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Created November 28, 2021 16:14
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Fluent ComputedField
Use Case:
@ComputedField(key: "someKey", onSet: { transfromValue($0) })
var someVar: Foo
import FluentKit
extension Fields {
typealias ComputedField<Value> = ComputedFieldProperty<Self, Value>
where Value: Codable
// MARK: Type
final class ComputedFieldProperty<Model, Value>
where Model: FluentKit.Fields, Value: Codable
public let key: FieldKey
var outputValue: Value?
var inputValue: DatabaseQuery.Value?
let onSet: (Value) -> Value
public var projectedValue: ComputedFieldProperty<Model, Value> {
public var wrappedValue: Value {
get {
guard let value = self.value else {
fatalError("Cannot access field before it is initialized or fetched: \(self.key)")
return value
set {
self.value = onSet(newValue)
public init(key: String, onSet: @escaping (Value) -> (Value)) {
self.key = FieldKey(key)
self.onSet = onSet
public init<T>(key: T, onSet: @escaping (Value) -> (Value))
where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String {
self.key = .init(stringLiteral: key.rawValue)
self.onSet = onSet
extension ComputedFieldProperty: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
"@\(Model.self).Field<\(Value.self)>(key: \(self.key))"
// MARK: Property
extension ComputedFieldProperty: AnyProperty { }
extension ComputedFieldProperty: Property {
public var value: Value? {
get {
if let value = self.inputValue {
switch value {
case .bind(let bind):
return bind as? Value
case .enumCase(let string):
return string as? Value
case .default:
fatalError("Cannot access default field for '\(Model.self).\(key)' before it is initialized or fetched")
fatalError("Unexpected input value type for '\(Model.self).\(key)': \(value)")
} else if let value = self.outputValue {
return value
} else {
return nil
set {
self.inputValue = { .bind($0) }
// MARK: Queryable
extension ComputedFieldProperty: AnyQueryableProperty {
public var path: [FieldKey] {
extension ComputedFieldProperty: QueryableProperty { }
// MARK: Database
extension ComputedFieldProperty: AnyDatabaseProperty {
public var keys: [FieldKey] {
public func input(to input: DatabaseInput) {
if let inputValue = self.inputValue {
input.set(inputValue, at: self.key)
public func output(from output: DatabaseOutput) throws {
if output.contains(self.key) {
self.inputValue = nil
do {
self.outputValue = try output.decode(self.key, as: Value.self)
} catch {
throw FluentError.invalidField(
name: self.key.description,
valueType: Value.self,
error: error
// MARK: Codable
extension ComputedFieldProperty: AnyCodableProperty {
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(self.wrappedValue)
public func decode(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
if let valueType = Value.self as? FluentKit.AnyOptionalType.Type {
// Hacks for supporting optionals in @Field.
// Using @OptionalField is preferred moving forward.
if container.decodeNil() {
self.wrappedValue = (valueType.nil as! Value)
} else {
self.wrappedValue = try container.decode(Value.self)
} else {
self.wrappedValue = try container.decode(Value.self)
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