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Created March 19, 2023 22:10
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-- // Constants
local BLOCK_INDICES: {number} = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
local WEDGE_INDICES: {number} = {0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7}
local CORNER_INDICES: {number} = {0, 1, 4, 5, 6}
-- // Helper Functions
-- Returns Index Array for Part Type
local function GetIndices(Part: BasePart): {number}
if Part:IsA("WedgePart") then
if Part:IsA("CornerWedgePart") then
-- Returns Corners based on CFrame, Size and Indices
local function GetCorners(CF: CFrame, Size2: Vector3, Indices: {number}): {Vector3}
local Corners: {Vector3} = table.create(#Indices)
for Key: number, Index: number in Indices do
Corners[Key] = CF * (Size2 *
2 * (math.floor(Index * 0.25) % 2) - 1,
2 * (math.floor(Index * 0.5) % 2) - 1,
2 * (Index % 2) - 1
return Corners
-- Get All Model Corners
local function GetModelPointCloud(Model: Model): {Vector3}
local Descendants: {Instance} = Model:GetDescendants()
-- Allocate Least Amount of Points Possible
local Points: {Vector3} = table.create(5 * #Descendants)
for _, Child: Instance in Descendants do
if Child:IsA("BasePart") then
local Indices: {number} = GetIndices(Child)
local Corners: {Vector3} = GetCorners(Child.CFrame, Child.Size * 0.5, Indices)
-- We set 't' to #Points + 1
-- Because be don't want to Override the Previous Indexes
table.move(Corners, 1, #Corners, #Points + 1, Points)
return Points
-- Returns Maximum and Minimum Edge Hits
local function ViewProjectionEdgeHits(Cloud: {Vector3}, Axis: "X" | "Y", Depth: number, TanFov2: number): (number, number)
local Max: number, Min: number = -math.huge, math.huge
for _, LP: Vector3 in Cloud do
local Distance: number = Depth - LP.Z
local HalfSpan: number = TanFov2 * Distance
local A: number = (LP :: any)[Axis] + HalfSpan
local B: number = (LP :: any)[Axis] - HalfSpan
Max = math.max(Max, A, B)
Min = math.min(Min, A, B)
return Max, Min
-- // ViewportModel Class
local ViewportModel = {}
ViewportModel.__index = ViewportModel
type Viewport = {
Aspect: number,
Y_Fov2: number,
TanY_Fov2: number,
X_Fov2: number,
TanX_Fov2: number,
C_Fov2: number,
SinC_Fov2: number
type self = {
Model: Model?,
ViewportFrame: ViewportFrame,
Camera: Camera,
_Points: {Vector3},
_ModelCFrame: CFrame,
_ModelSize: Vector3,
_ModelRadius: number,
_Viewport: Viewport
export type ViewportModel = typeof(setmetatable({} :: self, ViewportModel))
function ViewportFrame, Camera: Camera): ViewportModel
local self = setmetatable({
Model = nil,
ViewportFrame = ViewportFrame,
Camera = Camera,
_Points = {},
_ModelCFrame = CFrame.identity,
_ModelSize =,
_ModelRadius = 0,
_Viewport = nil :: any
} :: self, ViewportModel)
-- Update _Viewport
return self
-- Sets Model
-- Updates Points and Model Properties
function ViewportModel.SetModel(self: ViewportModel, Model: Model): ()
local CF: CFrame, Size: Vector3 = Model:GetBoundingBox()
self.Model = Model
self._Points = GetModelPointCloud(Model)
self._ModelCFrame = CF
self._ModelSize = Size
self._ModelRadius = Size.Magnitude * 0.5
-- Updates _Viewport
-- Call when the ViewportFrame / Camera Changes
function ViewportModel.Calibrate(self: ViewportModel)
local Size: Vector2 = self.ViewportFrame.AbsoluteSize
local Aspect: number = Size.X / Size.Y
local Y_Fov2: number = math.rad(self.Camera.FieldOfView * 0.5)
local TanY_Fov2: number = math.tan(Y_Fov2)
local X_Fov2: number = math.atan(TanY_Fov2 * Aspect)
local TanX_Fov2: number = math.tan(X_Fov2)
local C_Fov2: number = math.atan(TanY_Fov2) * math.min(1, Aspect)
local SinC_Fov2: number = math.sin(C_Fov2)
self._Viewport = {
Aspect = Aspect,
Y_Fov2 = Y_Fov2,
TanY_Fov2 = TanY_Fov2,
X_Fov2 = X_Fov2,
TanX_Fov2 = TanX_Fov2,
C_Fov2 = C_Fov2,
SinC_Fov2 = SinC_Fov2
-- Returns Distance that would Encapsulate self.Model
-- Based on Focus or Default Center
function ViewportModel.GetFitDistance(self: ViewportModel, Focus: Vector3?): number
local Displacement: number = if Focus then (Focus - self._ModelCFrame.Position).Magnitude else 0
local Radius: number = self._ModelRadius + Displacement
return Radius / self._Viewport.SinC_Fov2
-- Returns Distance from an Orientation that would Encapsulate self.Model
-- Only for that Specific Orientation
function ViewportModel.GetMinimumFitCFrame(self: ViewportModel, Orientation: CFrame): CFrame
if not self.Model then
return CFrame.identity
local Rotation: CFrame = Orientation - Orientation.Position
local R_Inverse: CFrame = Rotation:Inverse()
local Points: {Vector3} = self._Points
local Cloud: {Vector3} = table.create(#Points)
local Furthest: number = 0
for Index: number, Point: Vector3 in Points do
local LP: Vector3 = R_Inverse * Point
Furthest = math.min(Furthest, LP.Z)
Cloud[Index] = LP
local H_Max: number, H_Min: number = ViewProjectionEdgeHits(Cloud, "X", Furthest, self._Viewport.TanX_Fov2)
local V_Max: number, V_Min: number = ViewProjectionEdgeHits(Cloud, "Y", Furthest, self._Viewport.TanY_Fov2)
local Distance: number = math.max(
((H_Max - H_Min) * 0.5) / self._Viewport.TanX_Fov2,
((V_Max - V_Min) * 0.5) / self._Viewport.TanY_Fov2
return Orientation *
(H_Max + H_Min) * 0.5,
(V_Max + V_Min) * 0.5,
Furthest + Distance
return ViewportModel
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