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Ingest Status data shape working proposal
{ // begin Collection Session
"id": 12345,
"parentFlowId": 123, // all other Flows in this Collection Session are children
"flows": [
"id": 123,
"meta": {
"sequenceNumber": 12345, // logical timestamp used to impose ordering on asynchronous updates
"name": "",
"description": "",
"createdBy": "user@domain",
"createdByFullName": "FIRST LAST" | null,
"createdAt": 0.0,
"completedAt": 0.0 | null,
"options": {
"handleExceptions": true,
"instructions": ""
// possibly more in the future
"canPause": true, // Can only be true during transfer ("upload" stage).
"canDelete": true, // Always false once ingest ("process" stage) completes.
"canRollback": true, // Always false until ingest ("process" stage) completes.
"timeLeft": 0.0
"progress": {
// UPLOAD phase
"location": {
"id": "123:location", // first part is the transfer ID
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"files": 789, // for Native Lite, this will be exactly 1
"bytes": 123456789
"detection": { // this maps to the "Validating Files" step of native flows
"id": "123:detection",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"files": 456,
"transfer": {
"id": "123:transfer",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"files": 123,
"bytes": 123456,
"rate": 0.0 | null
"transferReporting": {
"id": "123:transferReporting",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"report": "https://somewhere-on-s3" | null,
"agentLog": "https://somewhere-on-s3" | null,
"validation": { // this maps to the "Validating Files" step of loadfile/overlay flows
"id": "456:validation", // first part is the validation ID
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456,
"validationReporting": {
"id": "123:validationReporting",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"report": "https://somewhere-on-s3" | null
// PROCESS phase
"expansion": {
"id": "789:expansion", // first part is the ingest ID
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"filtering": {
"id": "789:filtering",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"extraction": {
"id": "789:extraction",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"deduplication": {
"id": "789:deduplication",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"documentCreation": {
"id": "789:documentCreation",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"taggingFoldering": {
"id": "789:taggingFoldering",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"ingestReporting": {
"id": "789:ingestReporting",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"newDocuments": 123456 | null,
"billingSize": 1234567890 | null,
"ingestReport": "https://somewhere-on-s3" | null,
"exceptions": 12 | null,
"exceptionReport": "https://somewhere-on-s3" | null
// ENRICH phase
"simDocs": {
"id": "789:simDocs",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
"threading": {
"id": "789:threading",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
"filesProcessed": 123,
"filesTotal": 456
// QC phase
"remediation": {
"id": "789:remediation",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
// ROLLBACK phase
"rollback": {
"id": "789:rollback",
"sequenceNumber": 12345,
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