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Created December 19, 2014 15:23
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DeployStudio: Verify that the client only has a single volume named Macintosh HD on the boot drive.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Verify that the client only has a single volume on the boot drive.
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
import plistlib
def print8(*args):
print " ".join(unicode(x).encode(u"utf-8") for x in args)
class DiskUtilException(BaseException):
def diskutil(*args):
verb = list(args[:-1])
target = args[-1]
command = [u"/usr/sbin/diskutil"] + verb + [u"-plist"]
if target is not None:
output = subprocess.check_output(command)
plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(output)
except BaseException as e:
raise DiskUtilException(unicode(e))
return plist
def main(argv):
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument(u"-v", u"--verbose", action=u"store_true",
help=u"Verbose output.")
args = p.parse_args([x.decode(u"utf-8") for x in argv[1:]])
# Use diskutil to get information about disk0.
disk0_plist = diskutil(u"list", u"disk0")
except DiskUtilException as e:
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: failed to list partitions on disk0: %s" % repr(e))
return 1
# A single volume named Macintosh HD is the ideal case. Much happiness.
if disk0_plist[u"VolumesFromDisks"] == [u"Macintosh HD"]:
print8(u"Found a single volume on disk0 named Macintosh HD")
return 0
# Bail if there are multiple volumes on disk0.
if len(disk0_plist[u"VolumesFromDisks"]) > 1:
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: more than one volume on disk0")
return 1
# Since there are apparently no volumes on disk0, figure out if it's a
# CoreStorage physical disk.
cs_plist = diskutil(u"cs", u"list", None)
# No CoreStorage here, guess the disk is just empty.
if len(cs_plist) == 0:
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: No CoreStorage volumes found")
return 1
# Check each LVG.
for lvg in cs_plist[u"CoreStorageLogicalVolumeGroups"]:
on_disk0 = False
# Check the PVs in the LVG.
for pv in lvg[u"CoreStoragePhysicalVolumes"]:
pv_plist = diskutil(u"cs", u"info", pv[u"CoreStorageUUID"])
# Check if the PV is stored on disk0.
if pv_plist[u"DeviceIdentifier"].startswith(u"disk0"):
on_disk0 = True
# If disk0 is a member of the LVG, check its volumes.
if on_disk0:
# So check each family...
for fam in lvg[u"CoreStorageLogicalVolumeFamilies"]:
# Bail if there are multiple volumes in the LVG.
if len(fam[u"CoreStorageLogicalVolumes"]) != 1:
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: more than one CS volume on disk0")
return 1
# Make sure the volume is called Macintosh HD.
for vol in fam[u"CoreStorageLogicalVolumes"]:
vol_plist = diskutil(u"cs", u"info", vol[u"CoreStorageUUID"])
if vol_plist[u"VolumeName"] == u"Macintosh HD":
print8(u"Found Macintosh HD as CoreStorage volume on disk0")
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: CoreStorage on boot drive should contain a single volume named Macintosh HD")
return 1
print8(u"Found no volumes on disk0 in LVG %s" % lvg[u"CoreStorageUUID"])
except DiskUtilException as e:
print8(u"RuntimeAbortWorkflow: failed to list CoreStorage info: %s" % repr(e))
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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