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Forked from Hellowlol/
Created September 18, 2016 22:38
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Simple script to throttle sabnsbd and nzbget
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import requests # pip install requests
import sys
from jsonrpclib import jsonrpc # pip install jsonrpclib-pelix
Simple script to throttle nzb clients for plexpy
There are 3 params:
-t {duration}
-sc {streams}
-a {action}
no arguments will simply reduce the speed
It can also be used as a commandline tool:
python -c sabnzbd -h -p 8085 -api 1234 -t 60 # pauses sab for 60 minutes
#### Edit vars ####
i_use = 'sabnzbd' # or 'nzbget'
reduce_speed_to = 1000 # in kbit\s
max_speed = 10000 # bandwidth from isp in kbits
maxtranscodesessions = 2 # Before we reduce the speed
pause_for = None # int minutes or None to disable
remote_transcode_speed = None # remote transcode session speed in plex or None to disable
max_transcode_sessions = None # Number of streams before we do something, int or None to disable
sabnzbd_host = 'localhost'
sabnzbd_port = 8080
sabnzbd_apikey = '' # string
sabnzbd_ssl = False # True or False
sabnzbd_webdir = '/sabnzbd/' # Default is '/sabnzbd/'
nzbget_host = 'localhost'
nzbget_port = 6789
nzbget_username = 'nzbget' # Default username
nzbget_password = 'tegbzn6789 ' # default password
nzbget_ssl = False # True or False
nzbget_webdir = '/' # default webdir is '/'
#### Edit stop ####
action = None # Dont edit me
class Sab(object):
def __init__(self, apikey, host,
port, ssl, webdir):
ssl = 's' if ssl else ''
self.url = 'http%s://%s:%s%sapi?output=json&apikey=%s&' % (ssl, host, port, webdir, apikey)
def changespeed(self, speed):
print("Changed sabznbd speed to %s" % speed)
return self.request('mode=config&name=speedlimit&value=' + str(speed))
def pause_for(self, minutes):
print("Pausing sabnzbd for %s minutes" % minutes)
return self.request('mode=config&name=set_pause&value=' + str(minutes))
def restart(self):
print('Restarting Sabznbd')
return self.request('mode=restart')
def resume(self):
print('Resuming downloading with sabznbd')
return self.request('mode=resume')
def shutdown(self):
print('Shutting down Sabznbd')
return self.request('mode=shutdown')
def status(self):
pass # todo
def request(self, s):
requests.get(self.url + s)
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to do %s' % (s, e))
class Nzbget(object):
def __init__(self, username, password, host, port, ssl, webdir):
if username and password:
authstring = '%s:%s@' % (username, password)
authstring = ''
ssl = 's' if ssl else ''
self.url = 'http%s://%s%s:%s%sjsonrpc' % (ssl, authstring, host, port, webdir)
self.action = jsonrpc.ServerProxy(self.url)
def pause(self):
print('Paused nzbget')
return self.action.pause()
def changespeed(self, speed):
print("Changed speed to %s kbit\'s" % speed)
return self.action.rate(int(speed))
def pause_for(self, sec):
mins = int(sec) * 60
self.action.scheduleresume(mins) # convert from minutes to sec
print('for %s' % mins)
def resume(self):
print('Resumed download for nbzbget')
return self.action.resume()
def shutdown(self):
print('Shutting down nbzbget')
return self.action.shutdown()
def status(self):
pass # todo
if __name__ == '__main__':
if i_use == 'sabnzbd' and 'nzbget' not in sys.argv:
client_host = sabnzbd_host
client_port = sabnzbd_port
client_apikey = sabnzbd_apikey
client_ssl = sabnzbd_ssl
client_webdir = sabnzbd_webdir
client_username = None
client_password = None
client_host = nzbget_host
client_port = nzbget_port
client_username = nzbget_username
client_password = nzbget_password
client_ssl = nzbget_ssl
client_apikey = None
client_webdir = nzbget_webdir
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--client', action='store', default=i_use,
help='Choose download client, sabznbd or nzbget')
parser.add_argument('-sc', '--streamcount', action='store', default=0, type=int,
help='stream_count argument from plexpy')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--speed', action='store', default=reduce_speed_to, type=int,
help='Reduce download speed to')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--action', action='store', default=None,
help='notify_action argument from plexpy')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', action='store', default=pause_for, type=int,
help='Number of minutes the client is paused')
parser.add_argument('-host', '--host', action='store', default=client_host,
help='host for the nzb client')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', action='store', default=client_port,
help='port for the nzb client')
parser.add_argument('-api', '--apikey', action='store', default=client_apikey,
help='sabnzbd apikey')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', action='store', default=client_username,
help='username nzbget')
parser.add_argument('-pass', '--password', action='store', default=client_password,
help='password nzbget')
parser.add_argument('-wd', '--webdir', action='store', default=client_webdir,
help='password nzbget')
parser.add_argument('-ssl', '--ssl', action='store_true', default=client_ssl,
help='Does the the nzb client use ssl?')
parser.add_argument('-ms', '--maxspeed', action='store', default=max_speed,
help='Max speed of your internet connection in kbits')
parser.add_argument('-rts', '--remotetranscodespeed', action='store', default=remote_transcode_speed,
help='Max speed of your internet connection in kbits')
parser.add_argument('-mts', '--maxtranscodesessions', action='store', default=max_transcode_sessions,
help='Number of max streams before we reduce the speed')
p = parser.parse_args()
if p.client == 'sabnzbd':
client = Sab(, port=p.port, apikey=p.apikey, ssl=p.ssl, webdir=p.webdir)
client = Nzbget(, port=p.port,
username=p.username, password=p.password,
ssl=p.ssl, webdir=p.webdir)
if p.time:
# should this be added to a current pause or add to current pause?
elif p.streamcount:
if p.streamcount and p.remotetranscodespeed:
pass # todo
if int(p.streamcount) >= int(p.maxtranscodesessions):
elif p.action:
if p.action in ('play', 'resume'):
elif p.action == 'buffer':
elif p.action in ('stop', 'pause'):
# Just reduce the speed by default
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