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Created July 15, 2013 14:54
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* Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Marketo, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Marketo marketing automation web activity tracking script
* $Id: munchkin.js 44633 2012-08-17 23:47:19Z dj $
* $Rev: 44633 $
var Munchkin = {
ASSOCIATE_LEAD: "associateLead",
CLICK_LINK: "clickLink",
VISIT_WEB_PAGE: "visitWebPage",
init: function (a, b) {
if (_MchHlpr.Cookie.enabled() && !(a == null || a.length == 0)) {
_MchHlpr.discoverClientLibrary(); = a;
var c = document.location;
_MchSingle.notifyPrefix = c.protocol + "//" + + "";
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b)) {
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.customName)) _MchSingle.customName = b.customName;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.notifyPrefix)) _MchSingle.notifyPrefix = b.notifyPrefix;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.wsInfo)) _MchSingle.wsInfo =
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.altIds)) _MchSingle.altIds = b.altIds;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.visitorToken)) _MchSingle.visitorToken = b.visitorToken;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.cookieLifeDays)) _MchSingle.cookieLifeDays = b.cookieLifeDays;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.clickTime)) _MchSingle.clickTime = b.clickTime;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.cookieAnon)) _MchSingle.cookieAnon = b.cookieAnon;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.mkt_tok)) _MchSingle.override = b.mkt_tok;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined(b.domainLevel)) _MchSingle.domainLevel = b.domainLevel
var d =
e =;
if (e != null && e.length > 0)
for (var e = e.substr(1).split("&"), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
var g = e[f].split("=");
switch (g[0]) {
case "mkt_tok":
_MchSingle.override = _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(g[1]);
case "lpview":
d = g[1];
case "mkt_dbg":
_MchSingle.debug = g[1] == 1
if (!(d == "preview" && /\/lpeditor\/preview$/.test(c.pathname))) {
_MchSingle.capable = true;
try {
_MchHlpr.$(document).ready(function () {
} catch (h) {}
munchkinFunction: function (a, b, c) {
var d = {};
if (c !=
null) d._mchKy = c;
switch (a) {
case Munchkin.ASSOCIATE_LEAD:
for (var e in b) d["_mchAt" + e] = b[e];
_MchSingle.createTrackingCookie(true);"webevents/associateLead", d);
case Munchkin.CLICK_LINK:
if (b.href != null) d._mchHr = d._mchLr = _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(b.href);"webevents/clickLink", d, {
_mchCn: _MchSingle.customName != null ? _MchSingle.customName : ""
}, 0);
case Munchkin.VISIT_WEB_PAGE:
if (b.url != null) d._mchRu = _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(b.url);
if (b.params != null) d._mchQp =
_MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(b.params.replace(/&/g, "__-__"));
if ( != null) d._mchCn =;"webevents/visitWebPage", d, {
_mchRe: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(document.location.href)
}, 0)
createTrackingCookie: function (a) {
debug: function (a, b) {
var c = {
_mchTk: _MchSingle.Cookie.token,
_mchMsg: _MchSingle.debugSeq++,
_mchUa: navigator.userAgent
if (_MchSingle.override != null) c.mkt_tok = _MchSingle.override;
a != null && (c._mchMsg +=
" - " + a);
if (b != null) {
var d = _MchHlpr.$("#" + b);
if (d.length > 0) c._mchScr = d.html()
c._mchVr = _MchSingle.VERSION;
d = _MchSingle.notifyPrefix + "webevents/debug";
d += "?_mchNc=" + (new Date).getTime() + "&" + _MchHlpr.$.param(c);
c = new Image(1, 1);
c.onload = function () {};
c.src = d
mktoMunchkin = Munchkin.init;
mktoMunchkinDebug = Munchkin.debug;
mktoMunchkinFunction = Munchkin.munchkinFunction;
var _MchSingle = {
capable: false,
inited: false,
id: null,
altIds: null,
cookie: null,
customName: null,
override: null,
wsInfo: null,
visitorToken: null,
cookieLifeDays: 730,
clickTime: 250,
cookieAnon: true,
debug: false,
debugSeq: 1,
defQ: [],
domainLevel: null,
VERSION: "134",
LINK_SELECTOR: 'a[href]:not([href^="#"],[href=],[class~="mchNoDecorate"],[href^="javascript"],[href^="mailto"]),area[href]:not([href^="#"],[href=],[class~="mchNoDecorate"],[href^="javascript"],[href^="mailto"])',
initialize: function () {
if (this.capable) {
if (!this.inited) {
this.inited =
for (var a = this.createTrackingCookie(this.override != null); this.defQ.length > 0;) {
var b = this.defQ.shift();
switch (b[0]) {
case "createTrackingCookie":
a = this.createTrackingCookie(b[1]);
case "post":[1], b[2], _MchHlpr.isDefined(b[3]) ? b[3] : null, _MchHlpr.isDefined(b[4]) ? b[4] : null, _MchHlpr.isDefined(b[5]) ? b[5] : null)
if (a != null) a = document.location,"webevents/visitWebPage", {
_mchCn: this.customName != null ? this.customName : ""
}, {
_mchHa: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(a.hash),
_mchRe: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(document.referrer),
_mchQp: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(, "__-__"))
}, 0)
} else _MchHlpr.updateLpForm("")
createTrackingCookie: function (a) {
if (this.inited) {
if (this.cookie != null) return this.cookie;
this.domain = _MchHlpr.getDomain(document.location.hostname, this.domainLevel);
var b = new _MchHlpr.Cookie("_mkto_trk");
if ( != null && != b.token = null;
if (_MchHlpr.isDefined( || this.cookieAnon || a) { =;
if (b.token == null) b.token = this.visitorToken != null && this.visitorToken != "VISITOR_MKTTOK_REPLACE" ?
this.visitorToken : _MchHlpr.generateToken(this.domain);, "/", this.domain, false);
_MchHlpr.updateLpForm("id:" + + "&token:" + b.token);
return this.cookie = b
} else return null
} else this.defQ.push(["createTrackingCookie", a])
post: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (this.inited)
if (this.cookie != null) {
var f = document.location;
b._mchId =;
b._mchTk = this.cookie.token;
if (this.override != null) b.mkt_tok = this.override;
if (this.wsInfo != null) b._mchWs = this.wsInfo;
b._mchHo =
b._mchPo = f.port;
if (b._mchRu == null) b._mchRu = _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(f.pathname);
b._mchPc = f.protocol;
if (c != null)
for (var g in c) b[g] = c[g];
b._mchVr = this.VERSION;
if (b._mchHo == null || b._mchHo.length == 0 || b._mchPc == "file:") this.debug && alert("Ignoring munchkin post: " + a);
else {
a += "?_mchNc=" + (new Date).getTime();
_MchHlpr.doImageGet(this.notifyPrefix, a, b, d, e);
for (var h in this.altIds) c = this.altIds[h], b._mchId = c, _MchHlpr.doImageGet(this.notifyPrefix.replace(/\w{3}\-\w{3}\-\w{3}\.mktoresp\.com/i,
c + ""), a, b, d)
} else this.debug && alert("Cannot post without cookie");
else this.defQ.push(["post", a, b, c, d, e])
findEventTgtLink: function (a) {
for (; a.tagName != "A" && a.tagName != "AREA" && a.parentNode != null;) a = a.parentNode;
return a.tagName == "A" || a.tagName == "AREA" ? a : null
addEventListenerRepost: function (a, b) {
return function () {
if (_MchHlpr.isUndefined(b._mchInRepost)) b._mchInRepost = true, a.dispatchEvent(b)
addEventListenerDelay: function (a) {
var b = ? : a.srcElement;
if (a._mchInRepost) return true;
if (typeof a.button !== "undefined" && a.button !== 0) return true;
var c = _MchSingle.findEventTgtLink(b);
if (c == null) return true;
if (!_MchHlpr.$(c).is(_MchSingle.LINK_SELECTOR)) return true;
var d = false,
e = _MchHlpr.$(c).data("events"),
e = _MchHlpr.isDefined(e) && _MchHlpr.isDefined( && > 0,
f = == "" || == "_self" || == "_top" || == "_parent";
!a.ctrlKey && !e && f && (d = true);
var g;
d && (g = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), g.initMouseEvent("click", a.bubbles, a.cancelable, a.view, a.detail,
a.screenX, a.screenY, a.clientX, a.clientY, a.ctrlKey, a.altKey, a.shiftKey, a.metaKey, a.button, a.relatedTarget), g = _MchSingle.addEventListenerRepost(b, g), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation());"webevents/clickLink", {
_mchCn: _MchSingle.customName != null ? _MchSingle.customName : "",
_mchHr: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(c.href)
}, null, 0, g);
return d ? (setTimeout(g, _MchSingle.clickTime), false) : true
instrumentLinks: function () {
var a = _MchHlpr.$.browser,
b = a.version.indexOf("."),
c = b != -1 ? a.version.substr(0,
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'version'
of undefined b) : a.version,
b = _MchHlpr.isDefined(a.mozilla) && a.mozilla && c < 6,
a = _MchHlpr.isDefined(a.msie) && a.msie && c < 9;
b || a ? _MchHlpr.$(_MchSingle.LINK_SELECTOR).live("mouseup", function () {
this.href != null && this.href.length > 0 && !/^mailto:/.test(this.href) &&"webevents/clickLink", {
_mchCn: _MchSingle.customName != null ? _MchSingle.customName : "",
_mchHr: _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(this.href)
}, null, 100);
return true
}) : document.addEventListener && document.addEventListener("click", function (a) {
return _MchSingle.addEventListenerDelay(a)
}, _MchHlpr = {
$: null,
jQueryPriv: false,
clientLib: null,
clientLibMajorVer: 0,
clientLibMinorVer: 0,
clientLibPatchVer: 0,
clientLibRevisionVer: 0,
discoverClientLibrary: function () {
if (this.clientLib != null) return this.clientLib;
if (!this.jQueryPriv) try {
return this.parseVersion(jQuery.fn.jquery), this.clientLib = this.CLIENT_JQUERY
} catch (a) {}
return this.clientLib = this.CLIENT_NONE
parseVersion: function (a) {
if (this.isDefined(a)) {
if (a = /^([0-9])\.([0-9])\.?([0-9])?\.?([0-9])?$/.exec(a),
a != null) {
this.clientLibMajorVer = a[1];
this.clientLibMinorVer = a[2];
if (this.isDefined(a[3])) this.clientLibPatchVer = a[3];
if (this.isDefined(a[4])) this.clientLibRevisionVer = a[4]
} else throw "Invalid version";
doImageGet: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var b = a + b + "&" + this.$.param(c),
f = false,
a = new Image(1, 1);
a.onload = function () {
f = true;
_MchHlpr.isDefined(e) && e()
a.src = b;
if (d > 0)
for (b = (new Date).getTime(); !f;)
if ((new Date).getTime() - b > d) break
loadAsync: function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("script");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.async = true;
c.src = a;
var d = false,
e = function () {
d === false && (d = true, b())
if (b) c.onreadystatechange = function () {
(this.readyState == "complete" || this.readyState == "loaded") && e()
}, c.onload = e;
updateLpForm: function (a) {
this.$("input[type=hidden][name=_mkt_trk]").attr("value", a)
getDomain: function (a, b) {
if (b != null && b === parseInt(b)) {
for (var c = a.split("."); c.length > b && c.length > 2;) c.shift();
return c.join(".")
c = /([^.]+\.[^.]{3,})$/i.exec(a);
return c != null ?
c[1] : (c = /([^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]{2})$/i.exec(a), c != null ? c[1] : a)
rand: function (a, b) {
return b ? Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1)) + a : Math.floor(Math.random() * (a + 1))
generateToken: function (a) {
return "_mch-" + a + "-" + (new Date).getTime() + "-" + this.rand(1E4, 99999)
isUndefined: function (a) {
return typeof a == "undefined"
isDefined: function (a) {
return typeof a != "undefined" && a != null
noOp: function () {},
decodeURIComponentSafe: function (a) {
if (a == null) return null;
else if (a.length == 0) return "";
else try {
return decodeURIComponent(a)
} catch (b) {
var c =
if (c != -1) try {
return decodeURIComponent(a.substr(0, c)) + a.substr(c)
} catch (d) {}
return String(a)
_MchHlpr.Cookie = function (a) {
this.$name = a;
var b = document.cookie;
if (b != "") {
for (var c = b.split(";"), d = null, b = 0; b < c.length; b++) {
var e = c[b].replace(/^\s+/, "");
if (e.substring(0, a.length + 1) == a + "=") {
d = e;
if (d != null) {
a = d.substring(a.length + 1).split("&");
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b] = a[b].split(":");
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this[a[b][0]] = _MchHlpr.decodeURIComponentSafe(a[b][1])
}; = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = "",
for (f in this)
if (!(f.charAt(0) == "$" || typeof this[f] == "function")) {
e != "" && (e += "&");
var g = encodeURIComponent(this[f]);
e += f + ":" + g
e = this.$name + "=" + e;
a > 0 && (f = new Date, f.setTime(f.getTime() + a * 864E5), e += "; expires=" + f.toGMTString());
b && (e += "; path=" + b);
c && c.indexOf(".") != -1 && (e += "; domain=" + c);
d && (e += "; secure");
document.cookie = e
_MchHlpr.Cookie.enabled = function () {
if (navigator.cookieEnabled != void 0) return navigator.cookieEnabled;
if (this.Cookie.enabled.cache != void 0) return this.Cookie.enabled.cache;
document.cookie = "testcookie=test; max-age=10000";
return document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie=test") == -1 ? this.Cookie.enabled.cache = false : (document.cookie = "testcookie=test; max-age=0", this.Cookie.enabled.cache = true)
(function () {
try {
if (_MchHlpr.discoverClientLibrary() == _MchHlpr.CLIENT_JQUERY && (_MchHlpr.clientLibMajorVer == 1 && _MchHlpr.clientLibMinorVer >= 3 || _MchHlpr.clientLibMajorVer > 1)) _MchHlpr.$ = jQuery;
else throw "Invalid jQuery version";
} catch (a) {
_MchHlpr.loadAsync(document.location.protocol + "//", function () {
_MchHlpr.$ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
_MchHlpr.jQueryPriv = true;
_MchHlpr.$(document).ready(function () {
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