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Created May 12, 2020 16:56
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module PrisonersNeedRecruiting
open Verse
open RimWorld
let inline (!>) (x: ^a): ^b =
((^a or ^b): (static member op_Implicit: ^a -> ^b) x)
type MouseEvent =
| RightClick
| Else of int
let toMouseEvent ev =
match ev with
| 1 -> RightClick
| _ -> Else ev
type AlertPrisonersNonInteract() =
inherit Alert_Critical()
let mutable prevUnassignedPrisoner = List.empty
let mutable dismissed = false
member this.UnassignedPrisoners
with private get () =
|> Seq.filter (fun prisoner -> prisoner.guest.interactionMode = PrisonerInteractionModeDefOf.NoInteraction)
member private this.IsDirty() =
<> Seq.toList this.UnassignedPrisoners
override this.GetLabel() =
match Seq.length this.UnassignedPrisoners with
| 1 -> "PrisonerSetToNonInteract"
| _ -> "PrisonersSetToNonInteract"
|> Translator.TranslateSimple
override this.GetExplanation() =
let coloredShortName (prisoner: Pawn) = !>prisoner.NameShortColored
let formattedPrisoners =
|> (coloredShortName >> (fun x -> " - " + x))
|> Seq.fold (+) "\n"
TranslatorFormattedStringExtensions.Translate("PrisonersSetToNonInteractDesc", !>formattedPrisoners)
override this.GetReport() =
if this.IsDirty() then
do prevUnassignedPrisoner <- Seq.toList this.UnassignedPrisoners
do dismissed <- false
if dismissed then
|> ResizeArray<Pawn> // Convert to a C# List
|> AlertReport.CulpritsAre
override this.OnClick() =
match UnityEngine.Event.current.button |> toMouseEvent with
| RightClick -> base.OnClick()
| Else -> do dismissed <- true
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