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Created March 7, 2019 12:35
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This tool generates code to expose a dkpro pipeline in a java server running in on a alpine based docker container
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
import click # package for easy cli generation
import subprocess # package to execute the shell,
import re
import os
import sys
from pyfiglet import Figlet
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from yaspin import yaspin
from yaspin.spinners import Spinners
def checkForFile(fileName):
return os.path.isfile('./' + fileName)
def findFilePath(name, path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if name in files:
return os.path.join(root, name)
def findDirPath(name, path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if name in dirs:
return os.path.join(root, name)
def postShellCommand(command):
process = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = process.communicate()
return out[0]
def postShellCommandInDirectory(command, destination, origin):
process = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=destination)
out = process.communicate()
return out[0]
def drawDkPro():
f = Figlet(font='slant')
print f.renderText('DKPRO CLI')
def removeSubstring(to_clean, substring):
regExpression = '\\' + substring + '$'
return re.sub(regExpression, '', to_clean)
def removeSubstrings(to_clean, substrings):
_to_clean = ''
for substring in substrings:
_to_clean = removeSubstring(to_clean, substring)
return _to_clean
def copyAllFilesButOneTo(file_to_cut, destination):
# list all files in current pipeline directory
dirs = filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir('./'))
files = filter(os.path.isfile, os.listdir('./'))
for file in files:
copy_file(file, destination)
for dir in dirs:
if dir != file_to_cut:
copy_tree(dir, destination + '/' + dir)
def writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(filePath, content, identifier):
# get all lines of current file
all_lines_in_file = open(filePath).readlines()
# open file with override right
with open(filePath, 'w') as filetowrite:
alreadyWrittenCode = False
#write every line from old document to the new document
for line in all_lines_in_file:
# check if writing the dependencies block startet
# and check if not closing dependecies tag
if identifier in line and not alreadyWrittenCode:
# write dependencies line with line seperator
filetowrite.write(line + "\n")
for new_line in content:
# for faster execution can be exchanged by commands like the following
# `echo -e 'setns x=\ncat /x:project/x:groupId/text()' | xmllint --shell pom.xml | grep -v /`
# i don't know how to execute them with subprocess
groupId_cmd = ['mvn', 'help:evaluate', '-Dexpression=project.groupId', '-q', '-DforceStdout']
artifactId_cmd = ['mvn', 'help:evaluate', '-Dexpression=project.artifactId', '-q', '-DforceStdout']
version_cmd = ['mvn', 'help:evaluate', '-Dexpression=project.version', '-q', '-DforceStdout']
# used global variables
# project file system path
origin = ''
#maven variables
groupId = ''
artifactId = ''
version = ''
# neccessary for code generation
# shows maven information in the terminal
def showMavenInformation():
click.secho('<groupId>' + groupId + '<groupId>', fg='blue')
click.secho('<artifactId>' + artifactId + '<artifactId>', fg='blue')
click.secho('<version>' + version + '<version>', fg='blue')
def getPipelineMavenDependencyInformationsManually():
global groupId
global artifactId
global version
groupId = click.prompt('Please enter your groupId, example: de.unidue.langtech.web1tcreator')
artifactId = click.prompt('Please enter your artifactId, example: web1tcreator')
version = click.prompt('Please enter your version, example: SNAPSHOT:0.0.1')
if click.confirm('Are these specifications correct? ' + className + '.' + methodName):
def getPipelineMethodAndClassName():
global className
global methodName
className = click.prompt('Enter the name of your pipeline class, for example: CreateIndexNews' )
methodName = click.prompt('Enter the name of your method, which executes the Pipeline, for example: run' )
if click.confirm('Does this trigger the analysis pipeline new ' + className + '.' + methodName + '(text, language)'):
def getPipelineMavenDependencyInformations():
with yaspin(text="Analysing your directory...", color="green") as sp:
# task 2
sp.write("> analysing project structure")
global groupId
global artifactId
global version
groupId = postShellCommand(groupId_cmd)
artifactId = postShellCommand(artifactId_cmd)
version = postShellCommand(version_cmd)
# finalize
if click.confirm('Are these specifications correct?'):
return True
return False
def pullServerTemplateInFolder(folderName, origin):
# server template, here is a good point to add multiple templates with a switch statement
# the setup folder function could ask for a template specification in the shell
#server template
basic_template = ''
command = ['git' ,'clone', basic_template, './' + folderName]
def setupFolders():
# setup
global origin
deployment_folder_name = 'deployment'
origin = postShellCommand(['pwd'])
# path_destination = origin + '/' + deployment_folder_name
postShellCommand(['mkdir', deployment_folder_name] )
# clone server git repository
pullServerTemplateInFolder(deployment_folder_name, origin)
# copy current analysis files to deployment folder, without the deployment folder
copyAllFilesButOneTo('deployment', './deployment/pipeline')
def addContainerName():
print 'in container name'
path_to_pom = './deployment/pom.xml'
identifier = '@DKPRO CLI container name generation is starting this line'
container_name= '<name>' + className + '</name>'
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path_to_pom, container_name, identifier)
def addMavenDependencyToServer():
path_to_pom = './deployment/pom.xml'
line_identifier = '@DKPRO CLI import dependecies is starting this line'
name_identifier = '@DKPRO CLI container name generation is starting this line'
maven_dependency_to_add = [
'\t\t\t<groupId>' + groupId + '</groupId>\n',
'\t\t\t<artifactId>' + artifactId + '</artifactId>\n',
'\t\t\t<version>' + version + '</version>\n'
container_name= '\t<name>' + className.lower() + '</name>'
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path_to_pom, maven_dependency_to_add, line_identifier)
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path_to_pom, container_name, name_identifier)
# Problem was to identify the import logic
def generateImportStatement(path):
# hard coded identifier into template
identifier = '@DKPRO CLI import code generation is starting this line'
# create file name of class, maybe ask in cli if correct
java_class_file_name = className + '.java'
# to create a import statement we have to find the location of the class
# in the project folder, this is the root from where we search the directory
# to locate the class file
search_from = './src/main/java/'
# executes the file search in the specified directory
class_path = findFilePath(java_class_file_name, search_from)
print class_path + 'and file name' + java_class_file_name
# cleans the string from the unwanted parts, the file name and the
# ./src/main/java/ || the import statement is actually structured as follows:
# for ./src/main/java/part1/part2/part3/ -> PART1.PART2.PART3.CLASS_NAME
cleaned_path_java = class_path.replace('.java', '')
cleaned_path = cleaned_path_java.replace(search_from, '')
# the last thing todo: replace / with .
path_to_import = 'import ' + cleaned_path.replace('/', '.') + ';\n'
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path, path_to_import, identifier)
def generateAnalysisInit(path):
identifier = '@DKPRO CLI init static analysis, starting this line'
line1 = '\t' + 'public static ' + className + ' analysis = new ' + className + '();\n'
java_code_to_add = [
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path, java_code_to_add, identifier)
def generateAnalysisExec(path):
identifier = '@DKPRO CLI analysis code generation is starting this line'
line1 = '\t\t\t' + 'JCas result = analysis.' + methodName + '(jsonString);\n'
java_code_to_add = [
writeFileAfterLineIdentifier(path, java_code_to_add, identifier)
def generateJavaCode():
# file to rewrite
path_to_dkpro_endpoint = './deployment/src/main/java/com/'
# the pipeline import and trigger has to be generated
def buildProject():
path = './deployment'
commandBuilProject = ['mvn', 'clean', 'install', '-Dmaven.test.skip=true']
postShellCommandInDirectory(commandBuilProject, path, origin)
def buildContainer():
global imageName
# this command compiles and builds the container image
imageName = 'dkpro/' + className.lower()
path = './deployment/target/docker/'
commandBuilding = ['docker', 'image','build', '-t', imageName, path]
def pushContainertoRegistry():
destination = './deployment'
# this command compiles and builds the container image
command = ['mvn', 'clean', 'package', 'docker:build', '-DpushImageTag', '-DdockerImageTags=latest']
postShellCommandInDirectory(command, destination, origin)
def runContainerLocally(background, port):
destination = './deployment/target/docker'
# get paths
command_fg = ['docker', 'run', '-it', '--rm', '-p', port + ':8080', imageName]
command_bg = ['docker', 'run', '-d', '-p', port + ':8080', imageName]
command = command_fg if background == True else command_bg
postShellCommandInDirectory(command, destination, origin)
def moverDockerfilesAndRemoveDeployment():
move = ['mv', './deployment/target/docker', './docker']
remove = ['rm' '-rf' './deployment']
# postShellCommand(remove)
def killAllRunningContainers():
click.secho('Waring this will call all running docker containers on your machine, not only the ones deployed with this tool', fg='red')
def cliDefinition(port, deploy, kill, background, only, removeFolder, HTTPType):
if isinstance(port, basestring) == False:
port = port.toString()
if kill == True:
pomExists = checkForFile('pom.xml')
if not pomExists:
click.echo('No pom.xml found. Are you in the correct directory ?')
click.secho('✓ Found pom.xml', fg='green')
if only != 'deploy':
got_information = getPipelineMavenDependencyInformations()
if not got_information:
click.secho('✓ Got all neccessary informations', fg='green')
click.secho('✓ Setting up deployment directory', fg='green')
click.secho('✓ Integrate pipeline to server maven', fg='green')
click.secho('✓ Server code generation', fg='green')
with yaspin(text="Compiling Project", color="green") as sp:
if deploy == 'local':
with yaspin( Spinners.pong ,text="Building container...", color="green") as sp:
if only != 'generate':
with yaspin( Spinners.shark ,text="Container is running on port: " + port, color="blue") as sp:
runContainerLocally(background, port)
if deploy == 'registry':
click.secho('✓ Push container to registry', fg='green')
# if removeFolder == True and background == True:
# moverDockerfilesAndRemoveDeployment()
@click.option('--deploy', default='local', help='Can start local server or push container to registry, value = local || registry')
@click.option('--port', default='3000', help='You can specify the port when running locally, default port 3000')
@click.option('--kill', default=False, help='Kills all running containers, can be set to True, per default False')
@click.option('--background', default=True, help='When running the container locally you can deside if this programm should end by switching into the server logs, per default False')
@click.option('--only', default='', help='Can specify if the necessity exits to only run partially run the pipline, the pipeline can run with the values: deploy(if all necessary steps where either done manually or by the tool) and generate(only generates all necessary dependecies and code to run the server)')
@click.option('--remove', default=True, help='Specifies if the generated folder should be delted or be left in the directory')
@click.option('--type', default='GET', help='Specifies the HTTP method that should be called when executing the script. GET and POST is accepted, default value is GET)')
def main(port, deploy, kill, background, only, remove, type):
cliDefinition(port, deploy, kill, background, only, remove, type)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
click.secho('Exiting DKPro Deploy CLI', fg='red')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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