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Created November 2, 2011 17:29
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Save MadBomber/1334298 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Sinatra process for setting the value of global debug variables during the execution of a process.
## debug_web_service.rb
## A sinatra web application provides an embedded web service for setting
## global variables that include 'debug' in their name
## Usage:
## Inside of an event-machine run loop (if Thin is used) or in a new Thread do this ...
##!( :ip => '', :port => 4567 )
## Use whatever IP and PORT seem right for you. No need to pass parameters if
## you want to use the default IP and PORT for example:
## {! }
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
module DebugWebService
class Gui < Sinatra::Base
## Sinatra Configuration
# static files normally come from ./public
set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__)
# dynamic views are normally rendered out of ./views
set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__)
# returns an array of global variables whose names
# contain the case insensitive string 'debug'
def global_debug_variables { |var_name| var_name.to_s.downcase.include?('debug') }
## Main Application Routes ##
## Root index
## displays the values of global debug variables
get '/' do
@my_debugs = global_debug_variables.sort
haml :index
## Change the values of selected/deselected variables
post '/debug/change/?' do
# params only contains the items that were selected
# which means we turn everything off first ...
global_debug_variables.each do |k|
# ... then turn on the selected items.
params.keys.each do |k|
redirect back
## Change the values of all variables
post '/debug/change/all/:new_value' do |new_value|
global_debug_variables.each do |k|
redirect back
end ## end of class Gui < Sinatra::Base
end ## end of module DebugWebService
# Put the rest of this into a seperate file: index.haml within the same directory
# as the main file above.
%html{:xmlns => "", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"}
%h1 Debug Web Services
%hr{:size => 5}
A checked box
indicates that the value of the global variable is true.
An unchecked box means the value of the global variable is false.
%form{:method => :post, :action => "/debug/change/" }
- @my_debugs.each do |debug_name|
- if eval("#{debug_name.to_s}")
%input{:type => :checkbox, :name => debug_name, :checked => true }
- else
%input{:type => :checkbox, :name => debug_name }
= debug_name
%input{:type => :submit, :value => "Submit Changes"}
%form{:method => :post, :action => "/debug/change/all/true" }
%input{:type => :submit, :value => "All On (true)"}
%form{:method => :post, :action => "/debug/change/all/false" }
%input{:type => :submit, :value => "All Off (false)"}
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