[labelClock setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]];
//NSLog(@"%i && %i && %i", replacesClock, hasPanel, (panelLabel != Nil));
if( replacesClock && hasPanel && (panelLabel != Nil))
// Just update the label yp
NSDateFormatter *DateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[DateFormatter setDateFormat:@"hh:mm"];
NSString *currentTime = [DateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
[panelLabel setText:currentTime];
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : updateClock : END 1 -----");
//NSLog(@"----- SBAwayDateView : updateClock : END 2 -----");
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