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Created February 25, 2017 12:18
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Telegraf speedtest-cli exec
#### WARNING ####
# Telegraf Configuration
# Telegraf is entirely plugin driven. All metrics are gathered from the
# declared inputs, and sent to the declared outputs.
# Plugins must be declared in here to be active.
# To deactivate a plugin, comment out the name and any variables.
# Use 'telegraf -config telegraf.conf -test' to see what metrics a config
# file would generate.
# Environment variables can be used anywhere in this config file, simply prepend
# them with $. For strings the variable must be within quotes (ie, "$STR_VAR"),
# for numbers and booleans they should be plain (ie, $INT_VAR, $BOOL_VAR)
# Global tags can be specified here in key="value" format.
# dc = "us-east-1" # will tag all metrics with dc=us-east-1
# rack = "1a"
## Environment variables can be used as tags, and throughout the config file
# user = "$USER"
# Configuration for telegraf agent
## Default data collection interval for all inputs
interval = "10s"
## Rounds collection interval to 'interval'
## ie, if interval="10s" then always collect on :00, :10, :20, etc.
round_interval = true
## Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of at most
## metric_batch_size metrics.
## This controls the size of writes that Telegraf sends to output plugins.
metric_batch_size = 1000
## For failed writes, telegraf will cache metric_buffer_limit metrics for each
## output, and will flush this buffer on a successful write. Oldest metrics
## are dropped first when this buffer fills.
## This buffer only fills when writes fail to output plugin(s).
metric_buffer_limit = 10000
## Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount.
## Each plugin will sleep for a random time within jitter before collecting.
## This can be used to avoid many plugins querying things like sysfs at the
## same time, which can have a measurable effect on the system.
collection_jitter = "0s"
## Default flushing interval for all outputs. You shouldn't set this below
## interval. Maximum flush_interval will be flush_interval + flush_jitter
flush_interval = "10s"
## Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. This is primarily to avoid
## large write spikes for users running a large number of telegraf instances.
## ie, a jitter of 5s and interval 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s
flush_jitter = "0s"
## By default, precision will be set to the same timestamp order as the
## collection interval, with the maximum being 1s.
## Precision will NOT be used for service inputs, such as logparser and statsd.
## Valid values are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s".
precision = ""
## Logging configuration:
## Run telegraf with debug log messages.
debug = false
## Run telegraf in quiet mode (error log messages only).
quiet = false
## Specify the log file name. The empty string means to log to stderr.
logfile = ""
## Override default hostname, if empty use os.Hostname()
hostname = ""
## If set to true, do no set the "host" tag in the telegraf agent.
omit_hostname = false
# Configuration for influxdb server to send metrics to
## The full HTTP or UDP endpoint URL for your InfluxDB instance.
## Multiple urls can be specified as part of the same cluster,
## this means that only ONE of the urls will be written to each interval.
# urls = ["udp://localhost:8089"] # UDP endpoint example
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"] # required
## The target database for metrics (telegraf will create it if not exists).
database = "telegraf" # required
## Retention policy to write to. Empty string writes to the default rp.
retention_policy = ""
## Write consistency (clusters only), can be: "any", "one", "quorum", "all"
write_consistency = "any"
## Write timeout (for the InfluxDB client), formatted as a string.
## If not provided, will default to 5s. 0s means no timeout (not recommended).
timeout = "5s"
# username = "telegraf"
# password = "metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics"
## Set the user agent for HTTP POSTs (can be useful for log differentiation)
# user_agent = "telegraf"
## Set UDP payload size, defaults to InfluxDB UDP Client default (512 bytes)
# udp_payload = 512
## Optional SSL Config
# ssl_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# ssl_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# ssl_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
# # Print all metrics that pass through this filter.
# [[processors.printer]]
# # Keep the aggregate min/max of each metric passing through.
# [[aggregators.minmax]]
# ## General Aggregator Arguments:
# ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
# period = "30s"
# ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
# ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
# drop_original = false
# Exec a speedtest every 5 minutes
# Required: speedtest-cli (pip install speedtest-cli) -
interval = "300s"
# Shell/commands array
# Full command line to executable with parameters, or a glob pattern to run all matching files.
commands = ["/usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli --json"]
## Timeout for each command to complete.
timeout = "60s"
# Data format to consume.
# NOTE json only reads numerical measurements, strings and booleans are ignored.
data_format = "json"
# measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
name_suffix = "_speedtest"
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xoroz commented Dec 27, 2017

find it hard to monitor custom scripts with strings outputs like nagios scripts....
should I just output a 0 for OK and a 1 for fail ? dosent seem right that we can not have a string information, most time its usefull to have the stderr output also in the monitoring GUI...

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