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Created September 9, 2013 15:11
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Ansible Ec2 Module Error log
% ansible-playbook playbook/ec2.yml -vv [~]
PLAY [Create a cluster] *******************************************************
TASK: [Launch instance] *******************************************************
<> REMOTE_MODULE ec2 instance_type=m1.large image=ami-811a9b80 keypair=xxxx group=sample wait=yes region=ap-northeast-1 zone=ap-northeast-1a count=3
failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false}
invalid output was: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1378695316.35-71184160592438/ec2", line 1526, in <module>
File "/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1378695316.35-71184160592438/ec2", line 589, in main
(instance_dict_array, new_instance_ids, changed) = create_instances(module, ec2)
File "/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1378695316.35-71184160592438/ec2", line 427, in create_instances
res = ec2.run_instances(**params)
TypeError: run_instances() got an unexpected keyword argument 'instance_profile_name'
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/ansible/ec2.retry
localhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
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