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Created March 8, 2024 20:10
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# Perform a ping test
echo "Starting ping test to $SERVER_IP..."
ping -c 4 $SERVER_IP
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Ping test to $SERVER_IP: Success"
echo "Ping test to $SERVER_IP: Failed"
echo "---------------------------------------------"
# Check UDP port 500
echo "Checking UDP port 500 connectivity..."
echo "This is a UDP test packet" | nc -u -w3 $SERVER_IP 500
echo "UDP port 500 check sent. (Note: 'nc' does not confirm UDP open ports reliably)"
echo "---------------------------------------------"
# Check UDP port 4500
echo "Checking UDP port 4500 connectivity..."
echo "This is a UDP test packet" | nc -u -w3 $SERVER_IP 4500
echo "UDP port 4500 check sent. (Note: 'nc' does not confirm UDP open ports reliably)"
echo "---------------------------------------------"
# Check UDP port 1701
echo "Checking UDP port 1701 connectivity..."
echo "This is a UDP test packet" | nc -u -w3 $SERVER_IP 1701
echo "UDP port 1701 check sent. (Note: 'nc' does not confirm UDP open ports reliably)"
echo "---------------------------------------------"
echo "Tests completed."
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