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Last active May 15, 2019 21:54
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GLFW/OpenGL with Perl 6
use v6;
use NativeCall;
sub lib { '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' }
=head1 GLFW/OpenGL in Perl 6
=head2 Bindings
class Window is repr('CPointer') {}
class Monitor is repr('CPointer') {}
=head3 GLFW
sub glfwInit(--> int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwCreateWindow(int32, int32, Str, Monitor, Window --> Window) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwTerminate() is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwMakeContextCurrent(Window) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwSetWindowShouldClose(Window, int32(Bool)) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwWindowShouldClose(Window --> int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwSwapBuffers(Window) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwSwapInterval(int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwPollEvents() is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwSetErrorCallback(&cb (int32, Str)) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwSetKeyCallback(Window, &cb (Window, int32, int32, int32, int32)) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glfwGetFramebufferSize(Window, int32 is rw, int32 is rw) is native(&lib) {*}
=head3 OpenGL
enum PrimitiveMode(
GL_POINTS => 0x0000,
GL_LINES => 0x0001,
GL_LINE_LOOP => 0x0002,
GL_LINE_STRIP => 0x0003,
GL_TRIANGLES => 0x0004,
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN => 0x0006,
GL_QUADS => 0x0007,
GL_QUAD_STRIP => 0x0008,
GL_POLYGON => 0x0009
enum MatrixMode(
GL_MODELVIEW => 0x1700,
GL_PROJECTION => 0x1701,
GL_TEXTURE => 0x1702
sub glViewport(int32, int32, int32, int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glClear(int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glMatrixMode(int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glLoadIdentity() is native(&lib) {*}
sub glOrtho(num64, num64, num64, num64, num64, num64) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glRotatef(num32, num32, num32, num32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glBegin(int32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glColor3f(num32, num32, num32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glVertex3f(num32, num32, num32) is native(&lib) {*}
sub glEnd() is native(&lib) {*}
constant GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000;
=head2 Example Run
sub error-cb(int32 $i, Str $desc) { note $desc }
die 'Failed to initialize GLFW' unless glfwInit().so;
my $w = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", Nil, Nil);
without $w { glfwTerminate(); die 'Failed to create window' }
sub key-cb(Window $w, int32 $key, int32 $scancode, int32 $action, int32 $mods) {
glfwSetWindowShouldClose($w, True) if $key == 256 and $action == 1;
glfwSetKeyCallback($w, &key-cb);
while not glfwWindowShouldClose($w) {
my num32 $ratio;
my int32 $width;
my int32 $height;
glfwGetFramebufferSize($w, $width, $height);
$ratio = ($width / $height).Num;
glViewport(0, 0, $width, $height);
glOrtho(-$ratio, $ratio, -1e0, 1e0, 1e0, -1e0);
glRotatef((now * 50e0) % 360, 0e0, 0e0, 1e0);
glColor3f(1e0, 0e0, 0e0);
glVertex3f(-0.6e0, -0.4e0, 0e0);
glColor3f(0e0, 1e0, 0e0);
glVertex3f( 0.6e0, -0.4e0, 0e0);
glColor3f(0e0, 0e0, 1e0);
glVertex3f( 0e0, 0.6e0, 0e0);
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