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Created October 18, 2019 11:44
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Template for script to install programs using Chocolatey
# ==========================================================================
# Script Name: Install-ProgramsTemplate.ps1
# Author: Andy Parkhill
# Date Created: 07/10/2019
# Description: A template setup script for Windows 10 PCs. Take the template
# and create a specific setup script for each new PC.
# =========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Imported Modules
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Constants
# ==========================================================================
Set-Variable ScriptName -option Constant -value "Install-ProgramsTemplate.ps1"
# ==========================================================================
# Functions
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Main Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Opening $ScriptName Script."
# ==========================================================================
# Start of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
# Install Chocolatey
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install -y 7zip.install
choco install -y adobereader
choco install -y authy-desktop # Do NOT install on a work PC
choco install -y anki
choco install -y bingdesktop
choco install -y bleachbit.install
choco install -y bulk-crap-uninstaller # Alternative to Revo uninstaller
choco install -y cdburnerxp
# choco install -y chromium # Alternatives to this?
choco install -y classic-shell
choco install -y cobian-backup
choco install -y dropbox # Do NOT install on a work PC
choco install -y elevate.native # Uses elevate executable from Kai Liu,
# Note, could also use (taken from
# choco install -y sudo - Uses a VB Script from jan Hebnes,
# choco install -y elevate # Uses an elevate command from an unknown developer,
# Can also use the Sudo (PowerShell) script from Luke Sampson, and
# Elevate executable from Johannes Passing,
# Another Elevate executable from John Robbins, (note, I've used this in the past)
choco install -y fastcopy.install
choco install -y fiddler
choco install -y Firefox
choco install -y gitextensions
# choco install -y golang # Used for Thyme
choco install -y greenshot
choco install -y ilspy
$checksumType = 'sha256'
$checksum = "7F06171798FE3342FE6D221C1E9A0832F9EA53CC9DDF2E9D200091C36DA0C31C"
choco install -y instanteyedropper -checksumType $checksumType -checksum $checksum --force
choco install -y itunes
choco install -y jpegview
choco install -y keepass.install
choco install -y launchy
choco install -y libreoffice
choco install -y lockhunter
choco install -y markdownpad2
choco install -y notepadplusplus.install
choco install -y openlivewriter
choco install -y powerbi # Work only
choco install -y powershell-core
choco install -y puretext
choco install -y rdcman # Windows Remote Desktop Manager
# choco install -y sharex # Jing/SnagIt alternative
choco install -y signal
choco install -y softerraldapbrowser
# choco install -y sumo
choco install -y virtualbox
choco install -y vlc
# choco install -y vscode # Manually install x64 version
choco install -y windirstat
choco install -y winmerge
choco install -y sysinternals # Install in the tools folder
choco install -y youtube-dl ffmpeg
# Archive - Tools not longer in use
# choco install -y cutepdf
# choco install -y f.lux.install # No longer use Flux - use Windows 10 Night Light instead
# choco install -y filezilla
# choco install -y GoogleChrome
# choco install -y kdiff3
# choco install -y putty
# choco install -y skype
# choco install -y tomighty
# choco install -y webpi # Web Platform installer
# choco install -y wincdemu
# choco install -y winscp
# SharePoint tools - check out
# 2010
# choco install -y sharepointmanager2010
# choco install -y sharepointdesigner2010x32
# choco install -y sharepointdesigner2010x64
# 2013
# choco install -y sp2013prereqs
# choco install -y sharepointmanager2013
# choco install -y sharepointdesigner2013x32
# choco install -y sharepointdesigner2013x64
# choco install -y camldesigner2013
# choco install -y searchquerytool
# Both 2010 and 2013
# choco install -y ulsviewer
# choco install -y sharepoint.hiveshortcut.explorer
# choco install -y sharepoint.hiveshortcut.desktop
# choco install -y spcaf
# choco install -y cksdev11
# ==========================================================================
# End of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Closing $ScriptName Script."
# Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
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