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Created December 17, 2023 18:47
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Code source JavaScript de
var nickidol = "";
var citydio = -1;
var citygood = "";
var ageuq = "";
var sauvy = "";
var townzz = "";
var largum;
var hautum;
var decalbras = 0;
var cookav = 0;
var referenz = "0";
var largj = 1020;
var hautj = 600;
var operis;
var iko;
var huko = "";
var popup = true;
var ffox = false;
var miniaz = false;
var urbase = "";
var arville = new Array();
var dejaapp = true;
var orig = "0";
var premia = 0;
function tailleur() {
if (mobilo) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1) {
window.addEventListener("beforeinstallprompt", function(e) {
dejaapp = false;
huko = "" + location;
urbase = huko;
var yjj = urbase.lastIndexOf("/");
if (yjj > 7)
urbase = urbase.substring(0, yjj);
if (huko.indexOf("redir") > 0)
orig = "1";
if (urbase.indexOf("www") == -1)
urbase = "";
var hhk = "" + top.location;
var navigo = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
//if((navigo.indexOf("mac os")==-1)||(tabli==1))
if (urbase.indexOf("https") == -1)
urbase = "https" + urbase.substring(4);
urlprinc = urbase + "/chat/";
decalbras = 0;
cookav = Math.floor(Math.random() * 890000000) + 100000000;
var infor = LireCookie("coda");
if (infor != null) {
var wix1 = infor.indexOf('#', 0);
var wix2 = infor.indexOf('#', wix1 + 1);
var wix3 = infor.indexOf('#', wix2 + 1);
var wix4 = infor.indexOf('#', wix3 + 1);
var wix5 = infor.indexOf('#', wix4 + 1);
document.getElementById("nicko").value = infor.substring(0, wix1);
mytype = infor.substring(wix1 + 1, wix2);
ageuq = infor.substring(wix2 + 1, wix3);
document.getElementById("ageu").value = ageuq;
townzz = infor.substring(wix3 + 1, wix4);
if (townzz.length > 2)
document.getElementById("zipo").style.width = (townzz.length * 10 + 8) + "px";
document.getElementById("zipo").value = townzz;
citygood = infor.substring(wix4 + 1, wix4 + 6);
premia = infor.substring(wix5 + 1, wix5 + 2);
citydio = citygood;
try {
if (premia == 1)
} catch (adq) {}
decalbras = 370;
function premium() {
function checode(e) {
var autorisation = true;
var cocode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
if ((cocode < 48) || (cocode > 57)) {
autorisation = false;
if (cocode == 8)
autorisation = true;
return autorisation;
function checar(e) {
var autorisation = false;
var cocode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
if ((cocode > 47) && (cocode < 58))
autorisation = true;
if (cocode == 8)
autorisation = true;
if ((cocode > 64) && (cocode < 91))
autorisation = true;
if ((cocode > 96) && (cocode < 123))
autorisation = true;
return autorisation;
function verifPseudo(pseudo) {
if (pseudo.length == 5) {
if (pseudo.indexOf("0", 0) == 0) {
pseudo = pseudo.substring(1, 5);
var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0);
var scriptTag = document.createElement("script");
scriptTag.src = "cocoland/" + pseudo + ".js";
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headTag.replaceChild(scriptTag, headTag.childNodes[5]);
function procecodo() {
document.getElementById("deroulante").innerHTML = "";
var comptak = true;
var comptaki = 0;
var transius = "";
var endino = 0;
var startum = 0;
while (comptak) {
endino = cityco.indexOf("*", startum);
transius = cityco.substring(startum, endino);
if (cityco.length < endino + 2)
comptak = false;
else {
startum = endino + 1;
if ((comptaki % 2) != 0) {
document.getElementById("deroulante").innerHTML += "<div onclick=townselecto(" + (comptaki - 1) + ");>" + transius + "</div>";
arville[comptaki] = transius;
} else {
arville[comptaki] = transius;
if (comptaki < 16)
document.getElementById("deroulante").style.height = (comptaki / 2 + 1) * 20;
document.getElementById("deroulante").style.height = 9 * 20;
if (comptaki == 2) {
document.getElementById("zipo").value = transius;
townzz = transius;
document.getElementById("zipo").style.width = transius.length * 10 + 8;
citydio = arville[0];
} else {
document.getElementById("deroulante").style.visibility = "visible";
function townselecto(nbv) {
townzz = arville[nbv + 1];
document.getElementById("zipo").value = townzz;
document.getElementById("zipo").style.width = (townzz.length * 10 + 6) + "px";
citydio = arville[nbv];
decalbras = 360;
document.getElementById("deroulante").style.visibility = "hidden";
function refrage() {
ageuq = document.getElementById("ageu").value;
if (ageuq.length > 1) {
if (ageuq < 18) {
alert("vous devez avoir au moins 18 ans pour rentrer");
document.getElementById("ageu").value = "";
if (ageuq > 89)
document.getElementById("ageu").value = 89;
function refrgenr(dno) {
function clickage() {
ageuq = 0;
document.getElementById("ageu").value = "";
decalbras = 270;
function clicktown() {
document.getElementById("zipo").value = "";
document.getElementById("zipo").style.width = "60px";
citydio = -1;
decalbras = 320;
document.getElementById("deroulante").style.visibility = "hidden";
function checky() {
if (mytype == 1)
document.discuform.typeo[0].checked = true;
document.discuform.typeo[1].checked = true;
function verifok() {
if (ageuq < 1) {
} else {
if (citydio < 0) {
function premio(zdz) {
premia = zdz;
try {
EcrireCookie("coda", nickidol + "#" + mytype + "#" + ageuq + "#" + townzz + "#" + citygood + "#" + premia + "#" + cookav + "#");
} catch (rkr) {}
if (premia == 1)
function clearaz() {
EcrireCookie("coda", "");
document.getElementById("zipo").value = "";
document.getElementById("ageu").value = "";
document.getElementById("nicko").value = "";
function prevalid(modi) {
nickidol = document.getElementById("nicko").value;
if (nickidol.length > 3) {
ageuq = document.getElementById("ageu").value;
if (ageuq > 14) {
if (citydio > -1) {
citygood = "";
citygood = citydio;
if (citygood.length != 5) {
if (citygood.length == 1)
citygood = "0000" + citygood;
if (citygood.length == 2)
citygood = "000" + citygood;
if (citygood.length == 3)
citygood = "00" + citygood;
if (citygood.length == 4)
citygood = "0" + citygood;
var sume = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nickidol.length; i++) {
var ujm = nickidol.charCodeAt(i);
if ((ujm < 95) && (ujm > 59))
if (sume > 4)
nickidol = nickidol.toLowerCase();
var rrm = nickidol.indexOf(" ");
while (rrm > -1) {
nickidol = nickidol.replace(" ", "");
rrm = nickidol.indexOf(" ");
nickidol = nickidol.replace("_", "");
var infom = nickidol + "#" + mytype + "#" + ageuq + "#" + townzz + "#" + citygood + "#" + premia + "#" + cookav + "#";
EcrireCookie("coda", infom);
var standalone = false;
try {
if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: fullscreen)').matches) {
standalone = true;
} else if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) {
standalone = true;
} else if (("standalone" in window.navigator) && window.navigator.standalone) {
standalone = true;
} catch (std) {}
if (nickidol.indexOf("789") > -1) {
if (((!standalone) && (dejaapp)) || !mobilo)
iko = + "/kelnum/index.html#" + nickidol + "_" + mytype + "_" + ageuq + "_" + citygood + "_" + orig + "_" + sauvy + "_" + referenz + "_", "coco", "status=no ,toolbar=no , location=yes , resizable=" + resoz + ", width=" + largj + ", height=" + hautj + ",scrollbars=yes");
else {
location.href = urbase + "/kelnum/index.html#" + nickidol + "_" + mytype + "_" + ageuq + "_" + citygood + "_" + orig + "_" + sauvy + "_" + referenz + "_";
} else {
if (((!standalone) && (dejaapp)) || !mobilo)
iko = + "index.html#" + nickidol + "_" + mytype + "_" + ageuq + "_" + citygood + "_" + orig + "_" + sauvy + "_" + referenz + "_", "_newtab");
else {
location.href = urbase + "/chat/index.html#" + nickidol + "_" + mytype + "_" + ageuq + "_" + citygood + "_" + orig + "_" + sauvy + "_" + referenz + "_";
// iko.focus();
} else {
if (modi == 1)
alert("Le code postal que vous avez rentré n'est pas valide." + citydio);
} else {
if (modi == 1)
alert("vous devez avoir au moins 15 ans pour rentrer");
} else {
if (modi == 1)
alert("votre pseudo doit contenir au moins 4 lettres !");
function validatio() {
popup = false;
var rff = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
operis = true;
var navix = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (navix.indexOf("opera") != -1)
operis = false;
if (navix.indexOf("firefox") != -1)
popup = false;
if (navix.indexOf("indows phone") > -1)
operis = false;
if (sauvy.length < 2)
sauvy = cookav;
if (huko.indexOf("iphone") > -1) {
largj = 380;
hautj = 450;
function EcrireCookie(nom, valeur) {
var dato = new Date;
dato.setFullYear(dato.getFullYear() + 10);
var argv = EcrireCookie.arguments;
var argc = EcrireCookie.arguments.length;
var expires = dato;
document.cookie = nom + "=" + escape(valeur) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString();
function getCookieVal(offset) {
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));
function LireCookie(nom) {
var arg = nom + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < clen) {
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal(j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
if (i == 0) break;
return null;
}// This is just a sample script. Paste your real code (javascript or HTML) here.
if ('this_is'==/an_example/){of_beautifier();}else{var a=b?(c%d):e[f];}
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