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Last active May 21, 2023 21:41
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  • Save MageMasher/2a8225bfb0602dc4fdb76034be7a8924 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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'[datomic.client.api :as d]
'[clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
'[clojure.core.logic.datomic :as ld])
(defn entid [db k]
(-> db
(d/pull [:db/id] [:db/ident k])
(defmacro ^:private compile-if
"Evaluate `exp` and if it returns logical true and doesn't error, expand to
`then`. Else expand to `else`.
(compile-if (Class/forName \"java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask\")
[exp then else]
(if (try (eval exp)
(catch Throwable _ false))
`(do ~then)
`(do ~else)))
(Class/forName "datomic.client.impl.shared.datom.Datom")
'[clojure.core.logic.protocols :refer :all]
'[clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
'[datomic.client.api :only [db q] :as d])
(defn datom? [x]
(instance? datomic.client.impl.shared.datom.Datom x))
(defn unify-with-datom* [u v s]
(when (and (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentVector v) (> (count v) 1))
(loop [i 0 v v s s]
(if (empty? v)
(when-let [s (unify s (first v) (nth u i))]
(recur (inc i) (next v) s))))))
(extend-type datomic.client.impl.shared.datom.Datom
(unify-terms [u v s]
(unify-with-datom* u v s)))
(extend-type clojure.lang.PersistentVector
(unify-terms [u v s]
(if (datom? v)
(unify-with-datom* v u s)
(when (sequential? v)
(unify-with-sequential* u v s)))))
(defn fillq [q]
(reduce conj q (repeatedly (- 4 (count q)) lvar)))
(defmulti index-and-components-for
(fn [a q]
(->> (fillq q)
(map (fn [x] (if (lvar? (walk a x)) ::fresh ::ground)))
(into []))))
(derive ::fresh ::any)
(derive ::ground ::any)
(defmethod index-and-components-for [::ground ::any ::any ::any]
[a q]
[:eavt (fillq q)])
(defmethod index-and-components-for [::fresh ::ground ::fresh ::any]
[a q]
(let [[e a v t] (fillq q)]
[:aevt [a e v t]]))
(defmethod index-and-components-for [::fresh ::ground ::ground ::any]
[a q]
(let [[e a v t] (fillq q)]
[:avet [a v e t]]))
(defmethod index-and-components-for [::fresh ::fresh ::ground ::any]
[a q]
(let [[e a v t] (fillq q)]
[:vaet [v a e t]]))
(defn query [db q]
(fn [a]
(let [->id (fn [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(or (entid db x) x)
q (walk a q)
[index components] (index-and-components-for a q)
ground-components (->> components
(take-while #(not (lvar? (walk a %))))
(walk* a)
(map ->id))]
(map (fn [datom]
(unify a (into [] (map ->id q)) datom))
(d/datoms db {:index index :components ground-components})))))))
(let [db (get-the-db)]
(run 5 [q]
(fresh [e name phone]
(query db [e :member/label name])
(query db [e :member/phone phone])
(== q name))))
;; => ("Aunt Sherae" "Ralph and Ramona" "Richard&Marlene" "Love you Bex and Joe! Brittney" "Olivia")
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