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Created September 17, 2014 16:44
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Django Admin: Save with AJAX - Override `admin/change_form.html` template
{% extends "suit:admin/change_form.html" %}
{% block extrajs %}
{{ block.super }}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.fn.filterFind = function(selector) {
return this.find('*') // Take the current selection and find all descendants,
.addBack() // add the original selection back to the set
.filter(selector); // and filter by the selector.
/* */
$(document).on('click', '#{{ opts.module_name }}_form .js-submit-with-ajax', function(e) {
var $self = $(this);
var $thisForm = $self.parents('form:first');
var formData = $thisForm.serializeArray();
//formData[$self.attr('name')] = $self.attr('value');
formData.push({name: $self.attr('name'), value: $self.attr('value')});
var serializedFormData = "";
$.each(formData, function(index, entry) {
serializedFormData += + "=" + entry.value + "&";
// Add a nice "Loading... message to the button when we start the ajax"
$(this).append('<br />Loading...');
var scrollLookupTable = {
'body': $('body').scrollTop()
$thisForm.filterFind(':input').each(function(index) {
// Disable the field while we are saving
// Put the scrollTop into our lookup table
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if(id && id.length > 0)
scrollLookupTable['#' + id] = $(this).scrollTop();
type: "POST",
url: '{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}',
data: serializedFormData // serializes the form's elements.
}).done(function(data) {
var $html = $(data);
var $newFormInsides = $html.find('#{{ opts.module_name }}_form').children();
// Update the form with the new stuff
// Set the scrolls to the same position
$.each(scrollLookupTable, function(index, value) {
//console.log(index + " : " + value);
/* */
{% endblock %}
{% block submit_buttons_bottom %}
{{ block.super }}
<button type="button" name="_continue" value="true" class="btn js-submit-with-ajax">Save (with AJAX)</button>
{% endblock %}
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