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Last active September 17, 2023 12:13
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List of Rust Compiler (rustc-1.49.0) Error Codes and their Compatibility with GCC-Rust

Error Codes emitted by rustc:

E0004 E0005 E0010 E0013 E0015 E0023 E0025 E0026 E0027 E0029 E0030 E0033 E0034 E0038 E0040 E0044 E0045 E0046 E0049 E0050 E0053 E0054 E0055 E0057 E0059 E0060 E0061 E0062 E0063 E0067 E0069 E0070 E0071 E0072 E0075 E0076 E0077 E0080 E0081 E0084 E0091 E0092 E0093 E0094 E0106 E0107 E0109 E0116 E0117 E0118 E0119 E0120 E0121 E0124 E0128 E0130 E0131 E0132 E0133 E0138 E0152 E0158 E0161 E0164 E0170 E0178 E0183 E0184 E0185 E0186 E0191 E0195 E0197 E0198 E0199 E0200 E0201 E0203 E0204 E0206 E0207 E0210 E0212 E0214 E0220 E0221 E0222 E0223 E0224 E0225 E0226 E0227 E0228 E0229 E0230 E0231 E0232 E0252 E0253 E0254 E0255 E0259 E0260 E0261 E0262 E0264 E0267 E0268 E0271 E0275 E0276 E0277 E0282 E0283 E0284 E0307 E0308 E0309 E0310 E0311 E0316 E0317 E0320 E0321 E0322 E0323 E0324 E0325 E0326 E0328 E0364 E0365 E0366 E0367 E0368 E0369 E0370 E0371 E0373 E0374 E0375 E0376 E0377 E0378 E0379 E0380 E0381 E0382 E0384 E0390 E0391 E0392 E0393 E0399 E0401 E0403 E0404 E0405 E0407 E0408 E0409 E0411 E0412 E0415 E0416 E0422 E0423 E0424 E0425 E0426 E0428 E0429 E0430 E0431 E0432 E0433 E0434 E0435 E0436 E0437 E0438 E0445 E0446 E0449 E0451 E0452 E0453 E0454 E0455 E0457 E0458 E0459 E0460 E0461 E0462 E0463 E0464 E0466 E0468 E0469 E0472 E0476 E0478 E0491 E0492 E0493 E0496 E0498 E0499 E0500 E0501 E0502 E0503 E0505 E0506 E0507 E0508 E0509 E0510 E0511 E0512 E0514 E0515 E0516 E0517 E0518 E0519 E0520 E0521 E0522 E0524 E0525 E0527 E0528 E0529 E0530 E0531 E0532 E0533 E0534 E0535 E0536 E0537 E0538 E0539 E0541 E0542 E0543 E0544 E0545 E0546 E0547 E0549 E0550 E0551 E0552 E0554 E0556 E0557 E0559 E0560 E0561 E0562 E0565 E0566 E0567 E0568 E0569 E0570 E0571 E0572 E0573 E0574 E0575 E0576 E0577 E0578 E0579 E0580 E0581 E0582 E0583 E0584 E0585 E0586 E0587 E0588 E0589 E0590 E0591 E0592 E0593 E0594 E0596 E0597 E0599 E0600 E0601 E0602 E0603 E0604 E0605 E0606 E0607 E0608 E0609 E0610 E0614 E0615 E0616 E0617 E0618 E0620 E0621 E0622 E0623 E0624 E0625 E0626 E0627 E0628 E0631 E0634 E0635 E0636 E0637 E0638 E0639 E0640 E0641 E0642 E0643 E0644 E0646 E0647 E0648 E0657 E0658 E0659 E0666 E0667 E0670 E0689 E0690 E0691 E0692 E0693 E0695 E0696 E0697 E0698 E0699 E0700 E0701 E0703 E0704 E0705 E0706 E0708 E0710 E0711 E0712 E0713 E0714 E0715 E0716 E0717 E0718 E0719 E0720 E0722 E0724 E0725 E0726 E0727 E0728 E0729 E0730 E0731 E0732 E0733 E0734 E0735 E0736 E0737 E0739 E0740 E0741 E0742 E0743 E0744 E0745 E0746 E0747 E0748 E0749 E0750 E0751 E0752 E0753 E0754 E0755 E0756 E0757 E0758 E0761 E0762 E0763 E0764 E0765 E0766 E0767 E0768 E0769 E0770 E0771 E0773 E0774 E0775 E0776 E0777 E0778 E0779 E0780 E0781 E0782 E0783 E0784 E0785 E0786 E0787 E0788 E0789 E0790 E0791 E0792 E0793 E0794

gccrs error code support 🦀

There are some errors which are not longer emitted by rustc-1.49.0.

Error code Is Emitted by rustc-1.49.0 Is Error generated by gccrs Error support in gccrs Description
E0001 No Yes Issue Unreachable Pattern in Match Statement
E0002 No No - Empty Match Expression on Non-Empty Type
E0004 Yes No Issue Non-Exhaustive Patterns: Matching Error
E0005 Yes Yes Issue Patterns used to bind names must be irrefutable, that is, they must guarantee that a name will be extracted in all cases.
E0007 No Yes No cannot bind by-move with sub-bindings
E0010 Yes Yes No allocations are not allowed in constants
E0015 Yes Yes Yes A non-const function was called in a const context.
E0023 Yes Yes Yes Incorrect Number of Fields in Pattern Extraction
E0026 Yes Yes Yes Non-Existent Field Extraction in Struct Pattern also need to refactor this
E0027 Yes Yes Yes A pattern for a struct fails to specify a sub-pattern for every one of the struct's fields.
E0029 Yes Yes No Non-Comparable Range Error (Something other than numbers and characters has been used for a range)
E0030 Yes No - Empty Range Pattern Error
E0033 Yes Yes No A trait type has been dereferenced (Internal Compile error in gccrs)
E0034 Yes Yes Yes Issue Issue-Fix Ambiguous Method Call Error - more than one method has the same prototype
E0038 Yes Yes No - Issue Traits that are declared as Trait: Sized or which otherwise inherit a constraint of Self:Sized are not object-safe.
E0040 Yes Yes No Explicit use of destructor method
E0044 Yes No Issue Type or Const Parameters Not Allowed on Foreign Items
E0045 Yes No Yes - Issue Variadic Parameters Used on Non-C ABI Function
E0046 Yes Yes Yes Missing Items in Trait Implementation - Issue
E0049 Yes Yes No An attempted implementation of a trait method has the wrong number of type or const parameters - Error Link
E0050 Yes Yes No An attempted implementation of a trait method has the wrong number of function parameters - godbolt-link]( - [gccrs error - rustc fine`
E0053 Yes Yes Yes The parameters of any trait method must match between a trait implementation and the trait definition - method 'x' has an incompatible type for trait 'y'
E0054 Yes Yes Yes Invalid Cast of Integer to Bool
E0055 Yes Yes No - need review Recursion Limit Exceeded
E0057 Yes Yes Issue An invalid number of arguments was given when calling a closure - compiler-explorer
E0059 Yes Yes No Incorrect Usage of Angle-Bracket Notation in Function Traits - (Failed to resolve type path error)
E0060 Yes Yes No Variadic Function Requires Minimum Number of Arguments - (likewise same as failed to resolve type path in this scope)
E0061 Yes Yes Yes Invalid number of arguments was passed when calling a function - unexpected number of arguments x expected y
E0062 Yes Yes Issue A struct's or struct-like enum variant's field was specified more than once.
E0063 Yes Yes Yes - Missing-Location-info-ISSUE - no-fields-in-constructor Missing Field in Struct or Struct-like Enum Variant - constructor is missing fields
E0069 Yes Yes No - Work on this later Mismatch between function return type & the value being returned
E0070 Yes Yes Yes - Issue An assignment operator was used on a non-place expression.
E0071 Yes Yes No - Work on this later A structure-literal syntax was used to create an item that is not a structure or enum variant.
E0072 Yes Yes No - Work on this later A recursive type has infinite size because it doesn't have an indirection.
E0073 Yes Yes No - Work on this later You cannot define a struct (or enum) Foo that requires an instance of Foo in order to make a new Foo value.
E0074 Yes Yes No - Work on this later -smid feature When using the #[simd] attribute on a tuple struct, the components of the tuple struct must all be of a concrete, nongeneric type so the compiler can reason about how to use SIMD with them.
E0075 Yes Yes No - Work on this later - simd macro error A #[simd] attribute was applied to an empty tuple struct.
E0076 Yes Yes No - Work on this later - simd macro error All types in a tuple struct aren't the same when using the #[simd] attribute.
E0077 Yes Yes No - Work on this later - simd macro error A tuple struct's element isn't a machine type when using the #[simd] attribute.
E0080 Yes Yes No -Issue-link A constant value failed to get evaluated.
E0081 Yes Yes No A discriminant value is present more than once.
E0093 Yes Yes Yes An unknown intrinsic function was declared.
E0107 Yes Yes Yes An incorrect number of generic arguments was provided.
E0116 Yes Yes NO - Internal compile Error An inherent implementation was defined for a type outside the current crate.
E0124 Yes Yes Yes A struct was declared with two fields having the same name.
E0133 Yes Yes Yes Unsafe code was used outside of an unsafe function or block.
E0164 Yes Yes No - Issue Something which is neither a tuple struct nor a tuple variant was used as a pattern.
E0184 Yes Yes ICE - Issue the trait Copy may not be implemented for this type; the type has a destructor
E0229 Yes Yes Yes Associated Type Binding Outside of Type Parameter Declaration and Where Clause
E0267 Yes Yes Issue A loop keyword (break or continue) was used inside a closure but outside of any loop.
E0268 Yes Yes Yes A loop keyword (break or continue) was used outside of a loop.
E0271 Yes Yes Yes A type mismatched an associated type of a trait.
E0277 Yes Yes Yes Type Does Not Implement Expected Trait - the type [{integer}] cannot be indexed by u32
E0282 Yes Yes Yes The compiler could not infer a type and asked for a type annotation.
E0303 No Yes No - Added as subtask on #2509 pattern bindings are not allowed after an @
E0308 Yes Yes Yes array-case Expected type did not match the received type.
E0323 Yes Yes Yes An associated const was implemented when another trait item was expected.
E0324 Yes Yes Issue - No A method was implemented when another trait item was expected.
E0380 Yes Yes Yes An auto trait was declared with a method or an associated item.
E0390 Yes No Issue No (Raise issue- A method or constant was implemented on a primitive type.
E0391 Yes Yes Yes A type dependency cycle has been encountered.
E0404 Yes Yes ICE - Issue A type that is not a trait was used in a trait position, such as a bound or impl.
E0412 Yes Yes Yes A used type name is not in scope.
E0423 Yes Yes Yes - Issue An identifier was used like a function name or a value was expected and the identifier exists but it belongs to a different namespace.
E0425 Yes Yes Yes Use of unresolved name
E0426 Yes Yes Yes An undeclared label was used.
E0431 Yes Yes Issue - No An invalid self import was made.
E0433 Yes Yes Yes Failed to resolve. Use of Undeclared Crate, Module, or Type
E0532 Yes Yes Yes Arm Does Not Match Expected Kind - expected tuple struct or tuple variant, found struct variant
E0534 Yes Yes Yes The inline attribute was malformed.
E0535 Yes Yes Yes An unknown argument was given to the inline attribute.
E0541 Yes Yes Yes An unknown meta item was used.
E0554 Yes Yes No Feature attributes are only allowed on the nightly release channel.
E0571 Yes Yes Yes A break statement with an argument appeared in a non-loop loop.
E0572 Yes Yes YES Issue (ICE) A return statement was found outside of a function body.
E0573 Yes Yes Issue Yes Something other than a type has been used when one was expected.
E0592 Yes Yes Yes This error occurs when you defined methods or associated functions with same name.
E0599 Yes Yes Yes This error occurs when a method is used on a type which doesn't implement it:
E0601 Yes Yes ICE - Issue No main function was found in a binary crate.
E0603 Yes Yes Yes Use of private item outside scope
E0604 Yes Yes Yes A cast to char was attempted on a type other than u8
E0605 Yes Yes Need Rust standad library Yes An invalid cast was attempted.
E0606 Yes Yes Yes An incompatible cast was attempted.
E0607 Yes Yes No Need rust sl A cast between a thin and a fat pointer was attempted.
E0617 Yes Yes Yes Attempted to pass an invalid type of variable into a variadic function.
E0618 Yes Yes No Attempted to call something which isn't a function nor a method.
E0620 Yes Yes Yes A cast to an unsized type was attempted.
E0623 Yes Yes No - Need rust sl A lifetime didn't match what was expected.
E0635 Yes Yes Yes The #![feature] attribute specified an unknown feature.
E0641 Yes Yes No - Need rust sl Attempted to cast to/from a pointer with an unknown kind.
E0658 Yes Yes Yes mut-ref Top level patterns in le experssion An unstable feature was used
E0703 Yes Yes [Yes] Invalid ABI (Application Binary Interface) used in the code.
E0720 Yes Yes ICE - Issue An impl Trait type expands to a recursive type.
E0753 Yes Yes Yes An inner doc comment was used in an invalid context.
E0769 Yes Yes Yes A tuple struct or tuple variant was used in a pattern as if it were a struct or struct variant.
E0781 Yes Yes No - Need rust sl The C-cmse-nonsecure-call ABI can only be used with function pointers.

* Author : Mahad
* Created : Jul-26-2023 15:26:59 compiler/rustc_error_codes/src/error_codes/
# This is get the error codes from rustc source code, and getting the codes, in nicely format
# This code is probably not the best code, but it's working fine
import os
import re
def check_file_for_sentence(file_path, sentence):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
content =
return sentence not in content
def find_files_without_sentence(directory, sentence):
non_matching_files = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.lower().endswith(".md"):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
if check_file_for_sentence(file_path, sentence):
return non_matching_files
def find_files_with_sentence(directory, sentence):
matching_files = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.lower().endswith(".md"):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
if not check_file_for_sentence(file_path, sentence):
return matching_files
def create_url(error_code):
# return "" % error_code
# returning file with this format: [`E0139`](
# str = "" % error_code
# return "[`%s`](%s)" % (error_code, str)
return "[`%s`](" % (error_code, error_code)
# return f"[`{error_code}`]({error_code}.html)"
if __name__ == "__main__":
target_directory = "/home/mahad/Desktop/rust/compiler/rustc_error_codes/src/error_codes/"
sentence_to_check = "#### Note: this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler."
non_matching_files = find_files_without_sentence(target_directory, sentence_to_check)
matching_files = find_files_with_sentence(target_directory, sentence_to_check)
output_all_files = open("output_all_files.txt", "w")
# if not non_matching_files:
# if non_matching_files:
print("All files contain the sentence.")
for file_path in matching_files:
# print(file_path)
print(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", ""))
output_all_files.write(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "") + "\n")
print("Files without the sentence:")
for file_path in non_matching_files:
# print(file_path)
# printing name of file without extension like E0001
print(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", ""))
output_all_files.write(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "") + "\n")
# print(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path))
# print(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path))
print("Total files:", len(non_matching_files) + len(matching_files))
print("Files without the sentence:", len(non_matching_files))
print("Files with the sentence:", len(matching_files))
# Sorting output files
output_all_files = open("output_all_files.txt", "r")
lines = output_all_files.readlines()
output_all_files = open("output_all_files.txt", "w")
# storing this output in a file in sorted order
output_file_with_sentence = open("output_file_with_sentence.txt", "w")
output_file_without_sentence = open("output_file_without_sentence.txt", "w")
for file_path in matching_files:
output_file_with_sentence.write(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "") + "\n")
for file_path in non_matching_files:
output_file_without_sentence.write(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "") + "\n")
# Sorting the files
output_file_with_sentence = open("output_file_with_sentence.txt", "r")
output_file_without_sentence = open("output_file_without_sentence.txt", "r")
lines = output_file_with_sentence.readlines()
output_file_with_sentence = open("output_file_with_sentence.txt", "w")
lines = output_file_without_sentence.readlines()
output_file_without_sentence = open("output_file_without_sentence.txt", "w")
# Add comment to error code output_all_files, if the error code is in output_file_with_sentence
output_all_files = open("output_all_files.txt", "r")
output_file_with_sentence = open("output_file_with_sentence.txt", "r")
# output_file_without_sentence = open("output_file_without_sentence.txt", "r")
lines = output_all_files.readlines()
lines_with_sentence = output_file_with_sentence.readlines()
# lines_without_sentence = output_file_without_sentence.readlines()
output_map = open("output_map.txt", "w")
output_case = open("output_case.txt", "w") # add each line of this format "case ErrorCode::E0001: return "E0001";"
output_macro = open("output_macro.txt", "w") # for converting 0001 to string
# To print in this format "TABLE_LINE(line)," ignoring the 'E'
# add each line of this format "{ErrorCode::E0001, "E0001"},\n" to output_map.txt
for line in lines:
output_map.write("{ErrorCode::" + line.replace("\n", "") + ", \"" + line.replace("\n", "") + "\"},\n")
output_case.write("case ErrorCode::" + line.replace("\n", "") + ": return \"" + line.replace("\n", "") + "\";\n")
# output_macro.write("TABLE_LINE(" + line.replace("E", "").replace("\n", "") + "),\n")
output_macro.write("TABLE_TO_MAP(" + line.replace("\n", "") + "),\n")
# output_maco_include.write("ERROR(" + line.replace("\n", "") + "),\n")
output_all_files = open("output_all_files.txt", "w")
output_file_with_sentence = open("output_file_with_sentence.txt", "w")
# output_file_without_sentence = open("output_file_without_sentence.txt", "w")
output_maco_include = open("output_maco_include.txt", "w") # ERROR( ),
for line in lines:
if line in lines_with_sentence:
output_all_files.write(line.replace("\n", "") + ", // this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler\n")
output_maco_include.write("ERROR(" + line.replace("E","").replace("\n", "") + "), // this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler\n")
output_all_files.write(line.replace("\n", "") + ",\n")
output_maco_include.write("ERROR(" + line.replace("E","").replace("\n", "")+ "),\n")
# for line in lines_with_sentence:
# output_file_with_sentence.write(line)
# for line in lines_without_sentence:
# output_file_without_sentence.write(line)
output_file_with_sentence_markdown = open("", "w")
output_file_without_sentence_markdown = open("", "w")
for file_path in matching_files:
output_file_with_sentence_markdown.write(create_url(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "")) + "\n")
for file_path in non_matching_files:
# output_file_without_sentence_markdown.write(create_url(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "")) + "\n")
# Appending "- [ ]" to each line
output_file_without_sentence_markdown.write("- [ ] " + create_url(re.sub(target_directory, "", file_path).replace(".md", "")) + "\n")
# sorting the files and converting them to url
output_file_with_sentence_markdown = open("", "r")
output_file_without_sentence_markdown = open("", "r")
lines = output_file_with_sentence_markdown.readlines()
# convering each code to url
# for i in range(len(lines)):
# lines[i] = create_url(lines[i].replace("\n", "")) + "\n"
output_file_with_sentence_markdown = open("", "w")
lines = output_file_without_sentence_markdown.readlines()
# for i in range(len(lines)):
# lines[i] = create_url(lines[i].replace("\n", "")) + "\n"
output_file_without_sentence_markdown = open("", "w")
### For my final report
input_filename = "output_file_without_sentence.txt"
output_filename = "output_file_with_extension.txt"
# Reading the input file and process each line
with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
lines = input_file.readlines()
# Appending ".md" extension to each line and write to the output file
with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file:
for line in lines:
line = line.strip() # Remove any leading/trailing whitespace
if line: # Skip empty lines
new_line = f"{line}.md\n"
print("File extensions appended successfully.")
# # Second step
# input_filename = "output_file_with_extension.txt"
# output_filename = "output_results.txt"
# with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
# filenames = input_file.readlines()
# with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file:
# for filename in filenames:
# filename = filename.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace
# if filename:
# try:
# with open(filename, 'r') as content_file:
# content_lines = content_file.readlines()
# # Find the first non-empty lines
# non_empty_lines = []
# for line in content_lines:
# if line.strip(): # Non-empty line
# non_empty_lines.append(line)
# else: # Empty line encountered
# break
# output_file.write(f'The output of {filename} is:\n')
# for line in non_empty_lines:
# output_file.write(line)
# except FileNotFoundError:
# output_file.write(f'File {filename} not found.\n')
# output_file.write('\n') # Separate entries
# print("Output written successfully.")
# Third step
input_filename = ""
with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
lines = input_file.readlines()
file_urls = {}
for line in lines:
if "[ ]" in line:
filename_start = line.find("`")
filename_end = line.find("`", filename_start + 1)
if filename_start != -1 and filename_end != -1:
filename = line[filename_start + 1:filename_end]
url_start = line.find("https://")
url_end = line.find(".html")
if url_start != -1 and url_end != -1:
url = line[url_start:url_end + len(".html")]
file_urls[filename] = url
# Second step - Append file content to corresponding lines in the markdown file
for filename, url in file_urls.items():
md_filename = filename + ".md"
with open(md_filename, 'r') as content_file:
content_lines = content_file.readlines()
non_empty_lines = []
for line in content_lines:
if line.strip():
output_line = f'- [ ] [`{filename}`]({url})\n - **Error Description:** '
for line in non_empty_lines:
output_line += line
# Find the line number corresponding to the current filename
line_number = next(i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if filename in line)
lines[line_number] = output_line
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f'File {md_filename} not found.')
# Write the updated lines back to the markdown file
updated_input_filename = ""
with open(updated_input_filename, 'w') as updated_input_file:
print("Updated markdown file created successfully.")
Copy link

E0407 - E0324 - E0438 - E0323

Copy link

Useful debugging statement:

printf("\nThis is line %d of file %s (function %s) \n", __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__ );

Copy link

Failed to resolve type path

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