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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Cold Brew Coffee recipe


  • 1 large container for storage (I keep mine in the fridge)
  • 1 sealable container, ~3cups
  • 1 stapler, with staples
  • 3 cups water
  • 2/3 cups coffee grounds
  • 1 Melitta #6 Filter

Put the grounds in the filter, which is more-or-less conical. Squish the filter a bit flatter, then fold the top of the filter down twice (give yourself room to do so). Put a staple right in the middle of that double-folded portion, then staple halfway between the middle and each end (3 staples so far). Fold the ends over toward the middle, and staple those down. That's your coffee bag.

[ : / - - - \ : ] Behold my ascii art
  \           /

Put the water in the container, add the coffee bag, and seal the container. Shake gently if desired. You may want to shake gently on a periodic basis during the brew process.

After brewing for 12-24 hours at room temperature, dump coffee into your long-term coffee storage container, holding the bag in your original jar. Coffee bags absorb a lot of moisture, particularly the saturated grounds inside. Allow your "empty" jar to refill for awhile, then pour into your bigger container again, repeating as necessary.

You can brew more coffee at once by brewing in larger containers, or more containers, using the same proportions. Be aware that individual coffee bags have a limited capacity. I personally brew in 2 jars in parallel, which works rather well for me.

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