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Forked from superllama/asm.vbs
Created June 21, 2021 03:02
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Save Magnus167/05ac83dac9231367071fa81481ff82cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An x86 assembler... in VBScript, for some reason. Includes two unfinished EXE projects.
' Hit Ctrl+F and find the second instance of "here"
exetxt = ""
loc = 0
registers = Array(eax,ecx,edx,ebx,esp,ebp,esi,edi,cs,ds,al,cl,dl,bl,ah,ch,dh,bh,ax,cx,dx,bx,sp,bp,si,di)
function register(x)
for i = 0 to ubound(registers)
if registers(i) = x then
register = i
exit function
end if
register = -1
end function
sub pad(x)
if x = 0 then exit sub
exetxt = exetxt & String(x,chr(0))
loc = loc + x
end sub
sub pad_until(x)
if loc > x then Err.Raise 5,"pad_until","Location (" & loc & ") already past boundary (" & x & ")!"
pad x-loc
end sub
sub pad_align(x)
pad x-(loc mod x)
end sub
sub nop_align_d()
if (loc mod 4) = 3 then
dw &h768d
db 0
elseif (loc mod 4) = 2 then
dw &h9066
elseif (loc mod 4) = 1 then
db &h90
end if
end sub
sub db(xo)
x = xo
if x < 0 then x = xo + 256
if x > 255 then Err.Raise 5,"db","Byte overflow"
exetxt = exetxt & chr(x)
loc = loc + 1
end sub
sub dw(xo)
x = xo
if x < 0 then x = xo + 256^2
if x > 256^2-1 then Err.Raise 5,"dw","Word overflow"
exetxt = exetxt & chr(x mod 256) & chr(int(x / 256))
loc = loc + 2
end sub
sub dd(xo)
x = xo
if x < 0 then x = xo + 256^4
exetxt = exetxt & chr((x-fix(x/256)*256))
exetxt = exetxt & chr(fix((x / 256)) mod 256) & chr(fix((x / (256^2))) mod 256) & chr(fix((x / (256^3))))
loc = loc + 4
end sub
sub putc(x)
exetxt = exetxt & x
loc = loc + len(x)
end sub
sub puts(x)
exetxt = exetxt & x & chr(0)
loc = loc + len(x) + 1
end sub
sub ret()
db &hc3
end sub
sub cmpsb()
db &ha6
end sub
sub movsb()
db &ha4
end sub
sub movsd()
db &ha5
end sub
sub rep_movsb()
dw &ha4f3
end sub
sub rep_movsd()
dw &ha5f3
end sub
sub xchg(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if x = eax then
db &h90 + ry
elseif y = eax then
db &h90 + rx
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub push(x)
if x = "cs" then
db &h0E
exit sub
end if
if isnumeric(x) then
if x < 128 and x > -128 then
db &h6a
db x
db &h68
dd x
end if
exit sub
end if
rx = register(x)
if rx >= 0 then
db rx+80
end if
end sub
sub pop(x)
if x = "ds" then
db &h1F
exit sub
end if
rx = register(x)
if rx >= 0 then
db rx+87+1
end if
end sub
sub interrupt(x)
db &hcd
db x
end sub
marks = ""
recalls = ""
thunks = ""
sub splice_b(x,yo)
y = yo
if y < 0 then y = yo + 256
if y > 255 then Err.Raise 5,"splice_b","Byte overflow"
exetxt = left(exetxt,x) & chr(y) & mid(exetxt,x+2)
end sub
sub splice_w(x,yo)
y = yo
if y < 0 then y = yo + 256^2
if y > 256^2-1 then Err.Raise 5,"splice_w","Word overflow"
exetxt = left(exetxt,x) & chr(y mod 256) & chr(int(y/256)) & mid(exetxt,x+3)
end sub
sub splice_d(x,yo)
y = yo
if y < 0 then y = yo + 256^4
if y > 256^4-1 then Err.Raise 5,"splice_d","Dword overflow"
exetxt = left(exetxt,x) & chr(y mod 256) & chr(int(y/256) mod 256) & chr(int(y/(256^2)) mod 256) & chr(int(y/(256^3)) mod 256) & mid(exetxt,x+5)
end sub
sub splice_bs(x,y)
if y > 127 then Err.Raise 5,"splice_bs","Signed Byte overflow"
splice_b x,y
end sub
sub splice_ws(x,y)
if y > &h7fff then Err.Raise 5,"splice_ws","Signed Word overflow"
splice_w x,y
end sub
sub dbs(x)
if x > 127 then Err.Raise 5,"dbs","Signed Byte Overflow"
db x
end sub
sub dws(x)
if x > &h7fff then Err.Raise 5,"dws","Signed Word Overflow"
dw x
end sub
sub mark_offset(x,y)
marks = x & ":" & (loc+y) & vbcrlf & marks
allrecs = Split(recalls,vbcrlf)
recalls = ""
for i = 0 to ubound(allrecs)-1
if Split(allrecs(i),":")(0) = x then
rc = cint(Split(allrecs(i),":")(1))
if mid(exetxt,rc+1,1) = "b" then
splice_bs rc, loc-rc-1+y
elseif mid(exetxt,rc+1,1) = "w" then
splice_ws rc, loc-rc-2+y
elseif mid(exetxt,rc+1,1) = "d" then
splice_d rc, loc-rc-4+y
end if
recalls = recalls & allrecs(i) & vbcrlf
end if
end sub
sub mark(x)
mark_offset x,0
end sub
sub recall(x,t)
allmarks = Split(marks,vbcrlf)
for i = 0 to ubound(allmarks)-1
if Split(allmarks(i),":")(0) = x then
mrk = cint(Split(allmarks(i),":")(1))
select case t
case 1,"b": dbs mrk-loc-1
case 2,"w": dws mrk-loc-2
case 4,"d": dd mrk-loc-4
end select
exit sub
end if
recalls = x & ":" & loc & vbcrlf & recalls
select case t
case 1,"b": putc("b")
case 2,"w": puts("w")
case 4,"d": puts("ddd")
end select
exit sub
end sub
sub writefile(x)
Set f = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(x)
exetxt = ""
marks = ""
recalls = ""
loc = 0
end sub
bits = 32
sub mov(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
if rx >= register(al) and rx <= register(di) then
if bits > 16 and rx >= register(ax) then db &h66
db &hb0 + (rx-register(al))
if isnumeric(y) then
if rx < register(ax) then
db y
dw y
end if
if rx < register(ax) then
recall y,1
recall y,2
end if
end if
db &hb8 + rx
if isnumeric(y) then
dd y
recall y,4
end if
end if
elseif rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 then
db &h89
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub mov_dword_ptr(x,y,z)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
rz = register(z)
if rx >= 0 and rz < 0 and ry < 0 then
db &hc7
if x = esp then
if y <> 0 then db &h44 else db 4
db &h24
if y <> 0 then db y
elseif x = ebp or y <> 0 then
db &h40 + rx
db y
db rx
end if
dd z
elseif rx >= 0 and rz >= 0 and ry < 0 then
db &h89
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h40 + rx + (rz*8) else db rx + (rz*8)
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
elseif rx < 0 and rz >= 0 and ry < 0 then
if z = eax then
db &ha3
db &h89
db 5 + (rz*8)
end if
dd x
elseif rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 and rz < 0 then
db &h8b
if z <> 0 or y = ebp then db &h40 + ry + (rx*8) else db ry + (rx*8)
if y = esp then db &h24
if z <> 0 or y = ebp then db z
end if
end sub
sub get_dword_ptr(x,y)
rx = register(x)
if rx = eax then
db &ha1
dd y
elseif rx >= 0 then
db &h8b
db 5 + (rx*8)
dd y
end if
end sub
sub add_dword_ptr(x,y,z)
rx = register(x)
rz = register(z)
if rx >= 0 and rz < 0 then
db &h83
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h40 + rx else db rx
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
db z
end if
end sub
sub push_dword_ptr(x,y)
rx = register(x)
if rx >= 0 then
db &hff
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h70 + rx else db &h30 + rx
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
end if
end sub
sub xchg_dword_ptr(x,y,z)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
rz = register(z)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 and rz >= 0 then
db &h87
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h40 + rx + (ry*8) else db rx + (ry*8)
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
end if
end sub
sub sub_(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
if rx >= register(al) and rx <= register(di) then
if y < 128 and y > -128 then
db &h83
db &he8 + rx
db y
elseif rx = register(eax) then
db &h2d
dd y
db &h81
db &he8 + rx
dd y
end if
end if
elseif rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 then
db &h29
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub xor_(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 then
db &h31
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub and_(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
db &h83
db &he0 + rx
db y
end if
end sub
sub add(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
db &h83
db &hc0 + rx
db y
elseif rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 then
db 1
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub cmp(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
if rx >= register(al) and rx <= register(di) then
if y < 128 and y > -128 then
db &h83
db &hf8+rx
db y
elseif x = eax then
db &h3d
dd y
db &h81
db &hf8 + rx
dd y
end if
end if
elseif rx >=0 and ry >= 0 then
db &h39
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub test(x,y)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
if x = al then
db &ha8
db y
elseif rx > register(al) and rx <= register(di) then
db &hf6
db &hc0 + rx-register(al)
db y
elseif x = eax then
db &ha9
dd y
db &hf7
db &hc0 + rx
dd y
end if
elseif rx >= 0 and ry >= 0 then
db &h85
db &hc0 + rx + (ry*8)
end if
end sub
sub cmp_byte_ptr(x,y,z)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
rz = register(z)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
db &h80
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h78 + rx else db &h38 + rx
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
db z
elseif rx >= 0 and rz >= 0 then
db &h38
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h40 + rx + (rz*8) else db rx + (rz*8)
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
end if
end sub
sub cmp_dword_ptr(x,y,z)
rx = register(x)
ry = register(y)
rz = register(z)
if rx >= 0 and ry < 0 then
db &h83
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h78 + rx else db &h38 + rx
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
db z
elseif rx >= 0 and rz >= 0 then
db &h39
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h40 + rx + (rz*8) else db rx + (rz*8)
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
end if
end sub
sub call_(x)
rx = register(x)
if rx >= 0 then
db &hff
db &hd0 + rx
allthunks = Split(thunks,vbcrlf)
for i = 0 to ubound(allthunks)-1
if Split(allthunks(i),":")(0) = x then
dw &h15ff
dd Split(allthunks(i),":")(1)
exit sub
end if
Err.Raise 5,"call_","No function " & x
end if
end sub
sub call_dword_ptr(x,y)
rx = register(x)
if rx >= 0 then
db &hff
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db &h50 + rx else db &h10 + rx
if x = esp then db &h24
if y <> 0 or x = ebp then db y
end if
end sub
sub je(x)
db &h74
recall x,1
end sub
sub jz(x)
end sub
sub longje(x)
db &h0f
db &h84
recall x,4
end sub
sub longjz(x)
end sub
sub jmp(x)
rx = register(x)
if rx < 0 then
db &heb
recall x,1
db &hff
db &he0 + rx
end if
end sub
sub longjmp(x)
allthunks = Split(thunks,vbcrlf)
for i = 0 to ubound(allthunks)-1
if Split(allthunks(i),":")(0) = x then
dw &h25ff
dd Split(allthunks(i),":")(1)
exit sub
end if
db &he9
recall x,4
end sub
sub jne(x)
db &h75
recall x,1
end sub
sub jnz(x)
jne x
end sub
sub longjne(x)
db &h0f
db &h85
recall x,4
end sub
sub longjnz(x)
end sub
sub cld()
db &hfc
end sub
e_lfanew = 0
sub dos_stub(msg)
putc "MZ"
dw 0 'lastsize -- use whole block
dd 1 'nblocks & nreloc
dd 4 'hdrsize & minalloc
dw -1 'maxalloc
dw 0 'stack segment
recall "dos_sp",2 'stack pointer
o = loc
pad 42 'checksum, ip, cs, relocpos, noverlay, reserved[4], oem_id, oem_info, reserved2[10]
e_lfanew = loc
puts "ddd"
bits = 16
o = o-loc
o2 = loc
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,9
mov dx,"dos_msg"
o2 = loc-o2
interrupt &h21
mov ax,&h4c01
interrupt &h21
mark_offset "dos_msg",o2
putc msg
putc "$"
pad 6
pad_align 16
mark_offset "dos_sp",o
bits = 32
end sub
section_count = 0
num_sections = 0
code_size = 0
data_size = 0
uninitialized_data_size = 0
entry_point = 0
data_dir = 0
sub exe_header(linker,codebase,database,imagsize,headsize,console)
splice_d e_lfanew,loc
putc "PE"
pad 2
dw 332
section_count = loc: dw 0
dd 0 'no timestamp
dd 0 'no symbol table
dd 0 'like I said...
dw 224 'size of optional header
dw 3 'idk why it's a 3 but it is
dw 267
if len(linker) <> 2 then Err.Raise 5,"exe_header","Linker tag must be 2 characters"
putc linker
code_size = loc: dd 0
data_size = loc: dd 0
uninitialized_data_size = loc: dd 0
entry_point = loc: dd 0
dd codebase
dd database
dd &h400000 'image base
dd &h1000 'section alignment
dd 512 'file alignment
dd 5 'OS version
dd 0 'image version
dd 5 'subsystem version
dd 0 'reserved
dd imagsize
dd headsize
dd 0
if console then dw 3 else dw 2
dw &h8400
dd &h100000 'stack reserve
dd &h1000 'stack commit
dd &h100000 'heap reserve
dd &h1000 'heap commit
dd 0 'loaderflags
dd 16 'number of rva
data_dir = loc: pad 16*8
end sub
sub section(name,memsize,memloc,filesize,fileloc,flags)
num_sections = num_sections + 1
splice_w section_count,num_sections
if len(name) > 8 then err.Raise 5,"section","Section name too large-- must be 8 characters or less"
putc name
pad 8-len(name)
dd memsize
dd memloc
dd filesize
dd fileloc
pad 12
if flags = "code" then
dw &h20
dw &h6000
elseif flags = "data" then
dw &h40
dw &hc000
elseif flags = "undat" then
dw &h80
dw &hc000
end if
end sub
code_start = 0
data_start = 0
end_size = 0
sub jw_exe(codepages,datapages)
putc "HERE HAVE A CANTALOU" 'just for kicks and giggles
exe_header "JW",&h1000,&h2000,&h3000,&h200,false
section "compiled",&h200*codepages,&h1000,&h200*codepages,&h200,"code"
data_start = &h200*(codepages+1)
section "variable",&h200*datapages,&h2000,&h200*datapages,data_start,"data"
end_size = &h200*(codepages+datapages+1)
pad_until &h200
code_start = loc
end sub
jw_imports = ""
sub jw_import(x,y,h)
allimports = Split(jw_imports,vbcrlf)
jw_imports = ""
newdll = true
for i = 0 to ubound(allimports)-1
if Split(allimports(i),",")(0) = x then
jw_imports = jw_imports & allimports(i) & "," & chr(h mod 256) & chr(int(h / 256)) & y & vbcrlf
newdll = false
jw_imports = jw_imports & allimports(i) & vbcrlf
end if
if newdll then jw_imports = jw_imports & x & "," & chr(h mod 256) & chr(int(h / 256)) & y & vbcrlf
end sub
sub jw_entry()
allimports = Split(jw_imports,vbcrlf)
if ubound(allimports) > 0 then
imp_s = loc-code_start+&h1000
imp_l = 20*(ubound(allimports))
splice_d data_dir+8,imp_s
splice_d data_dir+60,imp_s
splice_d data_dir+12,imp_l
splice_d data_dir+64,imp_l
strtable = imp_s+imp_l+20
for i = 0 to ubound(allimports)-1
dd 0 'OriginalFirstThunk
dd 0 'TimeDateStamp
dd 0 'ForwarderChain
dd strtable 'DLL Name
strtable = strtable + instr(allimports(i),",")
if strtable mod 4 > 0 then strtable = strtable + 4-(strtable mod 4)
dd strtable 'FirstThunk
strtable = strtable + (ubound(Split(allimports(i),","))+1)*4
pad 20 'end of import table
allstrs = ""
for i = 0 to ubound(allimports)-1
allfuncs = Split(allimports(i),",")
puts allfuncs(0)
pad_align 4
for j = 1 to ubound(allfuncs)
thunks = thunks & mid(allfuncs(j),3) & ":" & (loc-code_start+&h401000) & vbcrlf
dd strtable
allstrs = allstrs & allfuncs(j) & chr(0)
strtable = strtable + len(allfuncs(j))+1
dd 0
puts allstrs
end if
splice_d entry_point,loc-code_start+&h1000
end sub
sub jw_data()
if data_start < loc then Err.Raise 5,"jw_data","Code " & (loc-data_start) & " bytes too big for code section!"
splice_d code_size,loc-code_start
pad_until data_start
end sub
sub jw_end()
if end_size < loc then Err.Raise 5,"jw_data","Data " & (loc-end_size) & " bytes too big for data section!"
pad_until end_size
jw_imports = ""
data_start = 0
code_start = 0
end_size = 0
num_sections = 0
end sub
function jw_offset(x)
allmarks = Split(marks,vbcrlf)
for i = 0 to ubound(allmarks)-1
if Split(allmarks(i),":")(0) = x then
mrk = cint(Split(allmarks(i),":")(1))
if mrk > data_start then jw_offset = mrk-data_start+&h402000 else jw_offset = mrk-code_start+&h401000
exit function
end if
end function
' here
dos_stub "You're running this with DOS?? In the 21st century? WHYYY"
jw_exe 2,1
mark "version"
puts "win32-1.0"
mark "filename"
puts "spark.q"
pad_align 8
jw_import "kernel32.dll","CreateFileA",&h89
jw_import "kernel32.dll","GetFileSize",&h1ef
jw_import "kernel32.dll","GetProcessHeap",&h249
jw_import "kernel32.dll","HeapAlloc",&h2cc
jw_import "kernel32.dll","HeapCreate",&h2ce
jw_import "kernel32.dll","HeapReAlloc",&h2d3
jw_import "kernel32.dll","ReadFile",&h3c0
jw_import "kernel32.dll","CloseHandle",&h53
jw_import "kernel32.dll","LoadLibraryA",&h33d
jw_import "kernel32.dll","FreeLibrary",&h163
sub_ esp,88
mov_dword_ptr esp,0,jw_offset("filename")
mov_dword_ptr esp,4,&h80000000
mov_dword_ptr esp,8,1
mov_dword_ptr esp,12,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,16,3
mov_dword_ptr esp,20,&h80
mov_dword_ptr esp,24,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,32,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,40,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,64,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,76,&h40000
mov_dword_ptr esp,80,0
mov_dword_ptr esp,84,0
call_ "CreateFileA"
cmp eax,-1
longje "exit"
mov_dword_ptr esp,0,eax
mov_dword_ptr esp,20,eax
mov_dword_ptr esp,40,eax
call_ "GetFileSize"
cmp eax,-1
je "exit"
mov_dword_ptr esp,8,eax
mov_dword_ptr esp,20,eax
call_ "GetProcessHeap"
mov_dword_ptr esp,0,eax
call_ "HeapAlloc"
mov esi,eax
mov_dword_ptr esp,4,esi
mov_dword_ptr esp,12,esp
add_dword_ptr esp,12,24
call_ "ReadFile"
call_ "CloseHandle"
add esp,4
call_ "HeapCreate"
mov_dword_ptr &h402000,0,eax
mov edi,&h402004
mark "newshard"
mov al,1
push edi
mark "loop"
mov ebx,edi
add edi,8
jmp "skipfirst"
mark "strloop"
cmp_byte_ptr esi,-1,0
je "end_hit"
mark "skipfirst"
je "strloop"
sub_ esi,edi
add esi,ebx
add esi,8
mov_dword_ptr edi,ebx,0
cmp edi,0
jne "loop"
add esp,4
mark "end_hit"
pop edi
mov_dword_ptr ebx,ebx,4
call_ ebx
cmp esi,0
jne "newshard"
mark "exit"
mark "ifversion"
test al,1
jz "iv_parse"
loc_ifv_jmp = loc
mov_dword_ptr ecx,esi,0
add esi,4
push edi
mov edi,jw_offset("version")
jmp "iv_skipfirst"
mark "iv_loop"
cmp_byte_ptr esi,-1,0
je "iv_endhit"
mark "iv_skipfirst"
je "iv_loop"
'not the right version! do the skip!
mark "iv_endhit"
'right version!
add ebx,0
'splice_b loc-1,loc-loc_ifv
loc_ifv_e = loc
jmp "iv_end" 'leave; if the IV is parsed, copying it is totally pointless
mark "iv_parse"
'however if it's not parsed, it needs to be copied so it can be followed later
test al,4
jz "iv_params"
'copy params
mark "iv_params"
test al,8
jz "iv_code"
xchg ebx,esi
xchg_dword_ptr edx,12,edi
mov_dword_ptr edi,0,(loc_ifv_e-loc_ifv_jmp)*&h1000000 + &h7401a8
add edi,4
add esi,4
mov ecx, (loc_ifv_e-loc_ifv_jmp)
xchg ebx,esi
xchg_dword_ptr edx,12,edi
mark "iv_code"
mark "iv_end"
mark "shard"
mark "shard_zero"
mark "public"
dd 0 'the executable heap
'dictionary - starts at 0x402004
dd &h402018
dd jw_offset("ifversion")
puts "ifversion" 'uses 3 dwords (0xc)
pad_align 4
dd 0
dd jw_offset("shard")
puts "shard" 'uses 2 dwords (0x8)
pad_align 4
'0x402028 - shard keywords
dd &h402034
dd jw_offset("shard_zero")
dd 0 'zero shard
dd &h402044
dd jw_offset("public")
puts "public" '0x8
pad_align 4
dd &h402054
'dd jw_offset("
writefile "quartz.exe"
puts "msgbox"
puts "This is a message, derp"
writefile "spark.q"
thunks = ""
dos_stub "Yes, I display a weird message when you run me in DOS, what are you going to do about it? Go bother some other windows executable. I don't have time for this."
exe_header "SL",&h1000,&h2000,&h2000,&h400,false
section "hurrdurr",&h400,&h1000,&h400,&h400,"code"
end_size = &h800
pad_until &h400
code_start = loc
data_start = &h800
mark "cmdpath"
puts "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe"
mark "derp"
puts "Derp Derp Derp"
mark "startupinfo"
dw 68
pad 64
pad_align 8
jw_import "kernel32.dll","CreateProcessA",&hd5
jw_import "kernel32.dll","ExitProcess",&h14f
jw_import "kernel32.dll","Sleep",&h550
jw_import "kernel32.dll","CreateThread",&he6
jw_import "kernel32.dll","WaitForSingleObject",&h5a9
jw_import "user32.dll","AttachThreadInput",&hd
jw_import "user32.dll","RegisterHotKey",&h2b0
jw_import "user32.dll","GetMessageA",&h173
jw_import "user32.dll","GetAsyncKeyState",&h000
jw_import "user32.dll","UnregisterHotKey",&h36c
jw_import "user32.dll","MapVirtualKeyA",&h24b
jw_import "user32.dll","keybd_event",&h399
jw_import "user32.dll","EnumWindows",&h102
jw_import "user32.dll","SetWindowPos",&h330
jw_import "user32.dll","GetForegroundWindow",&h147
jw_import "user32.dll","SetForegroundWindow",&h2f5
jw_import "user32.dll","GetWindowThreadProcessId",&h1d9
pad_align 8
push 0
pop edi
call_ "GetForegroundWindow"
push eax
sub_ esp,16
push esp
push jw_offset("startupinfo")
putc "WWWWWWW"
push jw_offset("cmdpath")
call_ "CreateProcessA"
mov_dword_ptr esp,8,0
mov_dword_ptr ebx,esp,0
mark "tryfind"
push esp
push &h12345678
EnumProc = loc-4
call_ "EnumWindows"
mov_dword_ptr esi,esp,8
cmp esi,0
je "tryfind"
add esp,16
mark "waitactive"
call_ "GetForegroundWindow"
cmp eax,esi
jne "waitactive"
putc "WW"
push &h85
push &h7a
push edi
push 2
push &h85
push &h7a
call_ "keybd_event"
call_ "keybd_event"
push 1
push &h29
call_ "MapVirtualKeyA"
push eax
push &h4000
putc "WW"
call_ "RegisterHotKey"
pop eax
sub_ esp,24
mov ebx,esp
push eax
mark "msgloop"
putc "WWW"
push ebx
call_ "Sleep"
pop eax
pop ecx
cmp eax,259
jne "exited"
push ebx
call_ "GetAsyncKeyState"
test eax,&h00008001
jz "conloopz"
'Tilde is pressed
test edi,2
jnz "conloop"
'Press Backspace
push 0
push 0
push &h0e
push 8
push 0
push 2
push &h0e
push 8
call_ "keybd_event"
call_ "keybd_event"
test edi,1
jz "open_window"
push eax
push &h4293
push 2
pop edi
jmp "closed_window"
mark "exited"
push ecx
call_ "ExitProcess"
mark "open_window"
call_ "GetForegroundWindow"
push eax
push &h4243
push 3
pop edi
mark "closed_window"
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push esi
call_ "SetWindowPos"
test edi,1
jnz "bringtofront"
pop eax
call_ "SetForegroundWindow"
longjmp "conloop"
mark "bringtofront"
push esi
call_ "SetForegroundWindow"
longjmp "conloop"
mark "EnumProc"
splice_d EnumProc,jw_offset("EnumProc")
pop ecx
pop eax
pop edx
push ecx
push eax
push edx
push 0
push eax
call_ "GetWindowThreadProcessId"
pop edx
mov_dword_ptr ecx,edx,12
cmp eax,ecx
je "found_it"
pop eax
push 1
pop eax
mark "found_it"
pop eax
mov_dword_ptr edx,8,eax
push 0
pop eax
splice_d code_size,loc-code_start
writefile "conbind.exe"
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