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Created March 21, 2019 13:46
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Gulp file with auto broswer refresh and auto-prefix
"use strict";
var gulp = require( 'gulp' ),
maps = require( 'gulp-sourcemaps' ),
autoprefixer = require( 'gulp-autoprefixer' ),
concat = require( 'gulp-concat' ),
uglify = require( 'gulp-uglify' ),
rename = require( 'gulp-rename' ),
sass = require( 'gulp-sass' ),
cleanCSS = require( 'gulp-clean-css' ),
del = require( 'del' ),
browserSync = require( 'browser-sync' );
var path = {
SCSS_ADMIN : './scss/main.scss',
CSS_DIR : './css',
JS_DIR : './js',
JS_FILES : [ './js/admin-script.js', './js/select2.min.js' ],
CSS_FILES : [ './css/select2.min.css', './css/unsemantic-grid-responsive.css', './css/admin.css' ]
* Admin scripts
gulp.task( 'concatAdminScripts', function() {
return gulp.src( path.JS_FILES )
.pipe( maps.init() )
.pipe( concat( 'admin-app.js' ) )
.pipe( maps.write( './' ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( path.JS_DIR ) );
* Public scripts
gulp.task( 'concatScripts', function() {
return gulp.src( path.JS_FILES )
.pipe( maps.init() )
.pipe( concat( 'app.js' ) )
.pipe( maps.write( './' ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( path.JS_DIR ) );
* Admin sass
gulp.task( 'compileAdminSass', function() {
return gulp.src( path.SCSS_ADMIN )
.pipe( maps.init() )
.pipe( sass().on( 'error', sass.logError ) )
.pipe( autoprefixer( { browsers: ["> 0%"] } ) )
.pipe( rename( 'admin.css' ) )
.pipe( maps.write('./') )
.pipe( gulp.dest( path.CSS_DIR ) )
* Admin css
gulp.task( 'concatAdminCSS', [ 'compileAdminSass' ], function() {
return gulp.src( path.CSS_FILES )
.pipe( cleanCSS( { compatibility: 'ie8' } ) )
.pipe( concat( 'peta_placement_style.css' ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( path.CSS_DIR ) );
* Public sass
// gulp.task( 'compileSass', function() {
// return gulp.src( path.SCSS_PUB )
// .pipe( maps.init() )
// .pipe( sass().on( 'error', sass.logError ) )
// .pipe( autoprefixer( { browsers: ["> 0%"] } ) )
// .pipe( rename( 'pub.css' ) )
// .pipe( maps.write() )
// .pipe( gulp.dest( path.CSS_DIR ) )
// });
* Public css
// gulp.task( 'concatCSS', [ 'compileSass' ], function() {
// return gulp.src( path.CSS_FILES )
// .pipe( cleanCSS( { compatibility: 'ie8' } ) )
// .pipe( concat( 'pub-styles.css' ) )
// .pipe( gulp.dest( path.CSS_DIR ) );
// });
//gulp.task( 'cssWatch', [ 'concatCSS' ], browserSync.reload );
gulp.task( 'jsWatch', [ 'concatScripts' ], browserSync.reload );
gulp.task( 'cssAdminWatch', [ 'concatAdminCSS' ], browserSync.reload );
gulp.task( 'jsAdminWatch', [ 'concatAdminScripts' ], browserSync.reload );
gulp.task( 'watchFiles', function() {
proxy: {
target: 'http://plugindev.test/'
//[ './scss/**/*.scss' ], [ 'cssWatch' ]); './js/pub-script.js', [ 'jsWatch' ]);[ './scss/**/*.scss' ], [ 'cssAdminWatch' ]); './js/admin-script.js', [ 'jsAdminWatch' ]);
gulp.task( 'serve', [ 'watchFiles' ] );
gulp.task( 'default', [ 'serve' ], function() {
console.log( 'Welcome to the Placement Plugin Gulp task runner!' );
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