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Last active August 4, 2022 18:16
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stories collection
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~four months into dating, their first night together~
" don't really know what to do...i don't know how two girls *blushes* d-do it..."
"i-it's not like i have any experience either, mizuki...i, um, i just kinda read stuffs online..."
"i'm really happy that you want to do those stuffs with me, hinari...p-please be gentle..."
"me we start?"
"um...sure...what should i do though...?"
"i read that you begin with a kiss..."
"i-i see"
"close your eyes..."
"mm...your lips feel so nice..."
"uh...then it says we should do a french kiss..."
"wh-wha-french's so um...*bluushes*"
"i-i'm embarassed also! but you wanna do it...?"
"i-i do..."
"can you open your mouth for me?"
"nn..? like this? *opens slightly*"
"good girl...*kiss*"
*tongue sloshing sounds*
[her tongue is retreating back...she must be nervous...i wonder how i can ease her in...]
*wraps arm around her back, lightly stroking her neck...*
"ah-nnmm! nn...hina...aah..."
[keep moaning for me, sweetheart...your voice is like music to my ears...keep singing for me...]
*saliva mixing, sloshing together...* "hinaaa...fuu...nn..."
[she seems to be less nervous now...her tongue isn't so far back anymore... it's so soft and delicious, i can stay like this all day...]
*lips parting*
"how was it, mizuki?"
*clearly still in a daze* " was...i...i didn't dislike it..."
*chuckles* "you were so cute, you know? and your tongue and saliva were delicious too..."
*blushes* "wha-no...yours were...nice too..."
*hugs tight* "i love you so you want to continue?"
"i...i'd love to..."
*kissing intimately*
*chuckles* "mizuki...may we do it again? i'll be adding something special..."
"eh? ah-um, of course..."
*tongue intertwining*
[ seems she's really into it...her tongue is more relaxed's probably time to reward her~]
*hand slowly creeping down to her skirt...*
"aahn, eh-h-hinari? wha-what are you..."
"mm, i'm just kissing you..." *saliva mixing...*
her fingers caressing mizu's honeypot...
"aahnn! h-hina-*kisses*-mmf..."
[mm...she's so wet...i'm sure it feels so good...]
"fu-fuwaahh, hina-aaah!! h-hinari...*kissing sfx*"
[*chuckles* the way she's trying her best to kiss me is so cute...her tongue is shaking...keep letting those moans into my mouth, okay~]
[oh my, she's really squeezing down on me...she's probably reaaal close, let's make her feel even better~...]
*rubbing and lightly squeezing mizu's clit while simultaneously caressing her neck and ears*
"mm-fuwaahh?! *lips parting* hina-not that place-hyaaahnnn!!?..."
" are so cute..."
"hinariiii...i, i'm so-aaahnnn!!!..."
" can't come yet though... feel it throughout your body...sink in to those feelings..."
"n-no-hina-please don't focus on that spot--fuaaahnn!!!..."
her voice is slowly drowned out amidst her moans...a wonderful singer, performing her best for and only for hinari...
"mizuki...i love you...i love you so are so wonderful...i'm so glad i have you..."
"aahnn!!-hina-no, i-it's unfair to say that nowaaaaahhhnnn!!!"
"oh my, you suddenly squeezed me reeaal tight...i wonder why~" *chuckles*
"n-that-that's because you-aaahhh..."
mizuki can barely talk anymore...she's fully in her embrace...
"mizuki...are you close...?"
there's no response in amidst singings, but she managed to hug hinari tight against her...
*small chuckles* "i love, give me your final chorus, would you?"
"hinari, hinari, i love you, i love you i love you i love youuuu-*hugs tight*-hina-aaahhhnnnn...!!!"
"it's okay...ride it out, mizuki...ride it down..." *kiss*
*breathing heavily* "hina...i, aah, i..."
"it's okay, you don't need to strain yourself...i know what you are about to say, i love you so much too..."
"hina...*nods*, nn..."
*kisses, hugs* "you are so wonderful, mizuki...i love you..."
" too...hinari...s-stay with me like this?"
"of course, princess...*hugs tight*"
"i...i'm sleepy, hinari..."
"mm, i am kinda too... let's sleep like this together..."
they fell asleep like that, sleeping soundly...
*whispers* "i love you, mizuki" *kisses*
~months passes~
"are you nervous?"
"eh, i, um...i kinda am..."
*kisses* "we will go slowly, okay? if you ever feel too uncomfortable remember there's always the safeword..."
"i...would you be disappointed?"
*pats* "why would i be? your well-being is what i care about most"
"more than the kinks, more than your appearance, more than your body even, i love you because you are such a wonderful person inside...even if this doesn't work out, i'll still love you just as much as before, okay honey?"
"i-um, no...*blushes*"
"hmm? no what, sweetheart?"
"when you... compliments me so much like that...i feel so...loved..."
*chuckles* "because you completely deserve it, you know?
now, can you promise you will love me back as much?"
"i...*kisses* i promise!"
*chuckles* "mm, are you less nervous now?"
"'d love for you to continue..."
"as you wish, princess. i'll try my best to gently introduce you to the wonders beyond vanilla..."
mizuki and hinari are trying piss play...
"mizuki, are you sure you wanna try?"
"y-yes...i-i have been...fantasizing about it for a while now..."
"all right...can you sit down on the floor for me?"
"nn..." *sits down*
"close your eyes...and open your mouth..."
"here it comes~"
a stream of urine trickle down mizuki's mouth...
"aaahn...nn..." *gulps*
"mizuki, are you okay? you are kinda frowning..."
"i-i'm fine, hinari, keep going..."
the sound of piss flowing reverberating through out the room...
"*gulps*, aah...*cough*, aahn..."
"m-mizuki! are you okay? i-i'm sorry...let me get a towel for you"
"i...i'm sorry...i couldn't drink it all..."
"please don't be mizuki, you are not at fault..."
"i-it's just...i know that reality is way different from my fantasies...but i just, i couldn't take it all in..."
"i told you so, did i not? here, let me wipe your face for you..."
"nn...i'm sorry, hinari..."
"what are you apologizing for?"
"i-i just, i know you are pretty kinky...i just feel like, i might not be able to satisfy you..."
*bonk* "what the hell are you saying..."
"i'm with you not because of sex or to satisfy my desires, i'm with you because i love you, mizuki. i love your heart, your soul, your body and no kink is ever gonna change that, okay my sweetheart?"
"nn...i-i love you..."
"*chuckles* i know that already~ *hugs*"
" did it taste?"
"h-ha? oh, um, it was kinda...salty and...bitter...?"
"did you like it?"
"nn...i'd be lying if i said not at all...that time was just...there was just too much and it overwhelmed me..."
"forgive me, mizuki..." *hugs tight*
"hinari...i love you..."
"i love you too!"
tw degradation
all i'm good for is sex...
all i'm good for is this gross body of mine
she's a chemist, programmer, good at electricity works
she's so smart
i just here sucking money from my parents...
if i'm useless at everything requiring a brain i hope i can at least be a meattube people would use to satisfy themselves
and maybe i'm not even good at that
i'm pre-everything, i don't have breasts, i don't have curves, i don't have a pussy, my face look awful, my hair is short, i have a beard...
useless at anything needing a brain, and now maybe even useless at my body too
please use this useless doll, only good for fucking...
after i turned useless due to being used too much just toss me into the landfill for the bugs to eat
at least i can be useful to something, the bugs will use that to help fertilize the earth...
tw kidnapping, rape, prey
> getting kidnapped would be so dreamy like just imagine someone wanting you so badly that they take you from everything you know just so they can have you to themselves forever as their little fuckdoll. isn’t that romantic ? <3
-- @babyryuuk
even better if she managed to escape...and she knows she won't be able to outrun them...yet she continues to run anyway, being a helpless prey, delaying the inevitable...
got into a deadend, they being right behind...she covers her face sitting in a corner of the wall...
"aww, are you here honey?"
"n-no...t-there's no one here...please go..."
"hmm, if there's no one here then whose voice did i hear just then?"
"i-it's nothing...please go awa-"
*hugs tight* "gotcha!"
"n-no...please...forgive me..."
"mm, running away from me...what a bad girl you are... don't you think you need a punishment?"
"please forgive me...i promise i won't do it anymore..."
"too late~ now, it's really dark already, let's bring you back into your room, okay? there's something special waiting for you~"
"" *lightly nods, knowing she can't runaway from her fate anymore...*
"that's my good girl" *kiss, headpat*
wonderful things are waiting for her back home...
hinamizu crying...running away from their family...runing into a forest...making love together...suddenly surrounded by a strange mist...then out of nowhere, a tentacle goddess shows up...
hinamizu hugging each other...kneeling on the forest ground...the goddess pats their head, telling them it will all be okay...tentacles engulfing them...they really are breeding sows now... are so slimy...they are surrounding us...h-hinarii...
m-mizuki...w-we are gonna be impregnated together...aahnn!! m-mizuki...
you two are pure and will be the perfect vessel for my offsprings...don't fight it, let yourself be embraced in my tentacles...
hinamizu singing in pleasure as tentacles violate their every holes...the goddess bask in their performance...
hinamizu's head being filled with each other while their holes are violated constantly by the goddess's tentacles...she's also feeling so wonderful while her two breeding sows continue to perform their song...
" seeds...they are implanted..." the goddess smiles in hinamizu came down from their performance...
h-hinarii...w-we really are gonna be pregnant w-with a goddess's child...mizuki...nn...i-i'm sorry...w-why are you apologizing...because i was the one to bring us into this forest...
aah! mizu-mizuki! i-i can', your beloved partner is being violated by my tentacles...would you want to join her...? you two can sing together for me...
hinari? hinari~ *hugs tight* i love you so much...m-mizuki-what's this all of a sudden...*blushing hard*
mhm ^^ *chuckles* i love you so much hinari-chan...m-mizuki...*kisses* w-wha-hinari...nn...*blushes*
hinari and mizuki, the tentacle goddess' favorite sex toy-i mean, bride...she abuses them always but they also is her only weakness...she eliminates anyone and anything endangering the two..."these two are my most adorable slaves, only i can abuse them!"
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