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Created November 27, 2014 14:10
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Save MagerValp/3d31d733b9bfd5fb7dec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Force Absolute Manage agent to install packages without delay.
# Force Absolute Manage to install software at the login window.
declare -r AMSERVER="your.amserver.example"
declare -r AMDIR="/Library/Application Support/LANrev Agent"
declare -r AMAGENT="$AMDIR/LANrev Agent"
declare -r LOGFILE="/var/log/kickstartam.log"
# Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file with date stamps.
exec > >(perl -MPOSIX -pe \
'$| = 1; print POSIX::strftime("%F %T", localtime), " amloginwindow: ";' \
>> "$LOGFILE") 2>&1
# Wait until a path exists.
function wait_for_path() {
local path="$1"
while [[ ! -e "$path" ]]; do
sleep 10
# Wait for ping reply from server.
function wait_for_ping() {
local server="$1"
echo "Waiting for $server to respond"
while ! ping -q -c 1 "$server" &>/dev/null; do
sleep 1
# Wait until the AM agent's status is idle.
function wait_amagent_idle() {
local status
local sdstate=""
local newstate
while true; do
amstatus=$( "$AMAGENT" --GetSDState 2>/dev/null )
if [[ "$returncode" -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$amstatus" -eq 0 ]]; then
newstate=$( "$AMAGENT" --GetSDStateString 2>/dev/null )
if [[ "$newstate" != "$sdstate" ]]; then
echo "$sdstate"
sleep 5
# Send inventory.
function am_send_inventory() {
echo "Sending inventory"
"$AMAGENT" --SendInventory 2>/dev/null
sleep 5
# Perform software distribution check.
function am_sdcheck() {
echo "Checking software distribution"
"$AMAGENT" --SDCheck 2>/dev/null
sleep 5
function main() {
local name
local datestamp
local i
name=$( scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null || echo '<no name>' )
datestamp=$( date +'%F %T' )
echo "* Absolute Manage kickstart for $name ($datestamp)"
sleep 5
wait_for_path "$AMAGENT"
wait_for_ping "$AMSERVER"
for i in 1 2; do
datestamp=$( date +'%F %T' )
echo "* Kickstart done ($datestamp)"
main "$@"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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Hey Per, question for you. I am trying to re-write this in Python both as a first learning project and to possibly use in our environment (currently using the bash version). In line 45 and 46, what's the purpose of getting the returncode variable? From what I can tell, as long as amstatus is 0, returncode will always be 0 as well, so the nested If statement checking to make sure both of them equal 0 is confusing me a bit.

Any help is appreciated and thanks for a great little script!!

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Sorry for the late reply, I don't think GitHub sent me a notification when you posted.

The reason for checking the return code is that in some situations the agent just returns -1 and an error message that it can't connect to the message port.

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