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Last active May 27, 2023 13:37
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syncabook to srt
import os
from glob import glob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from subprocess import call
WORKDIR = r"D:\syncabook\book"
FFMPEG = r"ffmpeg" # executable path
COVER = r"cover.png"
ACODEC = "libopus -b:a 60k" # None to copy
# VCODEC = "libx264 -preset veryslow -tune stillimage -crf 44" # slow, pretty, and compatible
# VCODEC = "libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 51" # fast and compatible
VCODEC = "hevc_nvenc -preset fast -qp 51" # covers go brrr
def glob_files() -> list[tuple[str, str, str]]:
files_audio = glob('audio/*.*')
files_smil = glob('smil/*.smil')
files_xhtml = glob('sync_text/*.xhtml')
print('Audio files', len(files_audio))
print(' SMIL files', len(files_smil))
print('XHTML files', len(files_xhtml))
if len(files_xhtml) != len(files_smil) or len(files_audio) != len(files_smil):
print("\x1b[41mERROR\x1b[0m Number of files doesn't match.")
return []
print('All sets match.')
return list(zip(files_audio, files_smil, files_xhtml))
def srt(name, smil_file, xhtml_file):
# Parse the .smil file
smil_tree = ET.parse(smil_file)
smil_root = smil_tree.getroot()
# Parse the .xhtml file
xhtml_tree = ET.parse(xhtml_file)
xhtml_root = xhtml_tree.getroot()
# Create a dictionary to store the text references
text_references = {}
# Find the text references in the .xhtml file
for span in xhtml_root.iter('{}span'):
span_id = span.get('id')
text = span.text
text_references[span_id] = text
# Create a list to store the subtitle entries
subtitles = []
# Iterate through the par elements in the .smil file and create subtitle entries
for par in smil_root.iter('{}par'):
# par_id = par.get('id')
text_src = par.find('{}text').get('src')
audio = par.find('{}audio')
clip_begin = audio.get('clipBegin')
clip_end = audio.get('clipEnd')
text_id = text_src.split('#')[-1]
text = text_references.get(text_id)
subtitle = {
# 'id': par_id,
'start_time': clip_begin,
'end_time': clip_end,
'text': text
# Generate the SRT content
srt_content = ''
for i, subtitle in enumerate(subtitles, start=1):
srt_content += f'{i}\n'
srt_content += f'{subtitle["start_time"].replace(".", ",").zfill(12)} --> {subtitle["end_time"].replace(".", ",").zfill(12)}\n'
srt_content += f'{subtitle["text"]}\n\n'
# Write the SRT content to a file
srt_file = os.path.join('out', f'{name}.srt')
with open(srt_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
def mux(name, audio_file):
mkv_file = os.path.join('out', f'{name}.mkv')
# Convert the audio file to MKV
acodec = ACODEC.split() if ACODEC else ['copy']
vcodec = VCODEC.split() if VCODEC else ['libx264','-preset','veryfast','-crf','51']
call([FFMPEG, '-y', '-r', '1', '-loop', '1', '-i', COVER,
'-i', audio_file, '-shortest', '-c:a'] + acodec + ['-c:v'] + vcodec + [mkv_file])
# main
files = glob_files()
for audio_file, smil_file, xhtml_file in files:
os.makedirs('out', exist_ok=True)
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(audio_file)[-1])[0]
srt(name, smil_file, xhtml_file)
mux(name, audio_file)
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