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Last active November 5, 2020 02:05
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Sorting asm
bubbleSort PROC
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
mov cl, countStats
dec cx
push cx
push bx
xor ax, ax
mov al, countStats
sub ax, bx
mov cx, ax
dec cx
lea si, listTemp
cmp sortDirection, 1
jne desc_quickSort
; asc_quickSort:
mov ax, [si]
cmp ax, [si + 1]
jbe continue_quickSort
jmp xchg_quickSort
mov ax, [si]
cmp ax, [si + 1]
jae continue_quickSort
xchg ax, [si + 1]
mov [si], ax
add si, 2
LOOP jloop_quickSort
pop bx
pop cx
inc ax
LOOP iloop_quickSort
jmp showMenu
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