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Created January 2, 2019 09:45
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Best way to increment of 1 in python?
# recursive abacus
def inc(x,n=0): return inc(x^(1<<n),inc(0,n)) if x&(1<<n) else x|x^(1<<n)
# there are 10 type of coders ...
lambda i: i++ (lambda j: j()**j())(type(i)) #halike
# dyslexia
lambda i: (sum(range(x))*2)/x # decrement #halike
# it's all about the context
lambda i: 2*i-(sum(range(i))*2)/i # banermatt
# mapreducing
lambda i: __import__('functools').partial(i.__add__, 1)() #halike
# identity crisis
lambda i: i+(i is i) # SFJulie1 (kind of) #halike
# be real
lambda i: int((x-1j**2).real) #halike
lambda i: int(__import__("os").popen("perl -e'++($a=%d)&&print$a'"%i).read()) # SFJulie1
# Delegation aka someone may know the answer by SciK
lambda i: int(__import__("os").popen("perl -e'use Inline C=>q[int incr(int i){return i-~0^0;}];print incr %d'" % i).read())
lambda i: int((lambda x: x('subprocess').check_output([x('sys').executable, '-c', 'print %d++1'%i])))(__import__) #halike
# inchworm on a stick
lambda i:-~i # Brian
# regexp is a turing complete machine
lambda i: len(__import__('re').sub('(.)$', '\\1\\1', '1'*i)) #lost-theory (does not work on 0)
#tempis fugit
lambda i: i-(lambda t: int(t.time()-(t.sleep(1),t.time())[1]))(__import__('time'))
# being partial by willm
lambda i:__import__('itertools').dropwhile(lambda m:m==i, __import__('itertools').count(i)).next()
# pushing to the max
lambda i: next(j for j in range(__import__('sys').maxint) if j > i) # nivertius
#might work by flowblok
lambda i: i+int(round(__import__('random').random()))
# the choice of a GNU generation by sonwell
lambda i: ((lambda rec, i, A, n: rec(rec, i, A, n))(lambda rec, i, A, n: A if i == 0 else i + abs(i - ((i > -1) - (i < 0)) * rec(rec, abs(i) - 1, A * n, n + 1) / abs(i)), i, 1, 2))
#nothing compares to U by cecedille1 (and sinnead O'connors)
lambda u:cmp(u,0) * len(xrange(-1 , i, cmp(u,0) ) ) if u else 1
# it's a kind of magic by ceceddile1
lambda i:(1).__radd__(i)
# the neighbour of the beast by fabzter & samus_
addition = lambda i: int((str(i)[:-1] + {'0': '1', '1': '2', '2': '3', '3': '4', '4': '5', '5': '6', '6': '7', '7': '8', '8': '9'}[str(i)[-1]] if str(i)[-1] in {'0': '1', '1': '2', '2': '3', '3': '4', '4': '5', '5': '6', '6': '7', '7': '8', '8': '9'} else str(addition(int(str(i)[:-1])) if str(i)[:-1] else '1') + '0') if str(i) else '1')
# cloud computing by hhh333
lambda n:float(__import__('re').findall("%d.?\d* \+ 1 = (\d+\.?\d*)"%n,__import__('requests').get("", params=dict(q="%f+1"%n)).text)[0])
# In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. by gtr053
lambda x:float(raw_input("Pretty please enter the result of %f + 1: "%x))
# pseudomenon : defeats the truth swapping trick True,False=False,True
lambda x: x+(True if True else False)
# polyglot by Book mod SFJulie1
q = 0 or """ #=;$A=41;sub A { ~-$A+2}; q' """
A=lambda A: -~A #';
print A(41) # python + perl = <3
# se(ct|x)ually amibuous by Brian
lambda i: __import__('bisect').bisect(xrange(__import__('sys').maxint), i)
# reddit link -
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