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Last active November 18, 2021 22:02
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useful unix command for beginners to work in remote server
# This gist contains unix command useful for beginners who started working in remote server for their project.
# machine: Ubuntu 16.04
### Connection
# connecting to a remote system using SSH (Secure Shell)
ssh <remote_host>
# for different username on the remote system
ssh <user_name@remote_host>
# adding new user to sudo group
sudo adduser <user_name> sudo
# if X11 forwarding is enabled on both computers, GUI of remote system can be opened on local system
ssh -X <remote_host>
# for opening remote GUI install package "caja"
sudo apt-get install caja
# for connection closed (logout)
# if you server machine doesn't have any static IP then do the following
# make an account
# if you don't have ssh then install
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
ssh <user_name@remote_host>
### Secure Copy
# for secure copying file from your local host to remote server
scp <your_local_file.txt> <user_name@remot_server:/your/remote/directory>
# for secure copying file from remote server to your local host
scp <user_name@remot_server:your_remote_file.txt> </your/local/directory>
### Working in FTP Server
## (easy_way) using FileZilla
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'
# install the key, to trust Ubuntu that the packages is from
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - repository
# now install ftp clients
sudo apt install filezilla
## (using ftp command) useful when work remotely worked on a server over an SSH session
# establishing an FTP connection
ftp <>
# downloading files from FTP server
lcd </your/local/directory>
get <remote_files>
# downloading several files form server (for example: xls files)
mget *.xls
# uploading files with ftp server
put /path/file
# uploading several files on ftp server
mput *.xls
# closing ftp connection
### Handling Large Data
# splitting large file into small parts is useful when the file is too large or upload speed is too slow
# compress the file with tarball archiver
tar -czvf <archive_name.tar.gz> </path/to/folder>
# compress the file with of tar.xz file
tar -xf <archive_name.tar.xz> </path/to/folder>
# split up file archive into small parts (5G).
split -b 5G <archive-name.tar.gz> <"parts-">
# joining files
cat parts-* > folder
### keep processes running on remote server after ending ssh session
# using nohup command
nohup process_running_commnad > filename.txt 2>&1 &
# "2>&1" for standard error writing and last "&" for disown
# for killing nohup
kill -9 PID
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