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Created April 10, 2016 16:34
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Decodes UTF-8, interpreting ill-formed UTF-8 sequences as CP1252.
* Reads an UTF-8 text and writes it on standard output. Invalid codes are
* regarded as CP1252-encoded characters and are converted to UTF-8.
let substitute = "�"
let buf = object (self)
val buf = Bytes.make 4 '\x00'
val mutable first = 0
val mutable cur = 0
val mutable last = 0
method input () =
Char.code @@
if cur < last then
let b = Bytes.get buf (cur mod 4) in
cur <- cur + 1 ;
let b = input_char stdin in
Bytes.set buf (cur mod 4) b ;
cur <- cur + 1 ;
last <- cur ;
assert (first <= last && last <= first + 4) ;
method rewind () =
cur <- first
method discard () =
first <- cur
method consume ?(keep=0) f =
self#rewind () ;
while cur < last - keep do
f (self#input ())
done ;
self#discard ()
exception Invalid_code of int
let unicode_of_cp1252 =
let mapping =
(* codes from 0x80 to 0x8F: *)
0x20AC ; 0 ; 0x201A ; 0x0192 ; 0x201E ; 0x2026 ; 0x2020 ; 0x2021 ;
0x02C6 ; 0x2030 ; 0x0160 ; 0x2039 ; 0x0152 ; 0 ; 0x017D ; 0 ;
(* codes from 0x90 to 0x9F: *)
0 ; 0x2018 ; 0x2019 ; 0x201C ; 0x201D ; 0x2022 ; 0x2013 ; 0x2014 ;
0x02DC ; 0x2122 ; 0x0161 ; 0x203A ; 0x0153 ; 0 ; 0x017E ; 0x0178 ;
in fun code ->
if 0x80 <= code && code < 0xA0 then
let ucode = mapping.(code-0x80) in
if ucode = 0 then raise (Invalid_code code) else ucode
let utf8_of_unicode ucode =
assert (ucode < 0b1000000000000000000000) ;
if ucode < 0x80 then
[ ucode ]
else if ucode < 0b100000000000 then
let b1 = 0b10_000000 lor (ucode land 0b111111) in
let b0 = 0b110_00000 lor (ucode lsr 6) in
[ b0 ; b1 ]
else if ucode < 0b10000000000000000 then
let b2 = 0b10_000000 lor ( ucode land 0b111111) in
let b1 = 0b10_000000 lor ((ucode lsr 6 ) land 0b111111) in
let b0 = 0b1110_0000 lor ((ucode lsr 12) ) in
[ b0 ; b1 ; b2 ]
let b3 = 0b10_000000 lor (ucode land 0b111111) in
let b2 = 0b10_000000 lor ((ucode lsr 6 ) land 0b111111) in
let b1 = 0b10_000000 lor ((ucode lsr 12) land 0b111111) in
let b0 = 0b11110_000 lor ((ucode lsr 18) ) in
[ b0 ; b1 ; b2 ; b3 ]
let output_utf8_byte =
output_byte stdout
let output_cp1252_as_utf8 code =
List.iter output_utf8_byte (utf8_of_unicode (unicode_of_cp1252 code))
with Invalid_code _ ->
Printf.eprintf "unknown code %02X ; inserting “%s” instead\n" code substitute ;
output_string stdout substitute
let rec read state =
match buf#input () with
| b when b < 0x80 && state = 0 ->
buf#discard () ;
output_utf8_byte b ;
read 0
| b when b lsr 6 = 0b10 && state > 0 ->
if state = 1 then
buf#consume output_utf8_byte ;
read (state - 1)
| b when b lsr 5 = 0b110 && state = 0 -> read 1
| b when b lsr 4 = 0b1110 && state = 0 -> read 2
| b when b lsr 3 = 0b11110 && state = 0 -> read 3
| _ ->
buf#consume ~keep:1 output_cp1252_as_utf8 ;
read 0
| exception End_of_file when state > 0 ->
buf#consume ~keep:1 output_cp1252_as_utf8 ;
read 0
| exception End_of_file -> ()
let () =
read 0
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