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Fix the conflicting "var" tab completion with Djaneiro

This is a non-working tutorial. It does not completely solve the issue for some reason

Djaneiro is a sublime package that gives a bunch of snippets (tab completions) for Django including templating.

The most useful snippets I use are for templating:

  • var: {{ }}
  • tag: {% %}

The default HTML package in Sublime has var as a conflicting tab completion so instead of completing with {{ }} from Djaneiro, it gives <var></var>.

To fix this: In C:\Users\username_000\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\HTML\ remove each line,

  • ("var\tTag", "var>$1</var>"),
  • ("VAR\tTag", "VAR>$1</VAR>"),

In C:\Users\username_000\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\HTML\HTML.sublime-completions remove each line,

  • { "trigger": "var", "contents": "<var>$1</var>" },
  • { "trigger": "VAR", "contents": "<VAR>$1</VAR>" },

If you are going to backup those files make sure you change the extension and not just rename the file as sublime will absorb those files and mitigate what you are trying to achieve.

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