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Last active July 28, 2021 18:27
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Building and installing FOSS puppetserver
Before you begin, you'll need:
* leiningen (
* Java 8
* A clone of puppetserver with your changes made (they don't need to be committed for this)
1. In the puppetserver repo, build a new package with ezbake. You can create a Jenkins token by going to your profile on and generating one, then copying it into this command, along with your LDAP username.
=> lein clean && lein install && EZBAKE_ALLOW_UNREPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS=true EZBAKE_NODEPLOY=true JENKINS_USER_AUTH="<jenkins username>:<platform jenkins user token>" lein with-profile ezbake,provided ezbake build
2. The end of the output will link to a specific folder in Your artifacts will appear here when Jenkins has finished building them.
3. On a vmpooler machine (I like using Centos 7):
* Install puppet-agent. Should be fine to use the latest released version for whichever stream you're targeting (I'm assuming 6.x).
=> curl -O
=> rpm --install puppet-agent-6.24.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
* Install java
=> yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
* Install your new server package
=> curl -O<your version>/artifacts/el/7/puppet6/x86_64/puppetserver-<your version>.el7.noarch.rpm
=> rpm --install puppetserver-<your version>.el7.noarch.rpm
4. To check if your gems are installed, run:
=> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem list
5. If it comes with an executable, that should get installed under `/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin` also, so you can test if it works by running from that.
=> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/dropsonde <....>
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