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Last active April 18, 2020 14:09
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import pandas as pd
import gin
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
import nltk
from snorkel.labeling import labeling_function
from snorkel.labeling import LFApplier
from snorkel.labeling import LFAnalysis
from snorkel.labeling import LabelModel
CEND = '\33[0m'
CBLUE = '\33[34m'
CYELLOW2 = '\33[93m'
CRED = '\33[31m'
CGREEN2 = '\33[92m'
def print_info(*args):
Prints the string in green color
:param args: user string information
:return: stdout
print(CGREEN2 + str(*args) + CEND)
def print_error(*args):
Prints the string in red color
:param args: user string information
:return: stdout
print(CRED + str(*args) + CEND)
def print_warn(*args):
Prints the string in yellow color
:param args: user string information
:return: stdout
print(CYELLOW2 + str(*args) + CEND)
def print_debug(*args):
Prints the string in blue color
:param args: user string information
:return: stdout
print(CBLUE + str(*args) + CEND)
class AIKeyWords(object):
AI = "#AI|Artificial Intelligence|robotics"
ML = "machinelearningengineer|Machine Learning|scikit|#ML|mathematics"
DL = "DeepLearning|Deep Learning|#DL|Tensorflow|Pytorch|Neural Network|NeuralNetwork"
CV = "computervision|computer vision|machine vision|machinevision|convolutional network|convnet|image processing"
NLP = "NLP|naturallanguageprocessing|natural language processing|text processing|text analytics|nltk|spacy"
DATA = "iot|datasets|dataengineer|analytics|bigdata|big data|data science|data analytics|data insights|data mining|distributed computing|parallel processing|apache spark|hadoop|apache hive|airflow|mlflow|apache kafka|hdfs|apache|kafka"
TWEET_HASH_TAGS = "dataanalysis|AugmentedIntelligence|datascience|machinelearning|rnd|businessintelligence|DigitalTransformation|datamanagement|ArtificialIntelligence"
FALSE_POSITIVE = "gpu|nvidia|maths|mathematics|intelligence|conspiracy|astrology|vedic|tamil|text|computer|ebook|pdf|learning|big|insights|processing|network|machine|artifical|data|science|parallel|computing|deep|vision|natural|language|data"
RANDOM_TOPICS = "nature|climate|space|earth|animals|plants|astrology|horoscope|occult|hidden science|conspiracy|hinduism|hindu|vedic"
POSITIVE = AI + "|" + ML + "|" + DL + "|" + CV + "|" + NLP + "|" + DATA + "|" + TWEET_HASH_TAGS
class SSPTweetLabeller(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
Snorkel Transformer uses LFs to train a Label Model, that can annotate AI text and non AI text
:param input_col: Name of the input text column if Dataframe is used
:param output_col: Name of the ouput label column if Dataframe is used
# Set voting values.
# all other tweets
# tweets that talks about science, AI, data
# tweets that are not
def __init__(self,
# LFs needs to be static or normal function
self._labelling_functions = [self.is_ai_tweet,
self._input_col = input_col
self._output_col = output_col
self._list_applier = LFApplier(lfs=self._labelling_functions)
self._label_model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True)
def fit(self, X, y=None):
:param X: (Dataframe) / (List) Input text
:param y: None
:return: Numpy Array [num of samples, num of LF functions]
if isinstance(X, str):
X = [X]
if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
text_list = X[self._input_col]
X_labels = self._list_applier.apply(text_list)
print_info(LFAnalysis(L=X_labels, lfs=self._labelling_functions).lf_summary())
print_info("Training LabelModel"), n_epochs=500, log_freq=100, seed=42)
elif isinstance(X, list):
X_labels = self._list_applier.apply(X)
print_info(LFAnalysis(L=X_labels, lfs=self._labelling_functions).lf_summary())
print_info("Training LabelModel"), n_epochs=500, log_freq=100, seed=42)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown type...")
return self
def normalize_prob(self, res):
return [1 if r > 0.5 else 0 for r in res]
def transform(self, X, y=None):
if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
if self._input_col:
res = self.predict(X[self._input_col])[:, 1]
X[self._output_col] = self.normalize_prob(res)
return X
elif isinstance(X, list):
res = self.predict(X)[:, 1]
return self.normalize_prob(res)
elif isinstance(X, str):
res = self.predict([X])[:, 1]
return self.normalize_prob(res)[0]
def predict(self, X):
return self._label_model.predict_proba(L=self._list_applier.apply(X))
def evaluate(self, X, y):
if isinstance(X, list):
X_labels = self._list_applier.apply(X)
label_model_acc = self._label_model.score(L=X_labels, Y=y, tie_break_policy="random")[
print_info(LFAnalysis(L=X_labels, lfs=self._labelling_functions).lf_summary())
print(f"{'Label Model Accuracy:':<25} {label_model_acc * 100:.1f}%")
elif isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
text_list = X[self._input_col]
X_labels = self._list_applier.apply(text_list)
label_model_acc = self._label_model.score(L=X_labels, Y=y, tie_break_policy="random")[
print(f"{'Label Model Accuracy:':<25} {label_model_acc * 100:.1f}%")
raise RuntimeError("Unknown type...")
def positive_search(data, key_words):
data = data.replace("#", "").replace("@", "")
for keyword in key_words:
if f' {keyword.lower()} ' in f' {data.lower()} ':
return SSPTweetLabeller.POSITIVE
return SSPTweetLabeller.ABSTAIN
def negative_search(data, positive_keywords, false_positive_keywords):
data = data.replace("#", "").replace("@", "")
positive = False
false_positive = False
for keyword in positive_keywords:
if f' {keyword.lower()} ' in f' {data.lower()} ':
positive = True
for keyword in false_positive_keywords:
if f' {keyword.lower()} ' in f' {data.lower()} ':
false_positive = True
if false_positive and not positive:
# print_info(data)
return SSPTweetLabeller.NEGATIVE
return SSPTweetLabeller.ABSTAIN
def bigram_check(x, word1, word2):
# Get bigrams and check tuple exists or not
bigrm = list(nltk.bigrams(x.split()))
bigrm = list(map(' '.join, bigrm))
count = 0
for pair in bigrm:
if word1 in pair and word2 not in pair:
count += 1
if count > 0:
return SSPTweetLabeller.NEGATIVE
return SSPTweetLabeller.ABSTAIN
def is_ai_tweet(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.positive_search(x, AIKeyWords.POSITIVE.split("|"))
def is_not_ai_tweet(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.negative_search(data=x,
def not_data_science(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "data", "science")
def not_neural_network(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "neural", "network")
def not_big_data(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "big", "data")
def not_nlp(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "natural", "language")
def not_ai(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "artificial", "intelligence")
def not_cv(x):
return SSPTweetLabeller.bigram_check(x, "computer", "vision")
if __name__ == "__main__":
ai_snorkel_labeler = SSPTweetLabeller()
df = pd.read_parquet("train.parquet", engine="fastparquet")
ai_snorkel_labeler.evaluate(df, df["label"])
(vh) mageswarand@IMCHLT276:~/ssp/data/dump/1197796d81674444391b25074f79b989$ python
id_str created_at source text ... slabel text_id label id
0 1248501381943554050 Fri Apr 10 06:41:40 +0000 2020 The Ancient History of Artificial Intelligence... ... 1 1 1 0
1 1248516449553039369 Fri Apr 10 07:41:32 +0000 2020 Twitter Web App 2,000 #Drones pick up a 40-ton truck by @Scani... ... 1 2 1 1
2 1248506778788098054 Fri Apr 10 07:03:06 +0000 2020 Small Business Security is out! ... 1 3 1 2
3 1248500801313492992 Fri Apr 10 06:39:21 +0000 2020 Twitter for Android Drelly and I have been learning to draw over t... ... 0 4 0 3
4 1248503150241140736 Fri Apr 10 06:48:41 +0000 2020 Twitter for iPhone Why is that all such sob stories are abt musli... ... 0 5 0 4
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17578 1248581535726534656 Fri Apr 10 12:00:10 +0000 2020 Facelift-Cloud “Culture and habits can slow the inertia of ch... ... 0 17579 0 17578
17579 1248503137964453894 Fri Apr 10 06:48:38 +0000 2020 Twitter Web App RT @MrWednesday11: @KevinCate Here some data @... ... 0 17580 0 17579
17580 1248503293287911425 Fri Apr 10 06:49:15 +0000 2020 Twitter Web App Bluetooth Mouse, Inphic Multi-Device Silent Re... ... 0 17581 0 17580
17581 1248502759592255488 Fri Apr 10 06:47:08 +0000 2020 Twitter for iPhone RT @ellajamis: I crave a love so deep it’ll ma... ... 0 17582 0 17581
17582 1248579982567276544 Fri Apr 10 11:53:59 +0000 2020 Twitter for Android @bbcmicrobot 10 REM My first program20 MODE 23... ... 0 17583 0 17582
[17583 rows x 11 columns]
17583it [00:03, 5379.99it/s]
j Polarity Coverage Overlaps Conflicts
is_ai_tweet 0 [1] 0.314338 0.054371 0.054371
is_not_ai_tweet 1 [0] 0.346300 0.161463 0.000000
not_data_science 2 [0] 0.109594 0.096002 0.043110
not_neural_network 3 [0] 0.002218 0.001706 0.001479
not_big_data 4 [0] 0.110675 0.103054 0.005517
not_nlp 5 [0] 0.013308 0.011830 0.000341
not_ai 6 [0] 0.008929 0.007621 0.006768
not_cv 7 [0] 0.010863 0.009441 0.002047
Training LabelModel
17583it [00:03, 5291.93it/s]
Label Model Accuracy: 84.6%
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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